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Fallen Angel (yyh/Hiei)

Chapter 1

Land of Gods. It was a land beyond imagination. It was separated from Spirit World, Makai and Human World due to their nature. They couldn’t accept the war between the other worlds. Something like Switzerland: powerful and uncommitted. Even if they were all gods, they had different levels of power. They were ruled by King Kaito who had a daughter, Kanako. She was different from the other gods. Unlike them she wasn’t happy. All her life she thought of herself like a bird in a cage. Her father didn’t let her do almost anything. She had to act like a princess, thing she hated the most. Being the Goddess of Mystical Creatures, she had an untamed soul. She wanted to fight, to live adventures, to risk her life. She was lonely, her best friends were the 4 mighty creatures she could control the best: Vermilion bird(Suzaku), White Tiger(Byakko), Azure Dragon(Seyruu) and Black Tortoise(Genbu). She didn’t get along with her stepmother, although she was nice. One day, she was sitting at the window sill, thinking.
{Your pov}
It was so boring. You couldn�t wait the night to come to go train again.
”I can't understand why he persists in not letting me train. I am a Goddess, the future queen and I don't even know how to control my powers. Is he out of his mind? I can't just sit here all day long. I wish I was free!”
As you say this a light strikes from the floor and a boy about your age appears. He was gorgeus. He had blue hair and deep blue eyes. You jump from the window sill in a fighting position.
"Who are you and what do you want?" you ask him and he looks at you with an amused face.
"Hi! I'm Ferus. Nice to meet you. I'm here to tell you something very important." he says in a childish way. You could sense a great amount of power coming from him but you knew he wouldn't harm you.
"So, I see you're not here to kill me. Then what do you want?"
"I am here to tell you something about your nature. It is best if you sit down.” His face turns serious and you could tell he wasn’t joking anymore.
"No thanks. I'd rather stand."
"OK.Then, let's begin. What do you know about your biological mother?"
"Well, not much. She died when I was little and father never talks about her."
"Then, you don't know that she was an angel and that you are one too."
"A what? No! I'm only a Goddess and I think that's enough."
"Well, it's not common, but you are half Goddess and half angel."
"But if I'm half angel, how come I've never felt other powers except the usual ones?"
"That's what I'm here for. You can't use your other powers until you accept the fact that you are an angel."
"Well, this should be interesting. I acc...."
"But there are some risks. If you accept to be an angel then your original powers will be restricted. If you use them after you accept being an angel you might not be able to control the amount of power from your Mystical Creatures and die. But you can choose to use one of them without risks."
"Is that all?"
"Ah...No! If you accept to be an angel, then you must become a Guardian Angel, just like the ones in the stories. Hihi!" he starts to giggle.
"So, in other words I'll be baby-sitting."
"Yeah. You are right except the fact that he's not a baby."
"Yes. His name is Hiei Jaganshi. He has a lot of enemies and it seems that someone wants to kill him. We don't know who, so we are sending you to guard him."
{His name sounds familiar.}
"Ok. I'll do it."
"Good. I think this is all..."
"What about the animal I'm allowed to choose?"
"Oh, yes...You're right. What animal do you choose?" You sweat drop.
"Hmmm....Byakko!" "Oh...That sweet little cat of yours." And at his words a growl was heard.
"Ok. Maybe not so little."
"Ok. Anything else?"
"Yes!” His face turns serious again.
”What ever you do, do NOT fall inlove with him and your identity must be kept a secret."
"Don't worry. I don't fall inlove so easily."
"Ok. I must leave now." When he's about to leave he remembers something and turns around.
"Oh...right. I remembered. Here! Catch!" and he throws you a bracelet.
”What is this?"
"This is a bracelet which will help you control your powers. You must always wear it in order to hide your identity. Whenever you take it off, you will transform and be able to use your angel powers."
"Ok. Have you forgotten anything else?”
"Well, let me think(counting on fingers): the mother, the guardian part, the animal, the bracelet...well I think that's all."
"But wait. How can I find you?"
"Whenever you need me, just say my name.” he says while opens a portal and then disappears. You go through the portal and you end up in a forest.
"Great. I forgot to ask him how I'll find Hi...."but you were interrupted by a monster who rushed at you. Because you weren't concentrated, you get a full hit and when you were about to fight back, you hear a voice shouting:
"REI GUN!!!!!!...."
You turn around and see 4 boys that you recognize.
{Now I know why the name was so familiar. These are the detectives from Spirit World. Damn you Ferus. Why didn't you tell me? I might as well play the little innocent girl in order to stick around them}you think to yourself and you then realize they had already killed the demon. One of them was coming towards you.
”Excuse me. Are you ok?” He asks you. You look up into his beautiful emerald eyes and answer.
”I’m ok. Thank you!"
"Hey Kurama, who's the chick?" asks the most annoying voice you have ever heard.
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."
"I didn't throw it. What is your name?"
"Well, I'm Kurama. The others are Yusuke, Kuwabara and Hiei." He says while pointing to each and one of them.
”Nice to meet you. I’m Kanako and sorry if I was rude but he annoyed me."
"It's ok. We know the feeling."
"What was that Urameshi?” and they start fighting.
"Well Kanako,..."says Kurama pretending he didn't see the fight, “We would like you to come with us."
"Well, why not. Let’s go!"
[Imagine: cd534d7862259bace6e002d7185a669b_ra.gif]

