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All in (One- shot in english)

In retrospect, Tom has to say that it most likely started with the whispers. That’s the one thing he’s almost sure of.

The evening had started out relatively well; it had even started really good, he had to agree. It had been Bill’s idea, after all.

Halloween party. It was too good a chance to pass up for his little brother... It had been pretty much the first possible date for a night out, and it so happened to be Halloween; and, well...

Ever since that first try, Bill had dreamed of dressing up like a vampire, again. Really dress up. Custom made fangs, stunning make-up, overly-expensive and appropriately stunning costume... Now that he had the means for such an outfit (and a grateful record company that paid for that particular party), there simply had been no way he could have resisted.

And, oh, had it been worth it. Even though at the time, Tom had cursed the whole evening to hell and back.


Tom impatiently waited for their drinks, happy that the initial hubbub about their entrance had finally died down. Not that he minded the attention, but not being able to move an inch at your own party was quite the bore after a while.

He flashed the sexy female bartender a suitable pirate-y smirk and accepted his and his vampiric brother’s drinks - Bill’s being of course dark red.

When weaving his way through the crowd, he could see where Bill must have been at, because of the people surrounding him. This was not really unusual, Bill always attracted people. Except that this time, he pulled them in like a flame the moths... And this was what they felt like to Tom, today: annoying insects. Today, he had absolutely no tolerance for it, and the silent anger growing in the pit of his stomach almost scared even him.

He very nearly spilled the drinks several times, before he could hand Bill his and take his vigil, as he had come to think of it, beside his apparently alluring twin.

“Thank you, Captain,” Bill said, giving Tom a fanged smile.

Tom couldn’t help but smile back and sipped his drink. “So... where did the two good guys go?”

It had pleased Tom greatly that he could tease Georg and Gustav about being the good guys, while he and Bill were somewhere on the darker side of the scale, therefore making them something much more interesting, in his not so humble opinion.

The first time he had said it, Gustav had merely raised an eyebrow and claimed that the first damsel in distress was definitely the noble knight’s to rescue and not the pirate’s.

“Who said anything about rescuing?” Tom had shot back, waggling his eyebrows and giving his piercing a twist with his tongue.

Bill giggled in his drink. “Georg probably offers some woman a ride on his light sabre,” he said, making Tom laugh. “Not sure where Gustav headed off to, though.”

God, I’d lick the cream filling out of him...

Tom almost choked on his drink, blinked and stared at the woman ogling Bill. That was... fucking direct. Bill didn’t seem fazed, at all.

“You okay?” Bill asked with a frown.

“Uh...” Nobody reacted. And he was pretty sure that somebody would have, had that... harlot actually said that, no matter how hot Bill looked in his outfit. “Nothing.”

Bill smiled a coy, little smile. “Didn’t you learn how to swallow, properly?” He flashed his eyelashes at him.

I’d most certainly swallow...

Tom froze. Thankfully, he wasn’t drinking this time. Unfortunately, this time, he caught the woman while uttering the last part of the sentence, and her lips didn’t move... Her eyes were sparkling and her pupils definitely a bit dilated... but she didn’t say a word.

She did, however, inch closer to his brother. “That costume suits you so well...” she crooned.

Bill smiled at her. “Thank you.” Then he teasingly bit his lips. “You have a very nice neck, too.”

She blushed and giggled. “I’d definitely let you bite me...” And then let you f**k me within an inch of my life, and...

“Bill!” Tom grabbed his brother by the arm.

Bill appeared startled.

“Uh... Can I talk to you for a second?” He didn’t wait for an answer and dragged Bill out of the crowd and into a corner.

More and more whispers were added to the first and followed them... Tom was starting to really freak out.

Wouldn’t mind having a go at both of them... They look edible together... He’s so gorgeous... Don’t take him away... Beautiful...

By the time he had his little brother in a more or less secluded part at the side of the bar, his eyes darted around, which must have looked somewhat paranoid.

“Tom...?” There was a certain hesitancy in Bill’s voice. “Are you okay?”

Tom’s head swivelled around, his eyes wide. “I... I’m not sure. I think I’m drunker than I thought.”

Bill lightly touched his arm and rubbed up and down, realising that something was seriously wrong, if Tom acted like this. “Are you sick? Dizzy? You were only at your second drink...”

