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Versuri 2.

Limp Bizkit - Gold Cobra

Waking up aggravated
Stupid shit man I hate it
Bitches lyin’ bitches cryin’
Suicidal get in line
Gettin mine bouncin freaks
Loosing sleep countin sheep
Absolute cash and loot
Men in black packin heat
Born and blazin’ rotten raisin’
Fingers up time to waive ‘em
Show these players playin that they better get there ass to prayin
There won’t be nuttin but dice after the cut in the gut
I am not like ‘em there gonna wish they never pushed my button
The door is shuttin and a knife will do you no good
You gettin nuttin while I rock here in Hollywood
I’ll tell you somethin else you can take it to the bank
I don’t give a f**k what none of y’all people think

Holdin the gold it’s so gold it’s so golden y’all
The Golden Cobra
Holdin the gold it’s so gold it’s so golden y’all
The Golden Cobra
Holdin the gold it’s so gold it’s so golden y’all
The Golden Cobra
Holdin the gold it’s so gold it’s so golden y’all
The Golden Cobra

Feelin Korn going blind
Free as hell doin’ time
I’m insane can’t complain
Flush you turds down the drain
Down the hatch throwin craps
Throwin matches on the gas
Check the match check the will
Check the ride payin bills
Burnin mouths wanna smile
If you’re feelin versatile
Versus why flippin bitches
Grindin trucks skatin ditches
Hatin all the Harley hatin knife is slicin shit like bacon
Sick and tired you is fired
I’m the truth and you’s the liar
The door is shuttin and a knife will do you no good
You gettin nuttin while I rock here in Hollywood

I’ll tell you something else you can take it to the bank
I don’t give a f**k what none ya’ll people think

Holdin the gold it’s so gold it’s so golden y’all
The Golden Cobra
Holdin the gold it’s so gold it’s so golden y’all
The Golden Cobra
Holdin the gold it’s so gold it’s so golden y’all
The Golden Cobra
Holdin the gold it’s so gold it’s so golden y’all
The Golden Cobra

Oh ya listen what I’m tellin you (I’m tellin you)
There’s only one king on this hill it sure as hell ain’t you

Holdin the gold it’s so gold it’s so golden y’all
The Golden Cobra
Holdin the gold it’s so gold it’s so golden y’all
The Golden Cobra
Holdin the gold it’s so gold it’s so golden y’all
The Golden Cobra
Holdin the gold it’s so gold ït’s so golden y’all
The Golden Cobra

Vescan – Spune lumii

Spune lumii că-s plecat departe de toate
Și fac ce-mi taie capul, nicidecum ca la carte
Spune-le că se poate, fără niciun poate
Când ești tâmpit destul să crezi în vise realizate
Spune lumii că unii chiar nu gândesc după tipar
De-asta, în viața mea, declar că-s unic proprietar
Și mai spune lumii că unii au coloană vertebrală
Și continuă optimiști, oricât de des o dau în bară
O lume mare, afară toate vin și pleacă rapid
Norocu’ apare, ba te sună, nu răspunzi, pleacă grăbit
Deci n-ai timp de pierdut, că tre’ să fii și fericit
Măcar jumate din viață, jumate ai trăit
Și mai spune lumii că sigur se poate și zâmbind
Tot secretu’, practic, stă în felul tău de a fi
Așa că spune-le că de azi nu mai aud sau văd nimic
SOS către Terra, nu mai aud sau văd nimic.

Tell the world I’m not
Goiiiing dooownn..
I will standing here
Hold my groooound
Tell the world I’m not
Goiiiing dooownn..
I’m not gonna go
I’m not gonna go
Not going down, no..