[Imagine: chibi_59.gif]
Chibi-ul lui Maou

Twilight - click and the world of Twilight will be at yout feet

Chapter 2.

While you were heading to "who knows where”, you noticed that the boy you were supposed to guard said nothing. Meanwhile, you arrive in front of some huge doors. When they open you see a baby sitting at a huge desk signing papers.
"Kanako, I would like you to meet our boss!” says Kurama.
You look around confused and ask "Well, where is he?"
"Binky Breath here is our boss.” says Yusuke and points to the baby.
“You’re kidding, right?"
"Hello miss. I’m Koenma, the Ruler of Spirit World."
"Holly sh*t! A talking baby. You don't see this quite often."
"What are you saying? You should pay more respect to..."
"I think baby needs a nap.” At this everyone starts laughing, even Kurama, and Hiei just smirks.
“You should have told me we had guests. I’ll be right back." Koenma says and enters another room. After 5 minutes a boy about 18 comes out. “Sorry to keep you waiting."
"Where did the baby go?"
"The 'baby' is in front of you. This is my human form."
"Well, you don't look bad at all."
"Thank you. Now please, sit down. I need to ask you some questions.” he says while blushing. You sit down and wait for the interogation. "Can you tell us who are you and what kind if demon you are?"
"I can only tell that my name is Kanako. The rest I don't remember!"
"I see. I would like you to live with the gang until I do some research about your past. And they can train you, so that you'll remember your powers."
"Sounds good to me."
"Welcome to the team.” says Yusuke and you smile!
The guys take you to a big mansion and Kurama shows you the house and your room. Afer you examine it, you realize something and turn to Kurama. "I have nothing to wear except the clothes that I have on me. Where can I get new ones?"
"Well, tomorrow you'll go shopping with Botan but until then I have an idea." says Kurama with a devilish smile. "Follow me." And he takes you to a dark room. He shows you the closet and says: "Be my guest. Choose anything you want. I must go now, but I'll check on you later."
"Ok. Thanks Kurama. " While you were looking through the closet you notice all of the clothes were black. Just the way you liked them. You change and when you were about to leave you see that Hiei boy standing at the door with a killer look on his face. "Onna, take those clothes off. Now!"
"What did you say, you pervert?" And you throw at him anything that you get your hands on. Hearing the noise, the others come to see what is happening. When they were at the door Hiei was pulling your clothes and yelling:
"Take MY clothes off you bakka onna!" The others were a little shocked except Yusuke who manages to say:
"Hiei, you animal. Aren't you moving a little bit too fast?" At this Hiei glares at the others and Kurama says:
"I'm sorry Hiei, but you were the only one about her size." You notice 3 girls and ignore what ever Hiei says. You could only hear a "Hn" from his part. A girl with baby blue hair comes to you and says:
"Hi! I'm Botan. They are Keiko and Yukina." she says while pointing to the other 2 girls. Your eyes land on the girls with red eyes.
{They look like Hiei's, except the fact that they show kindness and Hiei's show...well, they show anything else but kindness.}You were interrupted from your thoughts by Botan's question. "
Are you Hiei's new girlfriend?"
"What? No! You're wrong. I just needed to borrow some clothes and Kurama showed me his room."
Kurama and Hiei were argueing, the 2 bakas were doing what they know best : fighting, the girls were 'killing' you with their questions, when you suddenly hear: "Ahem!".
Everyone stops and you hear from behind a voice even more annoying then Kuwabara's.
"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in Hiei's clothes???" You answer without even turning to see who was asking.
"I’m Kanako and I borrowed Hiei's clothes. Who is asking?"
"I'm Hiei's girlfriend!"
[Imagine: cd534d7862259bace6e002d7185a669b_ra.gif]

