05-12-2011, 05:49 PM
Celălalt topic avea deja 157 de pagini, aşa că am deschis altul.
Spor la postat. xD
Spor la postat. xD
Versuri v.3
05-12-2011, 05:49 PM
Celălalt topic avea deja 157 de pagini, aşa că am deschis altul.
Spor la postat. xD
05-12-2011, 07:21 PM
[center]Lykke Li-I follow rivers [/center]
Oh, I beg you, can I follow? Oh, I ask you, wanna always Be the ocean, where I unravel Be my only, be the water where I'm wading You're my river running high, run deep, run wild I, I follow, I follow you Deep sea baby, I follow you I, I follow, I follow you Dark room honey, I follow you Heed a message, I'm the runner He's the rebel, I'm the daughter waiting for you You're my river running high, run deep, run wild I, I follow, I follow you Deep sea baby, I follow you I, I follow, I follow you Dark room honey, I follow you You're my river running high, run deep, run wïld I, I follow, I follow you Deep sea baby, I follow you I, I follow, I follow you Dark room honey, I follow you I, I follow, I follow you Deep sea baby, I follow you I, I follow, I follow you Dark room honey, I follow you ![]() Odododododo ;x Lumea asta te distruge,Te induce în eroare, Fură tot şi apoi fuge,Te răneşte şi te doare! x333 Gânduri Nespuse, Neştiute şi Inexplicabile
05-12-2011, 11:47 PM
B.U.G. Mafia - Când Trandafirii Mor
Sun-atât de frumos când spui poveste de iubire, Simţi că se umple sufletu' de fericire, Pare cuvântu' cheie, nici n-ai idee Când sare prima scânteie, se aprinde şi dispare-n flacări tot Era un boboc de fată, O inimă curată, caldă, catifelată Ca petalele de trandafir, inevitabil Să nu te-ndrăgosteşti de ea iremediabil Ducea o viaţă scandalos de grea Cu un tată vitreg care-o abuza, Cu o mama care niciodată n-asculta Ce avea de zis, îi păsa numai de ea Băiatu' nu era un pui de smecher, Da', la 22 de ani, avea un nume în cartier, O iubea, atât de mult vroia Să o scoată din coşmarul ăsta în care trăia Cu o scamatorie ca din pălărie, Au dispărut amândoi, fără să se ştie Unde au plecat şi nici măcar dacă Se vor mai întoarce p-aici vreodată . Era o floare încântătoare, Rămân acum amintiri chinuitoare Şi lacrimile vor mai fi Mult după ce trandafirii vor muri. Au trecut aproape 7 ani de când au plecat, Fata niciodată nu l-a intrebat Cum a reuşit, oare cum s-a descurcat, Era atât de fericita, nici n-ar fi contat... Îi cântau îngerii la harpe, Ar fi mers cu el şi-n gaură de şarpe Doar să-l ţină-n braţe şi s-audă-n noapte Din gura lui cele mai frumoase şoapte .. ![]() Dar, într-o seară, era singură, gătea, Cineva apasă cu insistenţă soneria... Deschide, vede-n faţă un malac Dezvelind o macetă lungă de sub parpalac... C-o mână-n gât, o trage-n sufragerie, O întreabă unde-s banii, ea zice ca nu ştie, 'I rupe hainele şi o violează, Destinu' ei se-ntorcea la prima fază Sună atât de frumos când spui poveste de iubire, Simţi că se umple sufletu' de fericire, Pare cuvântu' cheie, nici n-ai idee Când sare prima scânteie, se aprinde şi dispare-n flăcări tot. Era o floare încântătoare, Rămân acum amintiri chinuitoare Şi lacrimile vor mai fi Mult după ce trandafirii vor muri. Băiatu' intră-n casă, vesel, zâmbitor, Dă'-i zâmbeşte înapoi o fata din trecutul lor Face un pas, ce vede e de-a dreptu' tragic, Scamatoria nu ieşise tocmai magic Înnebunit, ia o scrumieră şi-o aruncă, Malacu' taie gâtu' fetei şi cade stâncă, Îl loveşte disperat, zbiară şi plânge, Iubita lui zace moartă într-un lac de sânge Nu poate fi adevărat, nu e corect, De ce să ţi se-ntample ţie? Nu e drept Lua-m-ar dracu', e numai vina mea, N-aş fi crezut să se termine aşa Sună atât de frumos când spui poveste de iubire, Simţi că se umple sufletu' de fericire, Pare cuvântu' cheie, nici n-ai idee Când sare prima scânteie, se aprinde şi dispare-n flăcări tot. Era o floare încântătoare, Rămân acum amintiri chinuitoare Şi lacrimile vor mai fi Mult după ce trandafirii vor muri. x6
![]() Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3. [center] ![]()
06-12-2011, 04:18 PM
Papa Roach - Burn
I didn't know you were a fake Every lie straight to my face So blind I could not see Right behind my back you stabbed me Should've know you were a bitch Shut up you're making me sick Little man you're nothing like me Lying cheating so deceiving I trusted you broke me down And you screwed me over Don't try to deny it You cannot hide it Ill be ignited When I get to watch you burn Burn Burn I wanna watch you burn Burn Burn I wanna watch you burn You're gonna get what you deserve I wanna watch you burn You turn me inside out My world is upside down You're not hurt are you happy now Looking over your shoulder fucking me over I trusted you sold me out This is far from over Don't try to deny it You cannot hide it Ill be ignited When I get to watch you burn Burn Burn I wanna watch you burn Burn Burn I wanna watch you burn Burn I wanna watch you burn You're gonna get what you deserve You'll never learn Yah Your time has come now Its your turn I'll watch you burn Burn Burn Burn I wanna watch you burn Burn Burn I wanna watch you burn You're gonna get what you deserve You'll never learn Yah Your tïme has come now Its your turn I wanna watch you burn Burn Burn I wanna watch you burn Burn Burn I wanna watch you burn
