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What's your celtic animal ?

What`s your celtic animal ?

Your animal is the goose.

[Imagine: goose.png]

You are are a resourceful person who needs a lot of stability in life.
You rather save for a rainy day, even if it means on missing out on fun impulses.

When you feel secure, you are incredibly creative and artistic. You are also very witty.
You like to invest in yourself and for the future. You like to always be learning and gaining skills.

Mac, mac, mac.
[Imagine: 212ctp4.gif]
'Cause you are so beautiful
Nal sumsuiga haneun ne ibseul saranghandanmal oh
'Cause you are so beautiful
Nae geoteman meomulreo(keudae namanui).

[Imagine: otter.png]
Your Animal is the Otter
You are a supportive, caring person. You value human life, and you think each person deserves compassion.
You are optimistic and inspiring. You see what people need to feel complete, and you help them get it.

You bond easily with others, and you are especially close to your family. You love to share, learn, and play together.
Security is important to you. You are calm, as long as you aren't threatened.

Your Animal is the Otter

[Imagine: otter.png]

You are a supportive, caring person. You value human life, and you think each person deserves compassion.
You are optimistic and inspiring. You see what people need to feel complete, and you help them get it.

You bond easily with others, and you are especially close to your family. You love to share, learn, and play together.
Security is important to you. You are calm, as long as you aren't threatened.

Acum stiu de ce imi spune mama vidra. 24
[center][Imagine: 40628691.png][/center]
[center]Sanq's Rx'u! ^^[/center]

Your Animal is the Salmon

[Imagine: salmon.png]

You are both clever and wise. You are a keen observer, and you tend to notice everything.
You have amazing reasoning skills, and you grasp difficult concepts. You are an abstract thinker.

You seek wisdom in its many forms. You are interested in art, literature, history, philosophy, and science.
You are driven to make your own mark on the world. You put your creativity and brilliance to work.

Sunt ceea ce mananc. 21
[center][Imagine: 34f1v9e.png][/center]

Iubire, ÅŸti ceva? 5
Te iubesc prea mult,
Pentru a mai fi iubit.
Deja ţi-ai dat seama
Despre cine vorbesc,
Că eşti deştept!

Your Animal is the Seal

[Imagine: seal.png]

You are a compassionate, sensitive soul. You feel deeply.
You are also a dreamer and a romantic. You have a glorious imagination.

You are flexible and adaptable. You can make do in any situation.
You are very loving and affectionate. You are generous toward those who are important to you.

What's Your Celtic Animal?

Jesus, e complet adevărat ! O_O
Intunecand intunericul,
portile luminii.

Your Animal is the Salmon

You are both clever and wise. You are a keen observer, and you tend to notice everything.
You have amazing reasoning skills, and you grasp difficult concepts. You are an abstract thinker.

You seek wisdom in its many forms. You are interested in art, literature, history, philosophy, and science.
You are driven to make your own mark on the world. You put your creativity and brilliance to work.

adevarat.....foarte adevarat

I'm an angel from heaven who lives in hell.

My life is so empty
I want to go far away from here
But I can't
Because he is here
I want to go in a diffrent place
But I can't live them alone
Especially she is so weak
That thing make me
Want to protect her.
[Imagine: chibi_3654.gif]
, chibi-ul lui anaid_angel

[Imagine: adder.png]

Your Animal is the Adder

You are mentally sharp. You have an amazing memory, and you're a shrewd problem solver.
You are a natural healer, and you are drawn toward taking care of people.

Your family is the most important thing to you. You feel lost without them.
You are drawn to the mystical and magical. You find the paranormal to be useful in understanding the world.

Cum poti sa zici atat doar dupa luna si ziua nasterii en fin au dreptate shaii , si vad ca-s singura vipera pana acum 21)
Sunt peste voi cu orice cuvant se zice ca sunt genial ... stii de ce ? ... pentru ca sunt .

[center][Imagine: gunot2.jpg]
[Imagine: 44483.gif][/center]

[center][Imagine: txtmovementvh8.gif][/center]

Your Animal is the Crane
Deep down, you are a very secretive person. You keep a lot to yourself.
You may seem friendly and outgoing, but it's not the full picture. You prefer your own quiet company.

You are a smart and talented person. You have an amazing set of skills.
You are also quite reflective and thoughtful. You have a unique spirituality that is always growing.
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

Un quiz identic se afla aici, creat de userul neko-chan.

Thread Closed

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