[Imagine: chibi_59.gif]
Chibi-ul lui Maou

Twilight - click and the world of Twilight will be at yout feet

wow!!! that was truly funny!! (the last part i mean)
even if i'm not the biggest fan of YYH i really loved this one!
btw you should put a pic of Kanako to help us imegine better.
Can`t wait till the next 1 ;)
<a href="" title="Facts"><img src=" Lie,0,ffffff,000000,0.png" alt="Funny Facts" title="Facts" /></a>

Chapter 3.

"I'm Hiei's girlfriend!"
You turn around to see who said that. You see a girl making her way to Hiei. She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. You were so disgusted by her. Then she turns to you and says:
“I’m Kate, Hiei is MY boyfriend and I don't like you wearing his clothes!"
You hated people who talked down to you especially annoying girls, who you could have killed in a blink of an eye. But being a princess, you were used to control yourself, so you managed to stay calm.
“Don’t worry, he can have his clothes back. I can borrow from Kurama."
"Hn.You can keep them onna.I don't want them back." says Hiei and everyone is surprised by the answer. Besides being the longest sentence said by Hiei since you came, he also accepted to give you his clothes to you.
"But baby, why are you giving her your clothes when you don’t even know her? You never give me your clothes!” says Kate in an annoying voice.
"Hn!" is all Hiei says and leaves the room, followed by Kate.
“I think it's best if we leave. Kanako please go with Botan and the girls to talk about tomorrow." Kurama asks you and you nod. On the way to your room you realize that you are accompanied by the girls, except Kate of course. And you were happy she didn't come.
“So Kanako, what can you tell us about you?"
"I'm sorry Botan, but there isn't much to tell. I remember nothing about my past. All I know is my name and what Koenma said is that I'm a demon."
"Ok then, let’s talk about something else. You know what Kanako? You look good in Hiei's clothes." says Keiko. "Come on Kanako-chan, tell us! Is there something between you and Hiei?" Botan asks you with a devilish smile. "Are you out of your mind? Who could like that bad-tempered scary midget?"
"But you're the same height as I am. In other words, you’re shorter than him.” says Yukina with an innocent smile.
“Well...You have a point there Yukina. You remember me of him, but your characters are very different!"
"Well of course she reminds you of him. After all she is..." but she Botan was cut off by a knock on the door, and Kurama comes in.
“It’s late girls and Kanako needs her rest especially if she's going shopping with Botan tomorrow!"
"Hey! What do you mean by that?"
"Nothing Botan! I was just saying. And by the way Kanako, here are some clothes to sleep in." he says and gives you a shirt and a pair of blue shorts. After the girls leave, you were wondering what the connection between Hiei and Yukina was. But you were too tired to think about it, so you gave up.
The next morning
You understood why you needed rest. Shopping with Botan was hard even for a royalty who was used to buy fancy dresses and clothes. While trying to ignore the pink shops that Botan dragged you, you tried to find out more about Hiei but it was useless.
{He is a difficult boy. I’m sure he's hiding something. I don't want why. Maybe it's just my woman instinct, but I'll find out for sure.}
That night you wanted to go training like you used to, but to your surprise, you saw the boys already training. "Kanako! I didn't know you were awake. I thought that you must've been tired after a whole day shopping." "No...I'm OK!" "Then let's train!" says Yusuke.
"Awwww....It's been a while since we trained with a pretty girl." says Kuwabara with a dumb smile on his face. "Hn. Besides being a baka, you are blind too. Where do you see any pretty girls here?"
"Well, at least Kuwabara has an excuse. He is stupid and has only 2 eyes. But you have 3 eyes and you can't even see how your girlfriend looks like!"
"What did you say detective?” Just when they were about to fight, Kurama stops them:
"Come on guys! It's not the time to fight. We came here to train."{Even if Yusuke is right!}
During the training, the boys were trying to take you easy. You went through the basics of body combat although you knew them already. Unfortunately, you had to pretend like you didn’t know anything!
[Imagine: cd534d7862259bace6e002d7185a669b_ra.gif]

