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Versuri 2.

Breaking Benjamin - Evil Angel

Hold it together.
Birds of a feather.
Nothing but lies and crooked wings.
I have the answer.
Spreading the cancer.
You are the faith inside me.
No, Don't, leave me to die here.
Help me survive here, alone.
Don't Remember!

Put me to sleep, Evil Angel.
Open your wings, Evil Angel. (Ahhh)

I'm a believer.
Nothing could be worse.
All these imaginary friends.
Hiding betrayal.
Driving the nail.
Hoping to find a saviour.
No, don't, leave me to die here.
Help me survive here, alone.
Don't Surrender!

Put me to sleep, Evil Angel.
Open your wings, Evil Angel. (oohh)
Fly over me, Evil Angel.
Why can't I breathe, Evil Angel?

Put me to sleep, Evil Angel.
Open your wings, Evil Angel. (oohh)
Fly over me, Evil Angel.
Why can't I breathe, Evil Angel?

Xoxo, Ang.
[Imagine: pikachu___batman_by_mnrart-d58f68d.gif]
Nothing I shoot gets back up again.
Drawings.| Photos.

Eminem - Deja Vu.

As I fall deeper into a manic state I'm a prime candidate for the gene to receive the drug addict traits
Blood pressure climbs at a dramatic rate I seem to gravitate to the bottle of night quil then I salivate
Start off with the night quil like I think I'll just have a taste
Couple sips of that then I gradually graduate
Too a harder perscription drug called Valium like ya that's great I go to take just one and I end up like having eight
Now I need something in my stomach cause I haven't ate Maybe I'll grab a plate of nachos and I'll have a steak
And you'd think with all I have at stake
Look at my daughters face... Mommy somethings is wrong with dad I think
He's acting weird again he's really beginning to scare me Won't shave his beard again and he pretends he doesn't hear me
And all he does is eat dorritos and cheetos
And he just fell asleep in his car eating three musketeers in the rear seat

Sometimes I feel so alone, I just don't know, feels like I been down this road before,
So lonely and cold, It's like something takes over me, Soon as I go home and close the door,
Kinda feels like deja vu, I wanna get away from this place I do,
But I can't and I won't say I tried but I know that's a lie cause I don't
And why I just don't know...

Maybe just a nice cold brew what's a beer That's the devil in my ear I been sober a fucking year
And that fucker still talks to me he is all I can fucking hear
Marshall come on we'll watch the game it's the cowboys and buccaneers
And maybe if I just drink half I'll be halfed buzzed for half of the time
Who's that mastermind behind that little line With that kind of rational man I got half a mind
Too have another half of glass of wine sound acinine Ya I know
But I never had no problem with alcohol
Ouch look out for the wall aim for the couch I'm about to fall I missed the couch and down I go looking like a bouncing ball
Shit must have knocked me out cause I ain't feel the ground at all Wow what the f**k happend last night where am I
Man f**k am I hungover and god damn I got a head ache
Shit half a vicodin why can't I? "All systems ready for take off please stand by"

Sometimes I feel so alone, I just don't know, feels like I been down this road before,
So lonely and cold, It's like something takes over me, Soon as I go home and close the door,
Kinda feels like deja vu, I wanna get away from this place I do, But I can't and I won't say I tried but I know that's a lie cause I don't
And why I just don't know...

So I take a vicodin splash it hits my stomach and ah
A couple weeks go by it ain't even like I'm getting high
Now I need it just not to feel sick ya I'm getting by
Wouldn't even be taking this shit if deshaun didn't die
Oh ya there's an excuse you lose proof so you use
There's new rules it's cool if it's helping you to get through
It's twelve noon ain't no harm in self inducing a snooze
What else is new f**k it what would Elvis do in your shoes
Now here I am 3 months later full blown relapse
Just get high until the kids get home from two homes relax
And since I'm convinced that I'm in-somniac I need these pills to be able to sleep so I take 3 naps
Just to be able to function throughout the day let's see
That's an ambian each nap how many Valium 3
And that will average out to about one good hours sleep
OK so now you see the reason how come he
Has taken 4 years just too put out an album beat
See me and you we almost had the same outcome heath
Cause that Christmas you know the nomonia thing
It was Bologna was it the methadone ya think
Or the hydrocodone you hide inside your pornos
Your VCR tape cases with you ambian cr great places to hide ain't it
So you can lie to Halie I'm going beddy bye Whitney baby good night Elaina
Go in the room and shut the bedroom door and wake up in ambulance
They said they found me on the bathroom floor