Tom shook his head, trying to dislodge the voices that clung to him like a sticky spider’s web around his brain.
“I think I’m going mad... Can’t you hear anything?” he asked his twin, practically begging.

Bill blinked. “Hear? What do you mean?”

I’d tap that pirate’s ass...

Tom visibly flinched at that. “The voices.” The moment he said it, he knew that it must have sounded more than weird. “I think I can...” He bit his lips, shifted nervously and rushed out: “I think I can hear other people’s thoughts.”

Bill stared at him sceptically. “What?”

“I can’t... I don’t...” He turned towards the crowd, again.

Tom’s state of mind seemed to trigger something in Bill, making him believe that this was no joke, and he blanched.
Oh, God. Can he hear mine?

Tom, who had been eyeing a waiter with a particularly graphic image revolving around both him and Bill, snapped his head around and stared at Bill with wide eyes. “What did you just say?”

“Nothing.” Nonono, please...

“You’re not telling me something.” Tom went from freaked out to focused in mere moments. His brother didn’t want him to know something. Something... personal, maybe?

Don’t let him see. Anything but that. Bill forced himself to calm down. “You’re imagining things.”

“And you’re a horrible liar, baby brother.”

Bill still desperately tried to decide whether Tom actually could hear him or not. Don’t...

“Don’t what?” Tom shot back, deadpan.

“Oh, God!” Bill stumbled, and Tom immediately grabbed his elbow and dragged him out of the room and into the corridor.

Tom leaned Bill against a wall; by now his brother had begun to shake like a leaf. “Breathe...” He looked left and right, but the downside of being alone was that there was nobody to help. “Jesus, Bill! It’s just me!” He took a hold of his brother’s slim shoulders and shook him, once.

I KNOW. That’s the POINT!

The buzzy edge the thoughts had had in the room full of people was now completely gone, and every syllable was crystal clear to Tom.

Block thoughts, block thoughts... How do you block thoughts, again? There was that silly horror movie... I know! A WALL!

“Ouch!” Tom took a step back, and his hand shot to his head when the image of a solid brick wall practically hit him in the head. “What was that for?” he demanded.

Bill flinched, but kept hiding behind his mental barrier. “What the hell is going on?” This was beyond weird, this was fucking freaky!

Tom shrugged and rubbed his temple. “Dunno. We’re on a TV show and this is the Halloween special?” He shook his head helplessly.
But there was something else in that situation that weighed heavier to him than the weirdness. “Bill...?”

Some small crumbs were falling out of thin cracks in the wall at the soft tone, and Bill took a step back. “What?”

“Can’t you... tell me everything?” Mind reading was one thing, but this felt worse. “I thought you could.”

“Don’t ask me, please.” Don’t be so nice.

Tom blinked. “Billi?” He reached for his brother and brushed his fingers against the other’s arm.

Bill shuddered and closed his eyes. “Don’t touch me.” Touch me.

Tom could see something glow through a gap in the wall and his eyes widened. Never in his life had he seen something so bright…

When Bill realised what it was that he had let slip through, he closed his eyes and let tears and the wall fall.
“Don’t hate me,” was the desperate, whispered plea, interrupted by a hiccup. His thoughts matched his words perfectly, this time.

There was no mistaking what Bill had been trying to hide, anymore. But even though Tom now had seen what kind of touches his brother longed for and dreamed of, there was no way he could have denied him comfort, no matter how conflicting his own emotions were.
He stepped forward and pulled his twin in a hug. “Don’t be stupid. I couldn’t hate you.” Bill shook in his arms. “Sometimes you annoy the heck out of me, but I love you.”

Bill choked a laugh between silent sobs, which was what Tom had been trying to accomplish. Bill without a smile wasn’t Bill.

It was both frightening and wonderful to feel Bill’s emotions practically swamp him. It was warm and bright and intense... just like his brother.

Everything I am... That was what Bill had always been. And now, standing within the love and the fear radiating from his little brother, Tom had a hard time distinguishing between his feelings and those of his twin. All he knew was that the fear had no place there. Fear was wrong. Love was right.
That thought should have scared him, but the love wouldn’t let him.

Tom took a hold of Bill’s shoulders and lifted his brother’s head so that he could look at him. He had to smile at the smeared make-up. It wasn’t that bad, considering... and he wiped away a smudge with his thumb.

