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[Imagine: 13.jpg]
[Imagine: 12-1.jpg]
[Imagine: 14.jpg]
vreau sfaturi =p~
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

[Imagine: sig-5.jpg]
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

ai momente cand faci siguri bune insa ai momente cand nu imbini deloc bine efectele , brusurile, c4d-urile atentie mare
un anumit render cere un anumit efcect in functie de pozitie lumina etcSmile nu poti face efect power up sa zicem pe un render romance22 and so on exemple sunt multe efect floral pe render sadic.,...

tu le cam incurci22
ai grija
[Imagine: 359k875.png]
I will fight, one more fight
Don't break down in front of me.
I will fight, one more fight
I am not the enemy.
I will try one last time
Are you listening to me?
I will fight, the last fight
I am not your enemy.

Memento Non Mori
Iris Infinit
Midnight Waltz

[Imagine: sigggg.jpg]
[Imagine: sig1-1.jpg]
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

[Imagine: siggbyryu.jpg]
[Imagine: sigbyryu.jpg]
[Imagine: d-1.jpg]

critici , pareri , sfaturi
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

Hey!^^ Am trecut si eu pe vreau sa iti spun ca se vede ca ai evoluat de la primele posturi pana acum [good thing xD] Sa ultimul post, cel mai reusit mi se pare ultimul sig. Culorile sunt super, nu mai spun de render xD...Foarte fain..
Primele doua sunt ok si ele...imi plac efectele si texturile folosite^^ nu prea stiu sa comentez gfx-uri, pentru ca nici eu nu sunt buna...Dar tu te descurci foarte bine^^ tine-o tot asa Smile
Astept sa vad ce lucrari o sa mai pui...


My dear husband! hug

>.> am revenit
e o comanda pe care nu am indeplinit-o bine deloc24
[Imagine: sigzup1.jpg]
[Imagine: sigzup2.jpg] => asta a fost ales15
sfaturi[posturi unite]
[Imagine: sig1-2.jpg]
[Imagine: siggg-1.jpg]
[Imagine: madarasig.jpg]
am uitat de ele...s-au sters deci le mai pun odata si nu mai dau edit T.T
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

inca un sig facut aseara106
[Imagine: ishidasig.jpg]
astept critici , sfaturi si altele3
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

Din penultimul post, cum ti-am mai zis pe aH, cel mai reusit mi se pare cel cu Mystery. De fapt, e cam cel mai bun al tau, ai mai nimerit ceva p'acolo si culorile sunt destul de bune.
In ultimul post sig-ul nu mai e asa de bun (ai si tu momente...). in partea din stanga ai inghesuit de toate. Brushurile alea florale sau ce or fi nu se potrivesc cu render-ul. Stroke-ul de pe sig ii cam strica aspectu, si asa calitatea cam lasa de dorit-render-ul trebuie in primul rand sa iasa in evidenta, nu cat de multe efecte inghesui in bg. In fine, ai avut si mai rele xD. Keep it up

Multumesc Tox si Dee_Duu3
uite inca un sig facut in graba T.T
[Imagine: ryusig-1.jpg]
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

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