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What animal are you ?

I found a quiz ...

You are a monkey.

[Imagine: monkey.png]

You are a very fascinating creature. People are interested in every little thing you do.
You are smart, curious, and clever. You are naturally witty, and you have a great sense of humor.

You can see things from many different angles, and you always have an interesting perspective on life.
You are likely agile and playful. You stay physically fit simply by staying active.

What animal are you ?
[Imagine: 212ctp4.gif]
'Cause you are so beautiful
Nal sumsuiga haneun ne ibseul saranghandanmal oh
'Cause you are so beautiful
Nae geoteman meomulreo(keudae namanui).

You Are a Monkey
You are a very fascinating creature. People are interested in every little thing you do.
You are smart, curious, and clever. You are naturally witty, and you have a great sense of humor.

You can see things from many different angles, and you always have an interesting perspective on life.
You are likely agile and playful. You stay physically fit simply by staying active.

You Are a Lion

[Imagine: lion.png]

You have the potential to be very powerful and wealthy. You were born to rule.
You are able to contribute to a community and balance everyone's interests.

You are incredibly brave and totally fearless. You are usually passive... until it's time to jump into action.
You are a very passionate person. You tend to be jealous, and it's easy to provoke you into a fight. [so true21]

What Animal Are You?
[Imagine: 2rqzqjc.jpg]

* Just...Stay Bizarre *

[Imagine: 28qqdxz.jpg] ♥ [Imagine: 2wf645h.jpg] ♥ [Imagine: 51f0xu.jpg]

"Putina mea experienta de viata m-a invatat ca nimeni nu e stapan pe nimic, totul este o iluzie. [...] Cine a pierdut o data un lucru pe care il socotea garantat invata pana la urma ca nimic nu-i apartine." - "Unsprezece minute" - Paulo Coelho

[center][Imagine: jigapt.jpg][/center]

You Are a Chicken
You are a naturally curious and inquisitive being. You are often poking your nose where it doesn't belong!
Collecting nuggets of knowledge is important to you. You enjoy knowing everything you can.

You are very independent and strong willed. You don't like to be bossed around, and you do as you please.
You are quite determined and able to take on challenges. You will "peck away" at a problem until it's gone.
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

You are a monkey.

You are a very fascinating creature. People are interested in every little thing you do.
You are smart, curious, and clever. You are naturally witty, and you have a great sense of humor.

You can see things from many different angles, and you always have an interesting perspective on life.
You are likely agile and playful. You stay physically fit simply by staying active.
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
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You Are a Cat
You are very independent and reclusive. No one really understands you, and you like it that way!
You are quite clever and ingenious. You can get yourself out of any sticky situation.

You are confident and cool tempered. You know you have many advantages and resources to draw from.
No matter what life throws at you, things always seem to work out your way.

Ca, doar nu degeaba, nickname-ul meu e ~ neko still 4.
:::Hot temptations:::Sweet sensations:::
:::Rhythmic motion:::Raw emotion:::
:::Your reaction:::To my action:::
:::Hour after hour:::Of sweet pleasure:::

You Are a Cat

You are very independent and reclusive.

No one really understands you, and you like it that way!

You are quite clever and ingenious.

You can get yourself out of any sticky situation.

You are confident and cool tempered.

You know you have many advantages and resources to draw from.

No matter what life throws at you, things always seem to work out your way.

I'm an angel from heaven who lives in hell.

My life is so empty
I want to go far away from here
But I can't
Because he is here
I want to go in a diffrent place
But I can't live them alone
Especially she is so weak
That thing make me
Want to protect her.
[Imagine: chibi_3654.gif]
, chibi-ul lui anaid_angel

You Are a Panda

You are a very philosophical, introspective creature. You project a calm vibe.
You have amassed a good deal of wisdom in your life. You can teach anyone who is ready and willing to learn.

Solitude is very important to you. You don't truly feel at peace until you are alone.
You enjoy a few friendships but only when those friendships are with fellow loners.
[Imagine: 8647989.png]

You Are a Cat

[Imagine: cat.png]

You are very independent and reclusive. No one really understands you, and you like it that way!
You are quite clever and ingenious. You can get yourself out of any sticky situation.

You are confident and cul tempered. You know you have many advantages and resources to draw from.
No matter what life throws at you, things always seem to work out your way.

What Animal Are You?

Yap, yap. Meow. =^.^=
Intunecand intunericul,
portile luminii.

You Are a Cat

[Imagine: cat.png]

You are very independent and reclusive. No one really understands you, and you like it that way!
You are quite clever and ingenious. You can get yourself out of any sticky situation.

You are confident and cul tempered. You know you have many advantages and resources to draw from.
No matter what life throws at you, things always seem to work out your way.

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