He didn’t know what it was, but he must have done something... because suddenly, Bill’s eyes widened and he returned the smile.

I can hear you.

Tom blinked. It was kind of freaky and kind of cool... but if Bill could hear him, it also meant that he could feel him. And seeing how just now he didn’t know where his feelings ended and Bill’s began, or if there was a difference at all, this was a very confusing and frightening idea.

Bill just smiled a little wistfully. Fear doesn’t belong between us. And I don’t care what becomes of us, as long as you don’t stop being my twin. My Tomi.

There was longing, now, bittersweet longing. But whose was it? Tom didn’t know, and frankly, he didn’t really care, anymore, either.

Slowly, as if afraid to disturb their moment in each other’s thoughts as it should always have been, he inched closer. At first, it was no more than a graze of lips, but it made Bill whimper and their eyes close.

Tom brushed Bill’s lips with his tongue, before they even properly kissed; but the current of electricity that shot from him to his brother and back again, mingling into one overwhelming sensation of rightness, made them melt together, hands unsure of what to do and where to hold, but the mouths instinctively answering the love burning between them.

Even the last bit of sound of the party, muffled by the closed door, was fading beneath the roaring in their ears and the loud beats of their hearts.

When Bill ripped off Tom’s pirate hat, he accidentally hit the parrot strapped to the shoulder of his jacket and it squeaked, making them both laugh. The heavy uncertainty that had still been hanging over them, lifted like the morning fog with the first rays of the sun, and they shared little kisses between small laughs that bubbled from them, for a moment believing that maybe it could be okay, after all.

After what seemed like no more than long minutes, the laughs and kisses slowed and they came together; minds, mouths, hands and bodies now in perfect accord.

“Are you fucking insane?!”

The door banged shut, and the twins jumped about a foot apart, staring into the shocked faces of Georg and Gustav, the latter of which being the one still able to speak.

“The door was unlocked!” Gustav tried very hard not to yell and gesticulated at the door in question. “Everyone could have come through it, and the two of you don’t have anything better to do than make out? There’s press out there!”

Tom took another step back, hit the wall, and the parrot squeaked, again. But nobody laughed, this time.

The four of them just stared at each other, until Georg put a calming hand on Gustav’s shoulder and nodded towards the elevators.
“Let’s go back upstairs. I think we’ve been lucky enough for one evening; we don’t need that luck to run out during this argument.”

“But the party,” Bill tried to argue weakly.

Gustav stepped right up to him and poked his chest with an accusing finger. “The party. Is over.”

Bill bit his lips that were still tingling from the kisses before and forced himself to breathe.

That was the moment where Tom came to a decision. There was something niggling at the back of his mind, something about Georg and Gustav standing there and staring at them with varying degrees of shock... but he pushed it into the back of his mind, and instead positioned himself next to his brother and took his hand, his face showing nothing but love and fierce determination.

Gustav sighed and rubbed his face. “God, the pair of you...” He shook his head and headed for the elevators, looking a little softer, at least.

Georg had to smile at that. “Elevator. Move it.”

Tom snorted but pulled his brother with him after picking up his hat. “Yes, Obi-Wan.”

Bill didn’t quite laugh at that, but when Tom ‘accidentally’ hit his shoulder against the elevator door, once more eliciting a high pitched squeak, the elder twin managed to tease a small giggle out of him, anyway.
He gave Tom a kiss on the cheek in return, ignoring Gustav’s disapproving look.

Gustav remained quiet until the door of Bill’s room was firmly closed behind the four of them, then leaned against it, crossing his arms.
He lifted one eyebrow. You’re lucky we were the only ones who could hear you...

The twins looked from one of their friends to the other.

Georg grinned. “Jedi mind trick.”

Bill laughed and Tom sent his friend a mental geek, but he smiled as he said it.

“Okay, enough of that,” Gustav interrupted.

Bill and Tom inched closer to each other and Bill pouted at Gustav. “How come you can read thoughts, too?”

Georg chuckled. “Why should you have all the fun?”

A grin pulled at Gustav’s lips. “And the fact that we can read thoughts, at all, doesn’t faze any of you?” He shook his head and snorted, smiling.

Georg shrugged. “Well, it was kind of weird when it started back at the party, but I don’t mind it or anything. So far it’s been fun.”