Sometimes I feel so alone, I just don't know, feels like I been down this road before,
So lonely and cold, It's like something takes over me,
Soon as I go home and close the door,
Kinda feels like deja vu, I wanna get away from this place I do,
But I can't and I won't say I tried but I know that's a lie cause I don't
And why I just don't know...
[Imagine: tumblr_lw7j04DPq01r5ikx8o1_400_large.gif]
My mama always says that I'm cute. I don't believe her. I'm more than that !

Shake, shake that booty for Beckha !

Rise Against-Make It Stop

Woah, woah.

Bang bang go the coffin nails,
Like a breath exhaled,
Then gone forever.
It seems like just yesterday,
How did I miss the red flags raise?

Think back to the days we laughed
We braved these bitter storms together.
Brought to his knees he cried,
But on his feet he died.

What God would damn a heart?
And what God drove us apart?
What God could

Make it stop
Let this end
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
It's come to this,
A weightless step.
On the way down singing,
Woah, woah.

Bang bang from the closet walls,
The schoolhouse halls,
The shotgun's loaded.
Push me and I'll push back.
I'm done asking, I demand.

From a nation under God,
I feel it's love like a cattle prod.
Born free, but still they hate.
Born me, no I can't change.

It's always darkest just before the dawn.
So stay awake with me, let's prove them wrong.

Make it stop.
Let this end,
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
It's come to this,
A weightless step.
On the way down singing,
Woah, woah.

The cold river washed him away,
But how could we forget.
The gatherings hold candles
But not their tongues.

And too much blood has flown from the wrists,
Of the children shamed for those they chose to kiss.
Who will rise to stop the blood.

We're calling for
Insisting on
A different beat, yeah
A brand new song

Woah, woah.
(Tyler Clemente age 18)
A brand new song
Woah, woah.
(Billy Lucas age 15)
Woah, woah.
(Harrison Chase Brown age 15)
Woah, woah.
(Cody J. Barker age 17)
(Seth Walsh age 13)

Make it stop.
Let this end,
This life chose me, I'm not lost in sin
But proud I stand
Of who I am
I plan to go on living

Make it stop.
Let this end,
All these years pushed to the ledge.
But proud I stand
Of who I am
I plan to go on living
[Imagine: robin-1.jpg]

Indiferent- O fila din poveste

Unsprezece zero doi , atunci s-au intalnit
S-au cunoscut mai bine
In amandoi s-au regasit
Au trait o poveste de neuitat
Ea cu el , 2 copii la tot au renuntat
Insa ea la inceput a cam ezitat
Ea numai pt el din iubire s-a schimbat
A visat ca niciodata el nu va pleca
Si asa a fost sa fie .. el n`o va uita
Ea uita cateodata prin cate au trecut
Iar el cand o priveste ramane mut
Au facut din iubire ceva permanent
Si au format impreuna un sentiment
Amandoi se iubesc mai mult pe zi ce trece
Nu au nevoie de pareri ca ii lasa rece
Un regizor a creat o poveste colorata
Evelina cu Sergiu , o iubire adevarata

Refren X2
Fericit ca ma iubeste o fata care este ..
Copila speciala prinsa in poveste
Priveste in iubire , ea nu ma raneste
Imi zambeste cat traieste .. o fila din poveste