07-12-2011, 12:07 AM
Inna - Goodbye
No one Cares Nobody's wrong, No one see I'm not so strong Everytime I hope I'm dreaming... [I'm missing you...] I'm touching you But you can't feel, I'm scream at you But you can't hear.. I just need to be around you, [I'm lost without you] You are so special, So give me some passion I need to tell you I'm watching you. Goodbye you all, Goodbye my friends So goodbye my baby You ...my baby... Goodbye you all, Goodbye my friends So goodbye my baby You ...my baby... I am crying for so long I can't breath without your love It's so wrong that I'm without you.. [I'm missing you] I'm touching you But you can't feel, I'm scream at you But you can't hear.. I just need to be around you, [I'm lost without you] You are so special, So give me some passion I need to tell you I'm watching you. Goodbye you all, Goodbye my friends So goodbye my baby You ...my baby... Goodbye you all, Goodbye my friends So goodbye my baby You ...my baby... Goodbye you all, Goodbye my friends So goodbye my baby You ...my baby... Goodbye you all, Goodbye my frïends So goodbye my baby You ...my baby...
![]() Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3. [center] ![]()
08-12-2011, 11:57 PM
[center]Paraziţii - 17 ani[/center]
[center]Vrei bani, banii n-o sa cada degeaba din cer Vrei prieteni, invata sa vorbesti sincer Vrei respect, invata sa respecti, sa oferi Tre' sa meriti tot ce ai sa castigi nu sa ceri Vrei bani, banii n-o sa cada degeaba din cer Vrei prieteni, invata sa vorbesti sincer Vrei respect, invata sa respecti, sa oferi Tre' sa meriti tot ce ai sa castigi nu sa ceri Ai 17 ani, incepi sa intri in ritm Iti iei palme din plin, incepi sa crezi in destin Totu-i un chin parca rupt din alt film Si nu-ti mai vine asa usor sa ai incredere tot alegand straini Oamenii sunt mult mai caini decat cainii In lupta pentru faima te sfasie rechinii Esti slab nu incerca sa pari dur, nu cersi Nu fura de la parinti, nu-ti trada prietenii Lumea e plina de profeti, de comunisti si hipioti O sa te invete ca nu toti sunt genii si ca tu nu poti E selectie naturala cel puternic invinge Si succesul nemeritat rapid se stinge ai zice Ca e simplu sa te urci pe scena Si ca poti sa fugi , si fugi la prima migrena Ca ti-e permis , e admis sa bagi in vena Si cineva tre' sa-ti rezolve tie orice problema Vrei bani, banii n-o sa cada degeaba din cer Vrei prieteni, invata sa vorbesti sincer Vrei respect, invata sa respecti, sa oferi Tre' sa meriti tot ce ai sa castigi nu sa ceri Vrei bani, banii n-o sa cada degeaba din cer Vrei prieteni, invata sa vorbesti sincer Vrei respect, invata sa respecti, sa oferi Tre' sa meriti tot ce ai sa castigi nu sa ceri Nu-ti dori bani, faima, putere, respect Daca ai varsta la care nu esti in stare sa le tii piept Iti bagi in vene, sa fi in trend Bagi pastile cu efect efervescent te crezi cool evident Prin cluburi de noapte te rupi in talente Bagabontii te impart intre ei ca si pe alte zdrente Unde ti-e capu`, nu te uiti ca arati ca dracu` Te-ai distrus de nu te mai recunoaste nici tac`tu Problemele apar, toti cei din jur se-ascund Prietenii nu mai ai , ca i-ai uitat de mult Ai tai nu te mai vor, tie ti-e dor de casa Totul s-a intors impotriva ta si nimanui nu-i pasa Traiesti ca intr-o celula rece , cu regrete Unde soarele apare doar daca-l desenezi pe perete Viata te-a tratat intocmai ca pe un cobai Si te-ai dus bye bye b'bye b'bye O mana te mangaie o voce calda te trezeste A fost doar un vis urat, hey ... Ai 17 zambeste! Vrei bani, banii n-o sa cada degeaba din cer Vrei prieteni, invata sa vorbesti sincer Vrei respect, invata sa respecti, sa oferi Tre' sa meriti tot ce ai sa castigi nu sa ceri Vrei bani, banii n-o sa cada degeaba din cer Vrei prieteni, invata sa vorbesti sincer Vrei respect, invata sa respecti, sa oferi Tre' sa meriti tot ce ai sa castigi nu sa cerï[/center]
09-12-2011, 01:11 AM
I want to spent my life time loving you by Marc Anthony and Tina Arena
Moon so bright, night so fine, keep your heart, here with mine, life´s a dream, we are dreaming. Race the moon, catch the wind, ride the night, to the end, seize the day, stand up for the light. I want to spend my lifetime loving you, if that is all in life I ever do. Heroes rise, heroes fall, rise again, win it all, in your heart can´t you feel the glory. Through our joy, through our pain, we can move, worlds again, take my hand, dance with me. I want to spend my lifetime loving you, Find more similar lyrics on if that is all in life I ever do, I will want nothing else to see me through, if I can spend my lifetime loving you. Though we know, we will never come again, where there is love, life begins, over and over again. Save the night, save the day, save the love, come what may, love is worth, everything we pay. I want to spend my lifetime loving you, if that is all in life I ever do. I want to spend my lifetime loving you, if that is all in life I ever do. I will want nothing else to see me through, if I can spend my lifetime loving you.