“So far, it’s kept the horny duo from being discovered by three people who wanted to go to the bathroom.” Gustav tilted his head and looked directly at the twins. “If we hadn’t started to hear your thoughts and feelings, we couldn’t have stopped you from being discovered in time,” he said matter-of-factly.

For a moment, nobody said anything. The silence was finally broken by Tom’s “Shit.”

“Damn right,” was the prompt response.

Bill licked his lips. “What... exactly did you hear?”

Their friends’ expressions softened. “Nothing bad...” Georg said. “Not really. At least when you ignore the whole illegal incest aspect of it...” He laughed at the twins’ shocked faces. “What? That only just occurred to you?”

Bill and Tom shared a look and they had to agree, silently. They hadn’t thought of it that way, they had been too distracted by their own feelings to think about what those feelings could mean.

Gustav sighed again, his fond smile never really leaving him. “We’re not going to tell on you, so you can stop with the faces, already. But you’re going to have to be a lot more careful if you don’t want to get caught.” His face hardened. “And you don’t. Did I make myself clear?”

“You’re okay with this, then?” Bill wanted to make sure.

“Bill... what we saw...” He tried to sort out what he was thinking and feeling. “Georg was right. It isn’t bad. First, we saw the love and confusion in your mind. Then we saw Tom’s... And what came afterwards was...” He shrugged, helplessly. “Beautiful. You were like one person.”

“Well, that, too.” Georg grinned. “And what we saw before our hot headed friend here slammed the door was just hot.” The grin morphed into a smirk. “Feel free to do that again, anytime.”

“Dream on,” Tom quipped.

Bill snorted. “Is a Jedi supposed to say something like that?”

“Hey, Anakin banged Amidala.”

“And look how that turned out...” Gustav said, biting back a laugh.

The other three didn’t try so hard, and after a moment, they all laughed, more tension flowing out of them.

Doesn’t always have to turn out badly... The thought was followed by...

Tom was once more the first to catch it. His eyes flickered to Georg. “You realise we can hear you, right?”

Georg didn’t appear reproachful in the slightest. He shrugged, more nonchalant than his thoughts suggested, but said anyway: “I thought we might as well use this unusual situation to put the cards on the table.” He looked from one of his friends to the other. “I think we’ve been playing for long enough, don’t you?”
His smile trembled slightly and he took a deep breath. “All in,” he said and opened his thoughts to the room and everyone in it.

“Talk about dramatic,” Gustav huffed, though his cheeks were a healthy pink from the pictures in Georg’s mind. His eyes flickered to the twins. “And don’t look so shocked.” He smiled softly, his mind just as open. “You know the thoughts were there. We could hear yours, I’m sure you could still hear ours somewhere under that whirlwind that is the two of you.”

“Tom...” Georg looked at him. “I caught your thoughts first, right before Gustav. So I’m guessing you were after me in... having your eyes opened.”

Tom blinked. “What do you mean?” But then he remembered something, and that might have been what Georg was trying to tell him. “One of the voices was yours.” He tried to recall what they all had sounded like. “Beautiful...” he suddenly blurted, and his eyes widened. “That’s what you said.”

“I did.”

The twins immediately seemed to gravitate towards each other, without realising they were doing it.

“Guys,” Gustav held his hands out, “Georg and I both realise that what is between you two is special. It always was and it always will be. But maybe...”

“Don’t you love us, at all?” Georg interrupted, doing his best impression of a pout.

“Georg...” Gustav sighed. “We’re not getting anywhere like this.”

Bill tilted his head. “Oh, but I think we do.” He didn’t mind and was already used to having his brother and his two friends in his head, so it kind of surprised him that he still had to voice what he was thinking right then. “You were talking about this. You had enough time to come to terms with it... How long were Tom and I in that corridor?”

Gustav smiled. “Half an hour.”

Bill licked his lips, nervously. That was a lot longer than he had thought, and a whole lot more dangerous. What on earth were they thinking?

He shook himself. No use in crying over milk that wasn’t even spilt.
It did feel good to have things out in the open that apparently had been there for a long time. But he’d only just come to terms with the fact that he could and did accept what he felt for his brother, and that those feelings were returned.
He turned to look at Tom. “Give us a second?” He kept looking at Tom, but addressed the others.

When Gustav and Georg turned to leave, Bill stopped them. “You don’t have to go.” And with a small smile he built his brick wall around himself and his twin.