Au trecut zile ani , si minute in sir
Ai reusit sa fii a mea
Eu cu tine respir
Am ce imi doresc , mai bine zis tot
Esti totul pt mine , vindeci rana la loc
Am o iubire care nu o sa se stinga
Caci dragostea ta pe mine ma alinta
Te visez peste ani cu fiul in brate
Pentru mine voi 2 sunteti doua sperante
Si cine v-a spune ca tu vei pleca
Aceela minte si stiu foarte bine asta
Nimeni nu v-a putea vreodata sa ne desparta
Inima mea ii a ta si stiu ca te iarta
Sa te iubesc pare totul atat de usor
Insa stiu sigur noi doi avem viitor
Poate nu ma crezi dar stiu tu vei afla
Ca ramai sufletul meu si inima mea

Refren X2
Fericit ca ma iubeste o fata care este ..
Copila speciala prinsa in poveste
Priveste in iubire , ea nu ma raneste
Imi zambeste cat traieste .. o fila din poveste

Au sperat ca doi copii la clipe de amor
Dar toate vin cu timpul la fel de usor
Si ador sa il privesc cum moare de dor
Cand nu se vad o zi ea plange usor
Tzine sufletul aprins focul ce arde
Iar cand ne revedem , emotia ne scade
Visam cu ochii deschisi la o lume a noastra
Si cand totul dispare ma inchid in casa
Pun petale intr-o carte gandindu-ma la noi
Le culeg dupa o vreme cand apar ploi
Raman cu sentimente calde undeva in mine
Unde numai tu ajungi , ele sunt pt tine
De multe ori vreau sa iti fie bine
Si ma gandesc ca poate nu ajung ziua de
Si toate astea au ramas in amandoi
Cu gandul ca de maine vine soare dupa ploi

Fericit ca ma iubeste o fata care este ..
Copila speciala prinsa in poveste
Priveste in iubire , ea nu ma raneste
Imi zambeste cat traieste .. o fila dïn poveste

Bei Maejor - Gone

You know,
I love you so much girl
I just can't take you everywhere
I wanna take you right now
You know I ain't really got the money (This your favorite song, song x2)
But I promise one day we gon go
I promise (Turn your Juke Box on, on)

Baby Imma take you somewhere fresh
Soon as I get my next pay check
Baby trust me, you'll see
How your girls wishin they man was like me
So won't you take my hand, baby close your eyes
And we'll make love till we see the sun rise
On the beach though, white sand
I promise forever, I'm your man

So just rock to the left and rock to the right
If you know your baby gonna make it all right
Say oh (Ooh oh oh) oh (Ooh oh oh)
And let me see you step to the front, step to the back
Throw your hands up if you got it like that
Say oh (Ooh oh oh)
Ooh woah woah

Let's get gone, gone, gone, gone
Let's get gone
Yeah me and you x3
Let's get gone, gone, gone, gone
Let's get gone
Yeah me and you x3
See I may not have the most money in the world
But I got stacks of love for you girl
As soon as I get my money right
Then we'll go wherever you like it
Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
Yeah me and you x3

Baby Imma take you somewhere fly
Somewhere far where we can't even drive
Where we go, only we know
I'm thinkin my T-go? a free o
I swear that as soon as I get my money right
We're gonna get your plane way high in the sky
No coach class when we fly

[ From: ]

I'm thinkin like G-4 a G-5

So just rock to the left and rock to the right
You know your baby gonna make it all right
Say oh (Ooh oh oh) oh (Ooh oh oh)
And take one step to the front, one to the back
Throw your hands up if you got it like that
Say oh (Ooh oh oh)
Ooh woah woah

Let's get gone, gone, gone, gone
Let's get gone
Yeah me and you x3
Let's get gone, gone, gone, gone
Let's get gone
Yeah me and you x3
See I may not have the most money in the world
But I got stacks of love for you girl?
As soon as I get my money right
Then we'll go wherever you like it
Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
Yeah me and you x3

If you believe, then you will see
That girl we'll go...around the globe, yeah
Just give me time
That's all I need, yeah
But until then
Let's watch this here TV and

Let's get gone, gone, gone, gone
Let's get gone
Yeah me and you x3
Let's get gone, gone, gone, gone
Let's get gone
Yeah me and you x3
See I may not have the most money in the world
But I got stacks of love for you girl?
As soon as I get my money right
Then we'll go wherever you like it
Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
Yeah me and you x3
[Imagine: SIGN.png]
Thanks ^Ciresica^
SasuSaku fics || Miky`s Smile Zone

HIM - "Right Here In My Arms"

She is smiling like heaven is down on earth
Sun is shining so bright on her
And all her wishes have finally come true
And her heart is weeping.
This happiness is killing her.