Trebuie să trec prin foc
Să-mi fac practic loc într-un joc ce mă ține departe
De tot ce am da’ țin aproape
De inimă ce contează în apele-astea agitate

Să am mintea și sufletul blindate
Că nimic de-aici nu iau după moarte
Toate-s ca niște piese aranjate
Într-un decor ce seamănă a clandestinitate

Tragem alarmeee..
Deschideți ochii, prea mult se doarme
Și dacă cineva va veni să ne destrame
Iubirea și credința-s ale noastre arme

One love…

Tell the world I’m not
Goiiiing dooownn..
I will standing here
Hold my groooound
Tell the world I’m not
Goiiiing dooownn..
I’m not gonna go
I’m not gonna go
Not going down, no..

Și-avem toți mii de vise
Poate zeci permise
Parcă 24 nu mai ajung să poată fi și atinse
Luminile aprinse, luptăm pentru ce iubim

Spune lumii că știm pentru ce trăim
Ce ne dorim și ne grăbim să reușim
Nu prea dormim
Avem prea multe vicii da’ nu prea uităm ce vorbim


Spune-le că știm ce vrem să fim, să devenim
Conștienți că pentru orice palmă o să și plătim
Și-am să întorc lumea pe dos
Dar pe post de favor

Celor ce cândva mi-au dat o mână de ajutor
Așa că lasă ironia
Ține în piept armonia
Că tot ce ai pe-aici, în loc de armă-i nebunia

Aleg să fiu eu, chiar și cu sumele pe masă
De-asta doar un loc pe hartă poate fi numit acasă
Și nu mă întreba până unde merg, pentru ce iubesc
Că-s capabil să învârt tot pământul invers

Tell the world I’m not
Goiiiing dooownn..
I will standing here
Hold my groooound
Tell the world I’m not
Goiiiing dooownn..
I’m not gonna go
I’m not gonna go
Not going down, no..
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

Silverstein - Bleeds No More

My heart bleeds no more;
now, it's been turned to stone.
You're stomach feels sick for someone else.
I've broken both my legs falling for you.
Drag me on the ground.

Powerless I stand, tarnished blade, cutting through, pushed into my vein.
Blood still stains my hands.
Sharpening my sense of pain outside

My heart bleeds no more;
now, it's been turned to stone.
You're stomach feels sick for someone else.
I've broken both my legs falling for you.
Drag me on the ground.

Killing everything off inside.
Make sense of everything you tried to hide,
hide from me.

My heart bleeds no more;
now, it's been turned to stone.
My stomach feels sore from cutting up.
I ruined all my sanctity for you.
Smash me on the ground.

I wanted to,
convince myself there's nothing else to do.
I wanted to.
Provide you with proof of what you put me through.
I wanted to.
Pretend that it was you.
"you're the worst thing that's ever happend to me"

Killing everything off inside.
Make sense of everything you tried to hide,
hide from me.

My heart bleeds no more;
now, it's been turned to stone.
You're stomach feels sick for someone else.
I've broken both my legs fallïng for you.
Smash me on the ground

Breaking Benjamin - Rain

Take a photograph,
It'll be the last,
Not a dollar or a crowd could ever keep me here,

I don't have a past
I just have a chance,
Not a family or honest plea remains to say,

Rain rain go away,
Come again another day,
All the world is waiting for the sun.

Is it you I want,
Or just the notion of
A heart to wrap around
so I can find my way around

Safe to say from here,
You're getting closer now,
We are never sad cause we are not allowed to be

Rain rain go away,
Come again another day,
All the world is waiting for the sun.

Rain rain go away,
Come again another day,
All the world is waiting for the sun.

To lie here under you,
is all that I could ever do,
To lie here under you is all,
To lie here under you is all that I could ever do,
To lie here under you is all,

Rain rain go away,
Come again another day,
All the world is waiting for the sun.

Rain rain go away,
Come again another day,
All the world is waiting for the sun,
All the world is waiting for the sun,
All the world is waiting for the sun.