Tom returned the look with warm, brown eyes and smiled. We do love them, don’t we?

Bill smiled benignly. I love you more than life itself.

I know; and don’t you forget it.

Bill huffed a small laugh. But I love them, too. Of course I do.

There was an impish twinkle in Tom’s eyes. And do you trust them enough to...?

Bill bit his lips, again and looked from Georg to Gustav and back to Tom. After all the emotions and pictures floating around in his head now, the decision wasn’t a hard one.

Tom didn’t have to wait for Bill’s answer, and he didn’t have to read his mind, either. Which one? He smirked.

Bill raised an eyebrow. Which one, first, you mean...

“You guys are starting to freak me out,” Georg said from where he was leaning against the wall next to Gustav, eyeing the twin’s twin smirks with an amused but unsure quirk of his lips.

“And with good reason,” Tom said and wiggled his eyebrows; then he kissed his baby brother, slowly and deeply, and whispered: “Go get him, love.”

Bill sent his most sultry look towards Georg. “Beautiful, am I?”

Georg’s breath hitched, once. “Well, the fangs suit you.”

Bill’s grin widened, flashing said fangs, and his tongue teasingly flicked at one of them. But when standing right in front of their bassist, it was clear that at least part of that confident font was just that: a font. Bill’s smile wavered just a little, and he laid his hands on Georg’s firm chest, his breath fluttering.

Georg smiled, softly, not at all surprised and ran the backs of his fingers over Bill’s cheek. “Too fast?”

Bill laughed a little at that. “You call more than eight years fast?” And with one last, long look into the mesmerising eyes in front of him, he leaned down, tilted his head and caught Georg’s lips in a tentative, sweet kiss. A careful discovering of the new; curious lips and teasing tongue... The sensation sent small sparks through them, making them smile into the kiss, after the first moment.
It only remained tentative for maybe a minute or two, however, and they both moaned, when arms pressed the other closer, bodies flush.

Tom had been merely watching the two until now, still slightly worried that maybe this was a bad idea. And... so, fine, yes, he was jealous, if just a little. But even he had to smile at the obvious enjoyment the two shared, visible in their tantalising and sensual dance.
Of course, what with the sight before him, his arousal returned, once he was sure that Bill was in hands as good as his own, and he turned his head to smirk at Gustav.

Gustav’s knowing, little smile changed his whole face. “Quite the sight, aren’t they?” he whispered, while approaching Tom.

Tom hummed in agreement. “I can’t wait to see either of them with you...” He smirked. “After I had a go, that is.”
And without further preamble, he hooked his hand around Gustav’s neck and pulled him into a deep kiss, not allowing himself the hesitation his brother had shown.

Gustav met his passion nip, lick, bite, grab, pull and moan for moan, definitely not one to give Tom Kaulitz the upper hand.

Georg meanwhile steered Bill towards the bed, pushing him back and straddling him. He paused in that position for a moment, brushing Bill’s hair from his face and pressing another sweet kiss on the glistening lips.
“You taste just like I imagined you would.”

Bill had to laugh at that. “Corny much?”

Georg shrugged, grinning. “That’s why you write the lyrics, and I only get ravish you.” He leaned down for another kiss, unhooked the clasp of the vampire cloak and then slowly ran his hands under the white shirt.

Bill arched into the touch but giggled into the kiss when something bumped against him. “Is that a light sabre or are you just happy to see me?”

Georg snorted. “Talk about corny.” He sat up, took off his belt and threw it on the floor. Then he pressed flush against Bill. “Does that feel like I need the sabre?” He lifted one eyebrow and smirked.

Bill licked his lips, both aroused and nervous, and shook his head. “Not even close.” He eyed the tempting chest from where the Jedi tunic now fell open and smiled approvingly when Georg shrugged it off.

Leaning in for another kiss, Georg didn’t bother with opening any buttons on the shirt; with one rip, it was open and he started kissing and nipping down Bill’s neck and chest.

When there was a loud bang and laughter, they both turned around to see Tom and Gustav leaning against a small table, Gustav only just holding a vase before it could fall down. Knight and pirate were appealingly undressed to their tented underwear.

Bill and Georg used the interruption to get rid of the rest of their clothes, each letting the other work on his own clothing. No faster way to get rid of annoying costumes than letting the one get if off who put it on, in the first place.

