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Versuri 2.

Tokio Hotel - The dark side of the sun

Hello (2x)

On the TV, in your place, on radio
oh It's a riot, it's a riot, it's a no
You are frantic, don't you panic, let it go
We are, we are, we are

oh In the cities, on the streets, around the globe
They turn anything you love into a bow, oh
From the cradle to the grave out of the show, oh

We are, we are, we are
Radio hysteria

Hello the end is near
Hello were still standing here
The futures just begun
On the dark side of the sun
On the dark side of the sun

Hello (2x)

All the weapons in your hand under control, oh
But they wait instead of chasing, now it's old
Versuri Tokio Hotel - The dark side of the sun
de pe
Oh time is running but your future's long ago

We are, we are, we are
Radio hysteria

Hello the end is near
Hello were still standing here
The futures just begun
On the dark side of the sun (x4)

Will you end the pain
When I'm by your side
Before we move into the night
They're not gonna get us
We'll be allright
And one day the dark sun will shine
For us
For us

Hello the end is near
Hello were still standing here
The futures just begun
On the dark sïde of the sun (4x)
[Imagine: ak8THBQ.png]

Ana Johnsson - Coz I can

I could be anything
You want me to be
Cook you nice dinners
And then gently rub your feet
I could be a perfect wife
And be your slave for life
But I won`t, no I won`t

I could be the sweetest thing
You think you`ve ever seen
Dress up in skimpy clothes
All to fulfill your dreams
I could do anything
To show how much u mean
But I won`t, no I won`t

I`ll be a fly in your soup
The one that`s always in your face
Try to wave me away
I`ll be right back on your case
I`m the stain on your suit
Yeah, the one you can`t replace
Just because I can
I`ll be the itch on your back
On a spot that you can`t reach
I`m the reason you crack
Yeah, I`m like a bad disease
Just because I can
Just because I can

I could be the mistress
Who says she doesn`t care
And I`ll keep on smiling
When you`re treating me like air
I could be your best friend
The one who`s always there
But I won`t, no I won`t

I`ll be a fly in your soup
The one that`s always in your face
Try to wave me away
I`ll be right back on your case
I`m the stain on your suit
Yeah, the one you can`t replace
Just because I can
I`ll be the itch on your back
On a spot that you can`t reach
I`m the reason you crack
Yeah, I`m like a bad disease
Just because I can
Just because I can

I am gonna be the thing in your head
Keeping you awake at night in your bed
And every time you feel you`re losing control
Remember I`m the one who dug you that hole
Just because I can

I can be the things you want
But I won`t
[Imagine: pikachu___batman_by_mnrart-d58f68d.gif]
Nothing I shoot gets back up again.
Drawings.| Photos.

B.U.G. Mafia - Cat Poti Tu De Tare

Refren (x2) (Bodo)
Tu ai vrut de când ai crescut // Să arăŃi din ce eti făcut…
A venit momentul să tii // Oare cât de tare poŃi fi…

Strofa I (Caddillac)
Hai arată că poŃi, lasă%i mască pe toŃi // &i lovete%i să leine pe corzi…
Trimite%i la casat, ca pe nite rable la REMAT, // Să%nŃeleagă c%au intrat pe teren minat…
Ai talent, trebuie să porŃi coroana, // &tiu, drumu’ e lung ca Panamericana,
Schimbă panaroma, nu ai ce să pierzi, // Mai ales când ai ceva în care să crezi…
Trage%i în Ńeapă, frate, la fel ca łepe // Ca să curgă A.D.N.%u’ pe pre, să iasă cash…
Cineva, vă rog, să rostească sume // Că baiatu’ meu e hotărât să%i facă nume…
Nu e timp de glume, citete adversaru’ // &i unde doare cel mai tare dă cu paru’,
Lovete cu ciocanu’, preia controlu’ // Dacă vrei să%Ńi asiguri viitoru’… dă tare!