She'll be right here in my arms
So in Love
She'll be right here in these arms
She can't let go
[Repeat 2x]

So hard she's trying
But her heart won't turn to stone... oh no
She keeps on crying
But I won't leave her alone
She'll never be alone

She'll be right here in my arms
So in Love
She'll be right here in these arms
She can't let go
[Repeat 2x]

And she'll be right here in my arms
So in Love
She'll be right here in these arms
She can't let go
[Repeat 3x and fade out]
[Imagine: p4KKzIN.png]
You could be the best of me when I'm the worst for you.
golden tragedy

sum 41 - with me

I don't want this moment to ever end,
Where everything's nothing without you.
I'd wait here forever just to, to see you smile,
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you.

Through it all, I've made my mistakes.
I stumble and fall, but I mean these words.

I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go.

Thoughts read, unspoken, forever in vow,
And pieces of memories fall to the ground.
I know what I didn't have, so I won't let this go,
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you.

All the streets, where I walked alone,
With nowhere to go, have come to an end.

I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go.

In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies,
When you don't know what you're looking to find.
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies,
When you just never know what you will find.

I don't want this moment to ever end,
Where everything's nothing without you.

I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go.

I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go.
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

Seether - Like Suicide

Premeditation will kill the trust
They'll never know if you fear me
With every second collecting dust
I feel so bloated and weary
'cause she belongs to heaven

She's comin' over like a suicide
And it's the same old trip
The same old trip as before
Another complicating suicide
And it's the same old trip
The same old trip as before


She'll cut you down with a single thrust
She's taken over too quickly
No medication can cure the lust
So say a prayer for the sickly
'cause she belongs to heaven

She's comin' over like a suicide
And it's the same old trip
The same old trip as before
Another complicating suicide
And it's the same old trip
The same old trip as before... as before...

You set me up to fucking fail this time [x8]

She's comin' over like a suicide
And it's the same old trip
The same old trip as before
Another overbearing suicide
And it's the same old trip
The same old trip
She's coming over wearing genocide
And it's the same old trip
The same old trip as before
Another complicating suicide
And it's the same old trip
The same old trip as before... as before...

Xoxo, Ang.
[Imagine: pikachu___batman_by_mnrart-d58f68d.gif]
Nothing I shoot gets back up again.
Drawings.| Photos.

MECENA - Catre ea.

Iti e dor,ai fost imbatata de amor
Stiu,nu ti-e usor dar nu folosi cuvinte fara rost
Ca e un prost,ca pentru el ti-ai pune viata contra-cost
E doar un fost,nu e inger ,n-are aripi
E doar actorul principal in lumea ta cu patimi
Spune-ti doar atat "nu-mi pasa" oricarei lovituri ce se iveste-n viata
Invata ca sentimentu'i pur cand e reciproc
Ca dragostea e foc,stinge si uita acest joc
Poate ai tot,poti sa treci peste
Poate totul este o simpla poveste
Ce insista sa vrea sa fie reala
Pierduta in ochii lui,pierduta-n acea seara
Era o vara,era o scara,erau 2 copii da' doar o inima avea sa moara
Nu privi in spate,lasa-n urma tot ce-a fost
Tu incercai sa te ridici,el te tragea in jos
Dar nu ceda cand stii ca-nca mai poti
Ca tine sunt putine ,dar ca el sunt toti