[Imagine: ak8THBQ.png]

The Show Must Go On

Empty spaces - what are we living for
Abandoned places - I guess we know the score
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for

Another hero, another mindless crime
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore

The show must go on
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on

Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance
Another heartache, another failed romance
On and on, does anybody know what we are living for

I guess I'm learning, I must be warmer now
I'll soon be turning, round the corner now
Outside the dawn is breaking
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free

The show must go on
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly - my friends

The show must go on
The show must go on
I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in
On - with the show -

I'll top the bill, I'll overkill
I have to find the will to carry on
On with the -
On with the show -
The show must go on
[Imagine: tumblr_lw7j04DPq01r5ikx8o1_400_large.gif]
My mama always says that I'm cute. I don't believe her. I'm more than that !

Shake, shake that booty for Beckha !

A Vain Attempt - You Broke My Heart

You know that I want you,
I want you, every day
You know that I miss you,
I miss you, by my side

She broked my heart
And you broked my life too
She is bad
Because she broked up with me too

So take my advice
Wherever you lies
And made me alone

Cuz' when you're dead,
When you're dead,
I'll write to you

She broked my heart
And you broke my life too
She is bad
Because she broked up with me too

You know that I want you,
I want you, every day
You know that I miss you,
I miss you, by my side

She broked my heart
And you broked my life too
She is bad
Because she broked up with me too

She broked
When I tried to
When I befalled

Whenever time we touch
I get this feeling,
That's not for me

She broked my heart
And you broked my life too
She is bad
Because she broked up wïth me too

Exo - Sincer nu ne pasă

Mii de probleme ne-nconjoară
Dar sincer nu ne pasă
Tot timpul zicem lasă
C-o să treacă..e doar o farsă

Probleme ne-nconjoară
Dar sincer nu ne pasă
Tot timpul zicem lasă
E doar o farsă proastă...lasă

Umblăm pe străzi de nebuni fără nici un leu în cont,
Dar totuşi cu zâmbetul pe buze speram să iasă vreun pont
Ca noi nu suntem dintre cei
Care is deprimaţi zis "hey"
Nu încercaţi să ne întristaţi că n-o să puteţi
Suntem un pic mai...
Cu capul pe umeri Bye Bye..
Problemele noastre nu-s mai reale
Ca minciunile voastre mult prea banale

Mii de probleme ne-nconjoară
Dar sincer nu ne pasă
Tot timpul zicem lasă
C-o să treacă..e doar o farsă

Probleme ne-nconjoară
Dar sincer nu ne pasă
Tot timpul zicem lasă
E doar o farsă proastă...lasă

Că viaţa-i scurtă, prea scurtă..n-are rost să fim trişti
Şi când te gândeşti că trecem pe aici ca nişte turişti, ce zici?
Oare ai putea să ocoleşti problemele tale şi să înţelegi
Că lumea nu e aşa cum o vezi e exact aşa cum tu o visezi

Şi ştiu...că sunt prea multe probleme care ne apasă
Dar sunt create de ei aşa că lasă...o să treacă
Degeaba ăştia încercă
Să ne cucerească sufletul şi parcă
Totu-i mai bine când ochiul lor se-neacă în lacrimi

Mii de probleme ne-nconjoară
Dar sincer nu ne pasă
Tot timpul zicem lasă
C-o să treacă..e doar o farsă

Probleme ne-nconjoară
Dar sincer nu ne pasă
Tot timpul zicem lasă
E doar o farsă proastă...lasă

Că viaţa-i scurtă, prea scurtă..n-are rost să fim trişti
Şi când te gândeşti că trecem pe aici ca nişte turişti, ce zici?
Oare ai putea să ocoleşti problemele tale şi să înţelegi
Că lumea nu e aşa cum o vezi e exact aşa cum tu o visezi
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

Only one lifetime - Celine Dion

I'm looking back through the years
Down this highway
Memories, they all lead up to this one day
And many dreams lost along the way
Haunt me still
I guess they always will

When love was too much to bear
I just left it there
But here I stand face to face
With this heart of mine