09-12-2011, 10:38 AM
Live Your Life ( T.I Feat. Rihanna )
(Rihanna): You're gonna be a shining star, fancy clothes, fancy car-ars. And then you'll see, you're gonna go far. Cause everyone knows, who you are-are. So live your life, ay ay ay. intead of chasing that paper. Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. Ain't got no time for no haters. Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. No telling where it'll take you. Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. Cause I'm a paper chaser. Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh) Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh) (T.I.): Nevermind what haters say, ignore them 'til they fade away. Amazing they ungrateful after all the games I gave away. Safe to say I payed the way, for you cats to get paid today. You still be wasting days away, nah had I never saved the day. Consider them my protégé, homage I think they should pay. Instead of being gracious, they violated in a major way.I never been a hater still I love them, yeah I graze the way. Some say they so yay and no they couldn't even work on Labor day. It aint that they black or white, their hands of area in shades of grey. I'm West side anyway, even if I left the day it fades away. Some move away to make a way not move away cause they afraid. I'll go back to the hood and all you ever did was hate away. I pray for patience but they make me want to face away. Like I once made them scream, now I could make them plead their case away. Been thuggin' all my life, can't say I don't deserve to take a break. If you ever see me catch a case, and watch my future fade away. (Rihanna): You're gonna be a shining star, fancy clothes, fancy car-ars. And then you'll see, you're gonna go far. Cause everyone knows, who you are-are. So live your life, ay ay ay. instead of chasing that paper. Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. Ain't got no time for no haters Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. No telling where it'll take you. Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. Cause I'm a paper chaser. Just living my life. (T.I.): I'm the opposite of moderate, immaculately polished with the spirit of a hustler and the swagger of a college kid. Allergic to the counterfeit, impartial to the politics. Articulate but still would grab a nigga by the collar quick. Whoever had problems, they reckoncile they just holla 'tip. If that don't work and just fails, then turn around and follow 'tip. I got love for the game but ay I'm not in love with all of it. I do without the fame and the rappers nowadays are comedy. The hootin' and the hollerin', back and forth with the arguing. Where you from, who you know, what you make and what kind of car you in. Seems as though you lost sight of whats important when depositing your checks into your bank account, and you're about poverted. Your values is a disarrayed, prioritized are horribly. Unhappy with the riches cause you piss poor morraly. Ignoring all prior advice and fore warning. And we might be full of ourselves all of a sudden aren't we? (Rihanna): You're gonna be a shining star, fancy clothes, fancy car-ars. And then you'll see, you're gonna go far. Cause everyone knows, who you are-are. So live your life, ay ay ay. instead of chasing that paper. Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. Ain't got no time for no haters Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. No telling where it'll take you. Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. Cause I'm a paper chaser. Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh) Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh) (TI): Got everybody watchin what I do Come walk in my shoes And see the way I'm livin if you really want to Got my mind on my money And I'm not goin nowhere So keep on gettin your paper And keep on climbing Look in the mirror and keep on shining Till the game ends, till the clock stops We gon' post up on the top spot Livin the life, the life In a brand new city got my whole team with me The life, my life I do what I wanna do I'm livin my life, my life I will never lose, I'm livin my life, my life And I'm not stopping So live your life! (Rihanna): You're gonna be a shining star, fancy clothes, fancy car-ars. And then you'll see, you're gonna go far. Cause everyone knows, who you are-are. So live your life, ay ay ay. instead of chasing that paper. Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. Ain't got no time for no haters Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. No telling where it'll take you. Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay. Cause I'm a paper chaser. Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh) Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh) So live your life.!! ![]() My mama always says that I'm cute. I don't believe her. I'm more than that ! Shake, shake that booty for Beckha !