Refren (x2) (Bodo)
Tu ai vrut de când ai crescut // Să arăŃi din ce eti făcut…
A venit momentul să tii // Oare cât de tare poŃi fi…

Strofa a IIa (Uzzi)
PoŃi să lupŃi i să pierzi sau să pierzi oricum, // Aa că dă%le să sară… Dă, dăle să sară… (Tataee)
Dă%le noapte de Arad i beton de Bucureti, // Dă, dă%le să sară, dă%le să sară…
Dă perversă de Craiova serios ca%n Moldova // Ca să tie toŃi jegoii cine este la prova…
Faci tot ce faci să faci i să faci bine, // Nu te dai în spate nici cu glonŃ după tine…
Din sărăcie rea, mai rău nu o să fie… // Ai simŃit ce ai trăit… (Tataee) Eti lacrimi i nebunie…
&i nu%i lăsa că vor să%Ńi ia // Tot ce%a mai rămas drag in inima ta…
Da, e chiar aa, cu sau fără motiv, // Or’ intenŃiona sau nu, dă%le nu doar instinct
Că nu suntem tari de cap, dar avem capu’ tare // &i nu suntem doar bagabonŃi, o dăm tare…

Refren (x2) (Bodo)
Tu ai vrut de când ai crescut // Să arăŃi din ce eti făcut…
A venit momentul să tii // Oare cât de tare poŃi fi…

Strofa a IIIa (Tataee)
Inima bate, sângele fierbe, // PregătiŃi imediat câteva jerbe
Că unii o să afle că prezentu’ e crud // &i că azi durerea doare, nu e ca la Hollywood…
Repet, durerea tre’ să doară, // Să te compare cu o bombă nucleară,
&i toate javrele s%astupe urechile, // S%ascundă privirile, să%i înghită vorbele…
La adversari să le dea eroare // Că n%au tiut vreodată ce înseamnă devastare,
Să se lase cu%ntuneric la mansardă, // Să%i ia limba%n gură toŃi cu câte%o targă…
Joacă%te cu mintea lor, // Să uite cum îi cheamă, cine sunt i ce vor…
Toacă%i mărunt, mic de tot, compot… // Fă%le cea mai tare groapă, tare, tare de tot…

Refren (x2) (Bodo)
Tu ai vrut de când ai crescut // Să arăŃi din ce eti făcut…
A venit momentul să tii // Oare cât de tare poŃi fi…
stiu, nu-ti iese totul mereu, dar azi intra

Ana Johnsson - We are

See the devil on the doorstep now (my oh my)
Telling everybody oh just how to live their lives
Sliding down the information highway
Buying in just like a bunch of fools
Time is ticking and we can't go back (my oh my)

What about the world today
What about the place that we call home
We’ve never been so many
And we've never been so alone

You keep watching from your picket fence
You keep talking but it makes no sense
You say we're not responsible
But we are, we are
You wash your hands and come out clean
Fail to recognise the enemies within
You say we're not responsible
But we are, we are, we are, we are

One step forward making two steps back (my oh my)
Riding piggy on the bad boys back for life
Lining up for the grand illusion
No answers for no questions asked
Lining up for the execution
Without knowing why

You keep watching from your picket fence
You keep talking but it makes no sense
You say we're not responsible
But we are, we are
You wash your hands and come out clean
Fail to recognise the enemies within
You say we're not responsible
But we are, we are, we are, we are

It’s all about power then
By taking control
Breaking the will
Raping the soul
They suck us dry till there’s nothing left
My oh my, my oh my

What about the world today
What about the place that we call home
We' ve never been so many
And we've never been so alone....

So alone

You keep watching from your picket fence
You keep talking but it makes no sense
You say we're not responsible
But we are, we are
You wash your hands and come out clean
Fail to recognise the enemies within
You say we're not responsible
But we are, we are, we are, we are

It’s all about power then (we are)
By taking Control (we are)
Breaking the will (we are, we are)
Breathing the soul (we are)
They suck us dry till there’s nothing left (we are, we are)
My oh my, my oh my

We are
We are (its all )
We are
We are, we are (take control)
We are
We are
It’s all about power
By taking control.
[Imagine: 73m8sj.png]

B.U.G Mafia si Adriana Vlad - Pana cand moartea ne va desparti

Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
Nu, sa ne desparta
Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
Nu, sa ne desparta.

Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
Nu, sa ne desparta.
Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
Nu, sa ne desparta.