[Imagine: chibi_59.gif]
Chibi-ul lui Maou

Twilight - click and the world of Twilight will be at yout feet

Chapter 4.
One morning, you go down for breakfast and see the boys except Hiei already there.
"Good morning Kanako."
"Good morning guys." You sit at the table and start eating when all of a suden the house begins shaking and you could hear:
"ONNA!!!!!!!!!!...Give me back my shirt!!!"
" should run. But then again, this isn't new." says Kurama and you run outside with Hiei on your tail. Kurama was right. This wasn't something unusual. You run into the forest and stop at the bottom of a tree.
{I can't understand why he is like that. I only borrowed his shirt. I borrowed again his shirt. But he has so many.}
{I'll rectify that. He had so many.}
{Hey! Who's that? God is that You?}
{No,baka onna.}
{'s you.}
{I'm the HE who has run out of shirts.}At that moment he appears out of nowhere besides you.
"I didn't know you could read minds."
"Yes but its' very tiering for me. I don't use it quite often."
{I'd better be more careful what I'm thinking about.}
"Let's go home onna!"
"No. I'm not coming."
"What did you say? I don't think you have a choise." He takes you in his arms bride style and you set off home.
"What do you think you're doing? Let me go. I can walk by myself."
"Be quiet! If it were after you, we would get home tomorrow."
"Hmpf!" You really didn't have a choice.
{Why am I not mad because of her? If it had been anyone else, besides Yukina of course, I would have probably killed that person. But I find this situation rather amusing. What has gotten into me?} You finally get home and Kurama tells you he'll go out to buy some food. You offer to go with him. Since you came to Earth, you haven't left the house. All you did was training and running from Hiei. This was an oppoortunity for you to learn something. You knew that Keiko, Kurama, Yusuke and Kuwabara had to go to "school" to learn, but you didn't know what it was. You had always studied at home. You knew the people here are different from the ones you were used to, but to you, they looked alike.
{I don't understand why they are so different. They don't have 3 heads or 10 eyes or...}
But you were interrupted from your thoughts by Kurama: "The're nothing like you had expected, right?" "Hm...yes."
"Well, you see, they look like us and maybe act like us, but are unaware of the existence of Makai or Reikai. Without spiritual energy or any contact with the other worlds, Reikai decided to keep quiet and protect Ningenkai from the shadow."
"I think I understand. You're the good guys who help protect the humans from the bad guys."
"If you put it that way..."
"Since we're here, you might as well show me some things and places humans frequent."
Kurama takes you first to do the shopping,and afterwards he takes you to a park. Everything was wonderful. It was spring season and the flowers and trees were in blossom. The singing of the birds was marvellous. You had never payed attention to anything like this before. Before, all you could think about was training. But now, when you see children playing together with their parents...

"Father, I want to play.Let's go out, please!!..."
"Kanako, I have work to do. Besides, playing isn't fit for a princess. You must study and behave in order for one day to become a queen worthy of your Kingdom!"
~End flashback~

A tear falls down from your left eye. Suddenly, you feel a cold drop on your cheek. It's raining. It's like the sky was crying together with you, as if it could feel your pain, your sorrow. Then, Kurama gently takes your hand and tells you:
"We'd better seek shelter from the rain, or you might catch a cold." He takes you to the biggest tree in the park where you sit down. You were out of the rain, at least for now.
"Kanako, can I ask you a question? Why were you crying back there?"
"It's ok if you don't want to tell me. But I don't like seeing you sad. Now let's change the subject. Tell me, which are your favorite flowers?"
"Lilies. The lily is a symbol of chastity and virtue. It is a symbol of life because it is associated with the significance of fertility but it is also a symbol of death, and at one time lilies were placed on the graves of young innocents."
"You're right. Life and death are an antonimic pair but which complete each other. In final instance they become one." he says and gives you a white lily.
"Thank you Kurama." you say and kiss him on the....cheek.
"Hn. When you two are done, we have a mission waiting."
"Oh, Hiei. You're here too." Kurama says and smiles. "Well let's go then." You approve and follow Hiei.
[Imagine: cd534d7862259bace6e002d7185a669b_ra.gif]