09-12-2011, 12:31 PM
C.I.A - Unde e ea ?
REF: Unde e ea, unde e ea, unde e ea, unde e ea.. Am paradisu’ meu Doar cu ea, doar cu ea, doar cu ea, doar cu ea.. Împart şi bine şi rău x2 Rashid: Pentru ea, aş muta munţii din loc Pentru ea aş opri timpu’ pe loc, aş scoate piatra din foc Aş face tot fără regrete Nu ma joc, în joc sunt sentimente N-avem secrete, că astea dor Dar visăm împreună la viitor Când stăm întinşi.. pe covor plutim uşor, plutim uşor, plutim uşor Şi ştiu că nu-ţi plac golanii, că nu conteză banii Ştiu că nu sunt tocmai genul’ pe care să-l prezinţi lu’ mami Şi ştiu că plec prea des şi nu mă-ntorc prea des Dar toate au un sens când tu le dai un sens Ai înţeles de la început Nu am ales s-am un trecut Bineînţeles, nu sunt un sfânt Învăţ din mers, nu-s vorbe-n vânt, nu-s vorbe-n vânt REF: Unde e ea, unde e ea, unde e ea, unde e ea.. Am paradisu’ meu Doar cu ea, doar cu ea, doar cu ea, doar cu ea.. Împart şi bine şi rau x2 Byga: Unde-i ea...e chiar acolo unde-i e locu’ Chiar nu mi se-ntamplă des să-mi zâmbească norocu’ Iar locu’ ei, ştie si ea, e numai la pieptu' meu’ Indiferent că ne e bine sau ne e greu Şi unde-i ea fără să vreau îmi gasesc echilibru’ Am învăţat să dau, să las, toate cu timpu’ Am învaţat să am rabdare, să fiu relaxat Am învăţat că mai am multe de-nvăţat Mi-am asumat nopţile pierdute departe Şi grijile care nu mă lăsau s-adorm în noapte În ce hal ne certam, sincer, ai zice ca e artă Da’ cât de dulce ne-mpăcăm, parcă ne-am mai dori o ceartă Oricât ar suna de siropos, n-o dau la-ntors Pentru că văd oriunde-i ea aproape toate prind un rost Şi doar un prost nu le spune pe nume şi uite aşa Sunt îndrăgostit de muzică, da’ şi de femeia mea REF: Unde e ea, unde e ea, unde e ea, unde e ea.. Am paradisu’ meu Doar cu ea, doar cu ea, doar cu ea, doar cu ea.. Impart şi bine şï rau x2
![]() Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3. [center] ![]()
09-12-2011, 08:16 PM
Lifehouse - Everything
Find me here, and speak to me I want to feel you, I need to hear you You are the light that's leading me to the place Where I find peace again You are the strength that keeps me walking You are the hope that keeps me trusting You are the life to my soul You are my purpose You're everything And how can I stand here with you And not be moved by you Would you tell me how could it be any better than this? You calm the storms and you give me rest You hold me in your hands You won't let me fall You steal my heart and you take my breath away Would you take me in, take me deeper now And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you Would you tell me how could it be any better than this And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you Would you tell me how could it be any better than this Cause you're all I want, you're all I need You're everything, everything You're all I want You're all I need You're everything, everything You're all I want You're all I need You're everything, everything You're all I want You're all I need Everything, everything And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you Would you tell me how could it be any better than this And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you Would you tell me how could it be any better-any better than this And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you Would you tell me how could it be any better than this Would you tell me how could it be any better than this ![]() |
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