Totul a inceput aici in cartier:
Socului-Pantelimon, in Sud-Est Bucuresti.
Era o familie obisnuita fara prea multi bani,
Cu doi copii gemeni ce cresteau printre golani.
Erau pustani, iar mama lor se chinuia.
Dar barbacsu o batea, ii lua banii si ii bea.
Toni si Alex intrau in belea mereu.
Toata ziua erau pe-afara.
Nu se mai duceau la scoala.
Intr-o zi banala cand masa venea acasa
Ei erau plecati, barbacsu era varza.
Din nou ii cere bani, stiind c-a fost zi de leafa.
Ea nu vrea sa-i dea, el incepe sa o bata.
Femeia speriata, infuriata l-a-njunghiat,
Iar el disperat a sarit cu ea pe geam.
Doi copii au ramas orfani in lume,
Singuri la cinspe' ani in viata asta de doi bani.

Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
Nu, sa ne desparta.
Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimenď n-o sa poata,
Nu, sa ne desparta.

Toni si Alex au ramas singuri pe lume,
Neavand cine sa-i creasca, bunici.. sau alte rude.
Bani s-au terminat usor, fara ajutor.
Alex a plecat sa isi faca un viitor,
Toni a ramas in cartier cu ceilalti baieti.
Traia din ce fura nimeni nu stia ce facea.
Avea, o gramad' de bani din droguri si femei
Statea intre jmecheri si-ajunsese unul dintre ei.
Isi cumparase casa, masini si celular,
Dar era-n zadar, nu-si gasea fratele hoinar.
Acum era-nsurat si-avea si el doi gemeni,
Le pusese numele Alex si Toni.

Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
Nu, sa ne desparta.
Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimenď n-o sa poata,
Nu, sa ne desparta.

Intr-o zi iata.. s-au reintalnit,
Doar ca unul e borfas iar altul gabor in oras.
Borfasii fata-n fata cu gaborii si armata
Erau acuzati grav, de crima organizata.
Amintindu-si de trecut
Cei doi s-au recunoscut.
Cu pistoalele unul spre altul
Nu stiau ce-i de facut,
Cu lacrimi in ochi Toni trage primul.
Alex cade impuscat: se trage cu adevarat.
Toni este eliminat,
Ciuruit de gloante
Si apoi toti ai lui cad fara sperante.
Unul a trait cinstit celalalt a trisat mereu
Dar mortii nu-i pasa ca unu-i bun si altu-i rau.

Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
Nu, sa ne desparta.
Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nïmenď n-o sa poata,
Nu, sa ne desparta.


Au innebunit salcamii - Tudor Gheorghe

Au innebunit salcamii
De atata primavara,
Umbla despuiati prin ceruri
Cu tot sufletu-n afara

Si l-au scos de dimineata
Alb si incarcat de roua
Cu miresme tari de ceruri
Smulse dintr-o taina noua

Au innebunit salcamii
Si cu boala lor odata
S-a-ntamplat ceva imi pare
Si cu lumea asta toata

Pasarile aiurite
Isi scot sufletul din ele
Pribegind de doruri multe
Calatoare printre stele

S-a-mbatat padurea verde
Nu mai e asa de calma,
Tine luna lunguiata
Ca pe-o inima in palma

Nu-mi vezi sufletul cum iese
In haotice cuvinte,
Au innebunit salcamii
Si tu vrei sa fiu cuminte?
[ de dragul de a mai face un post dau si eu copy-paste de pe alt site de copy-paste. funny face is funny. ]
[Imagine: p4KKzIN.png]
You could be the best of me when I'm the worst for you.
golden tragedy

"Nirvana - Smells like teen spirit"

Load up on guns and
Bring your friends
It's fun to lose
And to pretend
She's over bored
And self assured
Oh no, I know
A dirty word

hello, how low? [x bunch of times]

With the lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido

I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end

hello, how low? [x bunch of times]

With the lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido

And I forget
Just why I taste
Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard
It was hard to find
Oh well, whatever, nevermind

hello, how low? [x bunch of times]

With the lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido
Yeah, a denial
A denial
A denïal...
[Imagine: 302xdzc.jpg]
Voi, nepasatori de moarte, dispretuitori de viata,
Ce-ati probat cu-avantul vostru lumii pusa in mirare,
Ca din vultur vultur naste, din stejar stejar rasare!

Life is a waterfall,
we're one in the river,
and one again after the fall.

