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Contra focului de arma (+18)


[Imagine: 35j9hll.png]
"If yaoi were a vodka And I were a duck I'd swim to the bottom And drink my way up.
But yaoi ain't a vodka And I ain't a duck, So give me some yaoi And shut the f**k up."


[Imagine: 35j9hll.png]
"If yaoi were a vodka And I were a duck I'd swim to the bottom And drink my way up.
But yaoi ain't a vodka And I ain't a duck, So give me some yaoi And shut the f**k up."

[Imagine: tumblr_lxg6bliYGm1qej54bo1_500.gif]

Stalk me, bite me and kill me with your love ~


"Omul este cel mai putin el insusi,atunci cand vorbeste in propria persoana.Da-i o masca si el va spune adevarul."Oscar Wilde
[Imagine: chibi_5001.gif]
, chibi-ul lui


[Imagine: 35j9hll.png]
"If yaoi were a vodka And I were a duck I'd swim to the bottom And drink my way up.
But yaoi ain't a vodka And I ain't a duck, So give me some yaoi And shut the f**k up."



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