When Georg re-took his position over Bill, this time resting between his legs, the situation finally caught up with Bill; and Georg could see the jumble of thoughts, doing his best to calm his friend.

Bill kept his eyes closed, even as he felt tender hands run soothingly up and down his body. Before, it was just playing around, but now… now it was real. He could feel every inch of Georg’s skin, every moving muscle, every hair… and a now very prominent erection. Each of these sensations sent a jolt to his *****, but also added to the buzzing feeling in the pit of his stomach, much like right before a concert. There was no conscious thought, only feelings; and those feelings made his whole body vibrate.
He lifted his hands to return at least some of what he was experiencing, not wanting to seem like he wasn’t really interested.

Georg laughed softly and kissed Bill, again. I can still hear you. And feel you. He broke the kiss. “And your body and mind feel amazing.”

Bill felt the bed dip next to them, but kept looking into Georg’s warm eyes.

Georg leaned down to kiss Bill’s cheek, smiling slightly when Bill’s lips instinctively followed his. He gave in and kissed him, again, letting his tongue play with Bill’s for a moment. “What would you like to do?” he asked, almost cautiously.

Bill had very clear ideas of what he would have liked Georg to do to him… But something made him turn his head to where Gustav and Tom were sitting, holding each other but not doing anything but watching them, right now.

Tom could have seen the question in Bill’s eyes, even if he couldn’t have heard it in his thoughts. His smile was just this side of hesitant that the judges still decided to allow it. He leaned in to kiss his brother, softly. “Just enjoy.”

Bill smiled back. “You too.”

And they both actually meant it, despite their reluctance; and everyone in the room knew that for sure, but when Gustav reached around Tom to give Georg a bottle of lube, Tom’s brave font trembled a bit.

Georg just smiled at Gustav when he saw it. “Your job to make him relax, I think…”

Tom didn’t even get a second to think about that, because Gustav slung an arm around his torso and reached for his cock with an already slick hand, pumping it once and making Tom melt into his embrace, moaning.

“That’s more like it.” Gustav nodded with approval and moved Tom around to kiss him, again.

Georg sat next to Bill, coating his fingers with the gel, and Bill watched him quietly. When Georg stretched out alongside his friend, he kissed him and said: “You’ll tell me if you want me to stop, right?”

Bill just opened his legs, blushing a little; and Georg chuckled.

“Tell me anyway, okay.”

Bill nodded and then closed his eyes when Georg’s hand reached between his legs and a finger gently rubbed over the entrance it found there.

Georg made sure that Bill could get used to the feeling, but Bill seemed to have different ideas.
He inched closer to Georg and spread his legs wider. “I’m not made of glass, as you well know.” He frowned at his partner.

Georg smirked and applied more gel to his busy hand. He didn’t give Bill a chance to react in any way and slipped in his index finger as far as it would go.

Bill gasped.

“Better?” Georg’s smirk turned distinctly smug, and he slowly and sensually moved his finger in and out, bending it just a little to tease the muscles.

“That’s…” Bill couldn’t really decide on a word to describe how that felt. “… Full and tingly.”

Georg inched closer and whispered in Bill’s ear: “It’ll get fuller and more…” he pressed his finger upwards, making Bill squeal and arch off the bed, “… tingly.” He chuckled.

Bill breathed hard and whimpered when Georg repeated the movement several times, though with less pressure. His head swam and he didn’t even notice how a second and then a third finger were added.

Gustav and Tom didn’t seem to have the patience any kind of preparation would have taken. They were kneeling, facing each other, each wrapping one hand around both their cocks, fingers gripping and lacing.

Gustav eyed the other pair. “Bill seems to like it…”

Tom nodded but didn’t look. Right now, all he could take were the noises his brother was making. Seeing him would probably have had his emotions erupt.

“Definitely wanna try it, later…” Gustav added, between gasps of breath, while licking and biting along Tom’s jaw.

A smile tugged at the corner of Tom’s mouth. “Do you, now…?”

Gustav sharply bit Tom’s neck and twisted his hand just so, then looked into his eyes. Remember that I can still hear you…

Had Tom not been so desperate for release, he would have blushed. So what if he was curious, too? Nothing wrong with that!
And the image of what he was curious of was enough to send him over the edge. Well, that and Gustav’s hand. He gasped and moaned and then went completely rigid for eternal seconds.
So good.