Swimming through the void
we hear the word,
we lose ourselves,
but we find it all...

Cause we are the ones that want to play,
always want to go,
but you never want to stay.

And we are the ones that want to choose,
always want to play,
but you never want to lose.

Aerials, in the sky,
when you lose small mind,
you free your life.

Life is a waterfall,
we drink from the river,
then we turn around and put up our walls.

Swimming through the void,
we hear the word,
we lose ourselves,
but we find it all...

Cause we are the ones that want to play,
always want to go,
but you never want to stay.

And we are the ones that want to choose,
always want to play,
but you never want to lose, ooooo.

Aerials, in the sky,
when you lose small mind,
you free your life.

Aerials, so up high,
when you free your eyes,
eternal prize.

Aerials, in the sky,
when you lose small mind,
you free your life.

Aerials,so up high,
when you free your eyes,
eternal prize
[System of a Down - Aerials] <-- copy-paste T.T
[Imagine: p4KKzIN.png]
You could be the best of me when I'm the worst for you.
golden tragedy

System of a down - Lost In Hollywood

I'll wait here,
You're crazy,
Those vicious streets are filled with strays,
You should have never gone to Hollywood.

They find you,
To time you,
Say your the best they've ever seen,
You should have never trusted Hollywood.

I wrote you,
And told you,
You were the biggest fish out here,
You should have never gone to Hollywood.

They take you,
And make you,
They look at you in disgusting ways,
You should never trusted Hollywood.

[Serj moans now]

I was standing on the wall,
Feeling ten feet tall,
All you maggots smoking fags on Santa Monica Boulevard,
This is my front page,
This is my new age,
All you bitches put your hands in the air and wave them like you just don't care.

All you maggots smoking fags out there on Sunset Boulevard.

All you bitches put your hands in the air and wave them like you just don't care.

Phoney people come to pray,
Look at all of them beg to stay,
Phoney people come to pray.

[Serj and Daron Harmonize]

(The lines in the letter said, "We have gone to Hackensack")
Look at all of them beg to stay

Phoney people come to pray.

All you maggots smoking fags on Santa Monica Boulevard,
All you maggots smoking fags out there on Sunset Boulevard.
All you maggots smoking fags out there on Hollywood Boulevard.

You should have never trusted Hollywood.
You should have never gone to Hollywood.

All you bitches put your hands in the air and wave them like you just don't care.

You should have never trusted Hollywood.
[Imagine: 73m8sj.png]

@Alerim, imi place melodia.
Blind Guardian - Guardian of the Blind

Extermination thunder the strange one is
back again
Lost by our only power it's aura will grind us
out forever
Fall into a dark dream that we got once
the part it's real you won't believe
We're watching our own agony many years ago
Seven little children stand against the ghost
Believing is the answer but you've lost before
Find back to your infancy it's time to die
I've been the herdsman you've been my sheep
I find taste on lampskin everything's allright
killing for the thirst for small children sweat
I give them illusions to raise their fear
Hear the crying dying child it's music to my ears
Feel the sweetness of it's death everything's allright
But there's a new feeling I've never known
There must be a third one a mighty guardian
Guardian, Guardian, Guardian of the Blind
Now it feel the curse of heaven
Guardian, Guardian, Guardian of the Blind
Now it feel the curse of the child
Dark is it's world. and lonely we're reaching it
Fear our returning visions to madness we'll

[ From: ]

if we can't kill the beast forever
we must die now
One has blown his life away
Once we were a circle fighting hand in hand
Our weapons were illusions to let it feel the pain
By the sweet taste of our live it call us back again
We'll find the answer it's time to die
By a ritual we've hurt it but we've not kill
little Billy you must find your way
Believe in you we ask for
but where
we can never find
there must be a sign for the
Guardian of the Blind
Guardian, Guardian, Guardian of the Blind
Now it feel the curse of heaven
Guardian, Guardian, Guardian of the Blind
Now it feel the curse
Come to it's world following the sign
Guardian, Guardian, Guardian of the Blind
Give us the help we're waiting for your sign
Guardian, Guardian, Guardian of the Blind
[Imagine: p4KKzIN.png]
You could be the best of me when I'm the worst for you.
golden tragedy

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