Te ridici usor din pat,el nu mai e
Cu aceeasi intrebare in cap,"oare de ce? "
De ce a plecat si ti-a lasat atatea amintiri
Scrisori de dragoste ce acum sunt doar simple hartii
Si nu te poti oprii,incerci sa dai de el
Astepti cu nerabdare ziua cand va fi la fel
Dar timpul trece,viata inainte nu mai merge
Pentru tine inima aprinsa odata,acum e rece
Stinsa,inecata in lacrimi,in rauri de regrete,de suparare si de patimi
Si te inchizi in sine,stingher astepti o veste de la el
Ca traieste,te ajuta sa treci peste
Ca nu-ntelegi,nu-ti explici,crezi ca a fost nebun
Ca a plecat de langa tine fara sa zica "ramas bun"
Acum privesti ploile ce cad si realizezi
Ca esti un inger care a cazut in iad
Nu privi in spate,lasa-n urma tot ce-a fost
Tu incercai sa te ridici,el te tragea in jos
Dar nu ceda cand stii ca inca mai poti
Ca tine sunt putine ,dar ca el sunt toti

Si sta in casa trista,plange dupa el
Doarme cu tricoul lui da' nu mai e la fel
Si inca spera ca el va veni-napoi
Priveste catre usa si in loc de unu vede 2
Si inca spera si lacrimile nu s-opresc
Te viseaza,se trezeste plangand si e invers
Parca totul merge prost
Pleaca dimineata vine seara,viata n-are nici un rost
Si intr-o zi s-a oprit pe pod
Se gandea sa sara si a stat putin pe loc
S-a gandit,a sarit si-a lasat un biletel
"Te voi iubi mereu si-o sa te astept in cer"
Nu privi in spate,lasa-n urma tot ce-a fost
Tu incercai sa te ridici,el te tragea in jos
Dar nu ceda cand stii ca inca mai poti
Ca tine sunt putine dar ca el sunt totï
[Imagine: tumblr_lw7j04DPq01r5ikx8o1_400_large.gif]
My mama always says that I'm cute. I don't believe her. I'm more than that !

Shake, shake that booty for Beckha !

Chriss - Suflet cald aproape

Tu m`ai gasit printre atatea defecte [defecte]
Tu m`ai salvat de mine
Mi`ai dat clipele si`un ras de copil

Toti vrem culori in viata noastra
Nu vrem s`avem un film alb-negru
Fara sunet ce dureaza putin [putin]
Si cautam dintre zeci si mii de chipuri
Zambete, atingeri, simturi
Am incercat in viata mea sa fug de trecut
Dar ar fi trebuit sa fug cat mai departe
[Cat mai departe]

Viata`i doar un sir de cautari
In care astepti iubire
D`aia cant despre tine, doar despre tine
Am mii de vise, mii de sentimente, mii de rime
Astept de mult sa le impart cu tine
Si am multe sa`ti ofer, multe culori
Aroma clipelor pana in zori
Dar n`am [n`am] un suflet cald aproape...

Tu m`ai gasit printre atatea defecte [defecte]
Tu m`ai salvat de mine
Mi`ai dat clipele si`un ras de copil

M`ai renascut, mi`ai dat motive sa mor din nou
Sa ma renasca alta`n locul tau
Vreau doar un ecou la tot ce`a fost [fost]
Ca doare, sunt un erou si nu recunosc
Ea n`a fost de`ajuns pt tot ce insemn eu
Ea stand pe loc, innaintand doar in sufletul meu
E tare rau [tare rau], nu poti sa zbori
Cu aripi frante poti doar sa`nveti cum sa cobori

Viata`i doar un sir de cautari
In care astepti iubire
D`aia cant despre tine, doar despre tine
Am mii de vise, mii de sentimente, mii de rime
Astept de mult sa le impart cu tine
Si am multe sa`ti ofer, multe culori
Aroma clipelor pana in zori
Dar n`am [n`am] un suflet cald aproape...

Tu m`ai gasit printre atatea defecte [defecte]
Tu m`ai salvat de mine
Mi`ai dat clipele si un ras de copil

Tu m`ai gasit printre atatea defecte [defecte]
Tu m`ai salvat de mine
Mi`ai dat clipele si`un ras de copïl

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Subiect: Autor Răspunsuri: Vizite: Ultimul răspuns
  Versuri [ K-music ] Ryuu 355 167.158 10-12-2011, 11:39 AM
Ultimul răspuns: βεκi
  Versuri v.3 Abbeh. 13 9.233 10-12-2011, 11:37 AM
Ultimul răspuns: βεκi

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