Motor functions shot to hell, he just let his friend hold him upright, while his whole body shook.

When Tom managed to lift his head from Gustav’s shoulder and look at him, the face he saw was both tense from arousal and full of tender affection.
He kissed him. Thank you. The up-side of speaking in your head, he mused, was that the message would be received exactly as it was intended; and Gustav would know what he meant by it. Thank you was much manlier than I love you, anyway.

Naturally, this didn’t mean that Tom was any less of a rascal than he usually was, and from one moment to the next, he threw Gustav back onto the bed.
He grinned. “There are other things I’m curious about.”

The most intelligible response Gustav managed when the warm and wet mouth engulfed his cock was something along the lines of “Guh!” Once that mouth applied suction and moved from the tip down and back up, even this became impossible. His hands reached for the bed sheets to resist the temptation to grab Tom’s head.
With him being as far as he was, it took less than a minute for him to shudder and moan deep in his throat. In a faraway corner of his mind he noticed with surprise that Tom actually swallowed.

Tom moved up the glistening body of their drummer and lay propped on one arm, next to him. Gustav was not the only one who had been surprised, before… He was even more surprised that he kind of liked it.

Gustav kept breathing deeply for a while, swallowed hard and then opened his eyes, looking at a very self-satisfied Tom.
He smiled. “Thank you.”

Tom smirked. “My pleasure.” He winked.

They were about to kiss, when the noises from the other pair let them know that something was being taken that one step further, and they both turned around…

… in time to see Georg slowly pushing inside Bill, steadying his ***** with a hand, while Bill clung to his shoulder with one hand and to his head with the other.

Sensory overload was radiating off Bill right from the core of his being, and one single crystal tear leaked from his closed eye and into his hair.

Tom didn’t have to worry that it was tear of pain; he could feel that it wasn’t. And from the frown of concentration on Georg’s face, their bassist was doing his level best to please his lover, being as careful as he could possibly be.

Bill wasn’t as restrained with voicing his emotions as Tom, not once he was sure of something, at least; so the heartfelt “I love you” came as no surprise.

Georg pushed in the last bit, let Bill get used to it for a moment and kissed him. “Love you right back.” He shook from the strain of trying not to move just yet; up to the moment when Bill shifted his hips and signalled for him to Get Going!

Georg re-positioned himself to allow deep and strong thrusts and did as he was asked. Who was he to refuse such a nice plea?

Bill grunted with the first few thrusts that made the whole bed shake, then the grunts turned into moans and whimpers.
The hint of a brush of Georg’s stomach on his ***** was driving him to insanity, and he moved with his lover, enjoying every maddening sensation running through him.

Just before it was getting too much, he opened his near black eyes and searched for his brother. “Tomi…”

Tom was by their side in seconds, reaching between them. He quickly exchanged a look with Georg. “You just keep going… I’ll take care of this.” He smiled a wobbly little smile and wrapped strong fingers around Bill’s cock, pumping with the rhythm Georg played for him.

Bill moaned louder and threw his head back. “Oh, God, oh, yes, ohhhh!” He didn’t know where to hold or where to turn and finally grabbed Tom’s arm with one hand and kept a hold of Georg with the other, pulling them both as close as he could.

Georg and Tom alternately kissed Bill’s face, his neck and his lips, as always complementing each other in perfect sync.

Tom felt Bill tense even more. “Come on. Let go,” he whispered in Bill’s ear. “Come for me.”

Bill felt the wave take him and was distantly aware of yelling the place down, but he was in the middle of a tide of arousal, love, tenderness and rightness that nothing else mattered.

Two more thrusts into Bill tightening around him had Georg yell out sharply in completion.

Then the room slowly stopped spinning for all of them, making them feel as if they had left a rocking boat after weeks of storms. Dizzy, exhausted, safe… and very, very happy.


When Bill woke up, the first thing he saw was his sleeping brother’s face and Georg behind him… and no more Gustav behind himself.

He blinked and turned. Gustav was not in the room.
Worried that their friend was maybe having a “morning after” reaction, he tried to reach for him with his mind, as he had done all night, only to realise that he couldn’t. There were no sleepy thoughts of his two other bed mates, either.

Had he not woken in a bed, naked with Tom and Georg, his body – and particularly his ass – sore from hours of love making, this would have been the moment to think it had all been a really, really fucked up dream from the very depths of his desires… As it was, he sat up, confused and rubbed his face.