Livin' without you I only fall behind
We had a love most people never find
All this time I never realized
And the courage I finally found
Has made me turn around

There is only one road I'm walkin'
Only one lifetime one heart to guide me
Only one road I'm walkin'
But I'm gonna run back, I'm gonna run back
'Cause I need you right here
Beside me

I can still hear the song of your laughter
I can still taste the sorrow of your tears
We said goodbye but our hearts did not hear
Now my love there's nothing left to fear
With all my heart put me through
It leads me back to you

But I'm gonna run back, I'm gonna run back
'Cause I need you right here
Beside me !

Nick Kamarera feat Alinka - Get a life [mama yette]

I swear I wanna be with you tonight
You gotta show me what is wrong or right
Because I never felt this way before
I wanna feel you now in my life
In my life, get a life,

Get a life, get a life
Why don't you take my life
Take my life, take my life

You have to get a life
Get a life, get a life
Why don't you take my life
Take my life, take my life.

Yette Mama
Yette yette
Mama yette [ x4 ]

I said I wanna be with you tonight(yeah)
You gotta show me what is wrong or right
Because I never felt this way before
I wanna feel you now in my life
In my life, get a life,

Get a life, get a life
Why don't you take my life
Take my life, take my life

You have to get a life
Get a life, get a life
Why don't you take my life
Take my life, take my lïfe.

Yette Mama
Yette yette
Mama yette [ x4 ]

Yette Mama
Yette yette
Mama yette [ x4 ]

Yette Mama
Yette yette
Mama yette [ x4 ]

[Imagine: animeloves.jpg]
Odododododo ;x
Lumea asta te distruge,Te induce în eroare, Fură tot şi apoi fuge,Te răneşte şi te doare! x333
Gânduri Nespuse, Neştiute şi Inexplicabile

Sean Paul - Got 2 Luv U

Sean Paul & Alexis Jordan:
Got to love you!
Got to love you!
Got to love you!
Got to love you! [x3]

Sean Paul:
Girl don’t steal, to the point til I put you down..
report you don’t
…off the ground ..pick a
..only can’t leave himself alone telling me own.. alone make you start
hard and strong
coming like a star.

Refren Alexis Jordan:
I, I’ll do anything I could for ya
Boy you’re my only
I, I’m gonna flip the script on ya
You don’t even know me
Cause I am, I…I don’t even want to fight, fight, fight
Said I am, I…I ain’t even gonna fight it

Sean Paul & Alexis Jordan:
Got to love you!
Got to love you!
Got to love you!
Got to love you! [x2]

Sean Paul:
Girl I’ll be alone .. insecurity
I’ma start remind you .. set you free
that’s why me .. girl not ready
ready to.. check in ..
Make you lose ya mati girl

Refren Alexis Jordan:
I, I’ll do anything I could for ya
Boy you’re my only
I, I’m gonna flip the script on ya
You don’t even know me
Cause I am, I…I don’t even want to fight, fight, fight
Said I am, I…I ain’t even gonna fight it

Sean Paul & Alexis Jordan:
Got to love you!
Got to love you!
Got to love you!
Got to love you! [x2]

Alexis Jordan:
It was fine .. in your own ..
but know it around
boy you got me, you can’t ignore it.

Refren Alexis Jordan:
I, I’ll do anything I could for ya
Boy you’re my only
I, I’m gonna flip the script on ya
You don’t even know me
Cause I am, I…I don’t even want to fight, fight, fight
Said I am, I…I ain’t even gonna fight ït
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

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Subiect: Autor Răspunsuri: Vizite: Ultimul răspuns
  Versuri [ K-music ] Ryuu 355 164.949 10-12-2011, 11:39 AM
Ultimul răspuns: βεκi
  Versuri v.3 Abbeh. 13 9.176 10-12-2011, 11:37 AM
Ultimul răspuns: βεκi

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