[Imagine: chibi_59.gif]
Chibi-ul lui Maou

Twilight - click and the world of Twilight will be at yout feet

Chapter 5

The boys take you home and they set off to Koenma. You went to your room and decided this was a good opportunity for you to test your new powers. You look at your bracelet and start speaking into it.
"Hey Ferus are you there? Ferus!!!! Come out,come out wherever you are! "
Suddenly, you feel a slight breeze coming from your open window and hear:
"Ready or not, here I come!"
Next thing you know, Ferus was beside you.
"Did you call, your Highness?" he said in an ironic voice.
"Stop playing around 'angel boy' . The team has a new mission and I thought of it as a good chance to test my 'angel' powers."
" I suppose you're right. And where is the mi..."
But he was interrupted by a knock on the door. You panicked.
{What am I going to do now? If they see him, they'll find out everything. I must hide him... but where?}
" Kanako, are you in there? It's me, Kurama. I have to talk to you." Kurama says and he enters your room. That moment, you froze. You didn't know what to say, except some incoherent words...
" Well, Kurama.... You see... I was... Uhm..."
" Why didn't you answer me? Were you talking to yourself?" You looked at Ferus who was grinning at you, as he sat on your bed. Kurama didn't seem to see him.
" I was in the bathroom. Sorry!"
" It's ok. I'm here to tell you that we must go on an important mission."
You pretended to be worried to find out what you wanted.
" Where? Are you going to be alright?" You hated the fact that you had to manipulate Kurama, he was the only one who treated you like a friend... But then again, you were an angel with a mission. Hm... an angel... You never thought of yourself that way.... But you had to admitt it, after all, that's what you were.
" It's no big deal, some demons are attacking here, in Human World. We were ordered to go and extinguish them...."
" Please be careful. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you." And this time you weren't pretending. It would have been awful if something had happenned to them. Even to Kuwabara, who you didn't really like... But he still was your friend. And Yusuke and Kurama... Especially Hiei... You sighed without realizing.
{ Hiei... What am I thinking about? I must be going crazy... But he is kind of cute....}
"What are you thinking about Kanako?"
" Um... Nothing, nothing. I'm just worried..."
"Don't be, we'll be fine." Kurama said with a soft smile..." We must leave now. See you later!"
"Bye-bye..." After Kurama leaves, you gently said: " We'll see each other sooner than you think..." and a smile appeared in the corner of your mouth...
"Hey! I'm still here! Remember?"
"Yes, I know. Tell me what I have to do now!"
"The only thing you have to do is to take your bracelet off and fly there!"

{Narator POV}

The battle was taking place into a forest near a cliff. The demons weren't so strong, but they were many. The team was exhausted and started to lose. It seemed that the only way to win was to defeat their leader, who stood aside the entire battle. He probably was more powerful. Kuwabara, because of his lack of attention... or more likely because of his stupidity, while fighting a demon, tripped and fell down the cliff. The others rushed to see what had happened and when they looked over the cliff they were blinded by a powerful light. The next thing they knew, Kuwabara was laying on the ground beside them, and a beautiful angel was launching an attack on the rest of the demons. It cleared them all in one strike. Meanwhile, the cloacked figure who appeared to be their leader, dissappeared.
The guys couldn't see well the angel because it wasn't facing them and the big wings were blocking the view. Yusuke took a step forward and asked:
" Who are you?"
" Not your enemy..."
The voice stated clearly that she was a girl, but before they could say anything else, she flew away...
After they snapped out of the 'OH-MY-GOD-WHO-WAS-SHE??' trance, they went back to Koenma who seemed surprised that an angel was on Earth.

-Mistress Hecate! The one you've been searching for has appeared.
-Then you know what you have to do.
-Yes my lady.

In her room, Kanako was laying on her bed.

{Your POV}

"Damn! I wonder who that misterious guy was." you sighed and decided to sleep.[/color]

You were running from something but didn't know from what. You got home but what you saw was absolutely horrific. Your friends were all murdered. The red from the blood darkened your eyes and mind, and you could feel you were transforming again. But this time, something was different. You could see yourself in a mirror but you didn't recognize yourself. Your wings were the colour of ash, and your eyes were red with anger. You could see that your wings were tainted with blood. You looked at your hands and you let out a shriek of fear. Not for yourself, but for what you might've done. From nowhere, you could hear a cold voice:
"You see what you've done? I will make you repent for your sins. Remember my name, for I am the one who shall end your life. My name is Hecate, goddess of the underworld."


Everything was going normal, when the others heard a scream coming from Kanako's room. They all hurried to see what was happening. But the only thing they saw was Kanako sitting in a puddle of blood and a cloacked man sitting infront of her smilling satisfied
[Imagine: cd534d7862259bace6e002d7185a669b_ra.gif]

[Imagine: chibi_59.gif]
Chibi-ul lui Maou

Twilight - click and the world of Twilight will be at yout feet

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