Bill looked down to see his brother awake. “Hey…”

Tom smiled his Tom cat smile and stretched as much as he could with Georg cuddling him.

Bill giggled, then sobered. “I think we’re back to normal,” he said, kind of hoping that he was not the only one… He didn’t like being different from his brother.

Said brother freed one hand to rub his eyes and concentrated for a moment. He frowned. “Huh…”

Before he could say more, however, Bill added: “We can talk about this later.” He nodded at the empty space behind himself. “Gustav is not here, anymore,” he said in a slightly worried tone.

Tom tried to calm his twin. “He probably just woke up and couldn’t lie still anymore. You know how he is…”

Bill nodded. “Yes… But still…”

Tom poked him in the side. “So go look for him.”

That earned him a happy smile and a kiss, before Bill bounced off the bed to grab a robe from the bathroom.

Bill knotted the belt and was about to leave by way of the adjoining bedroom door. (He was definitely going to check Tom’s room, before he ventured out in search of their lost drummer, somewhere else.)
“I won’t be long.”

“We don’t have to be anywhere, today. We have all the time in the world.” He sent his brother a very promising smile to go.

Bill laughed; and when he opened the door, some of his worries flew out the window. Before closing the door, he let Tom know with a “There you are” that Gustav had been found.

Gustav looked up from where he was sitting, wearing another bathrobe and smiled. “Hey… Good morning.”

Bill tentatively smiled back. “Hey.” He hovered by the door, still not really sure why Gustav had left. “Got restless?”

Gustav stared at the screen for a moment and then pushed the laptop aside. “Yeah… I can’t stay in bed long.”

Bill hugged himself and stepped closer. “That all?”

Gustav smiled, again. “Of course not. But I’m fine, really.” He shrugged. “When I woke up… it was just a little… I don’t know… overwhelming.”

Bill smiled benignly and sauntered even closer. “Maybe what you need is a little alone time with just one of us…?”

Gustav laughed and slung his arms around Bill’s slender waist when his friend sat on his lap.

Bill pouted prettily. “I didn’t really get to know you, last night...”

Gustav frowned in mock concentration. “Hmm… I had a go at your dearest big brother, then Georg… You know, I do believe you’re right.”
He accepted the kiss Bill pressed on his lips. “Though… I did get a couple of snogs out of you; and if I remember correctly, I even lend you a finger or two.” He grinned.

Bill was about to lean in for a real kiss, when they heard a loud moan from next door. He chuckled. “Sounds like the other two are having a twosome, as well.”

Gustav reached up and cupped Bill’s face in one hand. “This is going to take some getting used to,” he commented, his eyes sparkling.

Bill leaned his forehead against Gustav’s. “But you’re okay?”

The answering, tiny shrug was distinctly adorable to go with Gustav’s expression. “I love you guys, what can I say…”

Bill smiled widely and kissed him with all the emotion he had. “Love you too.”

Gustav was direct, but not that direct... Not just yet.
He nodded, seriously, his lips twitching.

“Thank you.”
Mahatma Gandhi said "When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it--always."

Katze, acesta este ficul matale? Daca da, te felicit pentru imaginatie si gramatica (nu am vazut decat mici greseli pe ici pe colo) .

Deci: Unele momente au fost O.o !Eram rosie toata ,dar inca citeam :3.Adevarul este ca nici nu ma gandisem la o asemenea varianta. Nu stiu de ce dar aproape toata lumea ii vede mai mult pe gemeni, insa aici a fost o orgie sexuala de patru stele. Tom si Gustav? Nu stiu de ce dar nu mi se pare un "cuplu" reusit ): .
La inceput eram destul de incurcata (cam ca Tom) si nu intelegeam ce se intampla. De asemenea, credeam ca toata chestia se va rezuma doar la noaptea aceea, dar in dimineata urmatoare a continuat. Mi-a depasit deja jurisdictia :)).
Oricum, ficul e reusit si haard.

PS: Daca vrei, te pot ajuta la traducere.
Daca nu imi place fata ta...
cu siguranta imi place spatele :3!
[Imagine: 9l8v3d.jpg]
Look how I look at you. Ieeeeee! Teoria pupazitului.

Do i even have to say it?
Yeah, probably i have to
Avertizare de plagiat...

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