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TYPE ! With your eyes closed

Un vultue sta pe pisc cu un piy in plisc
pe aproape
next4orul este focul in care ard sperantele,dorintele,durerile,iar cenusa ce ramane reprezinta amintirile.
[Imagine: j5atg3.png]

dotul este focuk in caee ard sperantele. dorintelem durerile, uar cemusa ce ramane reprezunta anintirile,
le-am nimerit pe toate 2124)

Ura nu calculeaza, nu cugeta niciodata si refuza sa vorbeasca limba ratiunii.
[Imagine: futuro_tuto_by_spisun-d34qcvm.png][Imagine: siggy.php?id=22597]<- click

uRA NU CUgeta nucuidara i refuza sa vorbeeasca lumba ratiunii ;

Mda 21) ce bine am scris

Text : Look at us but do not touch .
"If I died in your arms
Would you then give me your love
Would you tell me that you need me
and that I was the one

Now there's nothing I can say to you
To make you feel the same way too
When you walk away I just want to die
And I try not to break down and cry"

Look at us nit dpm mpt toucj
vai de sunt buna de nimic
next:Sick of crying, tired of trying, yes i’m smileing but inside i’m dieing
[Imagine: j5atg3.png]

Sick of crynh , tierd og ythnh , yesnipam simileng bt inside i', dkemdg
f**k ! 24)

Text : Daca nimeresc tastele corect , sunt norocoasa .
"If I died in your arms
Would you then give me your love
Would you tell me that you need me
and that I was the one

Now there's nothing I can say to you
To make you feel the same way too
When you walk away I just want to die
And I try not to break down and cry"

Daca nimeresc tastele corect, sunt norocasa.

o___o norocasa =]] Imi aduce aminte de o coasa, nu stiu de ce o_o

Next : Baby I like it , come on an give me some more, baby I like it, screaming like never before.
[Imagine: tumblr_lw7j04DPq01r5ikx8o1_400_large.gif]
My mama always says that I'm cute. I don't believe her. I'm more than that !

Shake, shake that booty for Beckha !

Pai sa vedem ce mamaliga mai scot si din asta ...2121

Baby I like it, comr an five me some more ,baby I like it.screaming like bever before.

Hmm,destul de bine,dar ...ce sa fac,nu le am cu pipaitul21

Next:Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep,kiss my lips and i will show you heaven.Kiss the sky and you will see how easy it's to fly,but never look at me like I'm an angel.Never!
[center][Imagine: 517p75.jpg]
When I Get Home.[/center]

kis my eyes abd kat e ti skeoo , kiss m lis and i wikl sjow uim HAVEN . kiss the sg bd yiu wukk aww giq wAT UR;A TI FKIR , VYR never loook at me likej ;mx an angel .never@

Wow24 da... niciodata n-am suportat tastele de leptop 24

Next : Speranta e o curva , mereu cu ea in gand . Intotdeauna o iluzie .
"If I died in your arms
Would you then give me your love
Would you tell me that you need me
and that I was the one

Now there's nothing I can say to you
To make you feel the same way too
When you walk away I just want to die
And I try not to break down and cry"

Speranta e o curba,mereu cu ea in hand.Intotdeauna o iluzie.
pe aproape
next:Nobody deserves your tears, but whoever deserves them will not make you cry.
[Imagine: j5atg3.png]

Nocydu desetbes ypir yjeats. but ejorry frdrtbrd yjr, ei;; npu ,ale u[i vyey
No comment 21 Imi place ce a iesit 21. E mult mai interesant asa 21.
Next: Un cocostarc s-a dus intr-o decocostarcarie ca sa se decocostarcareasca de cocostarcaria lui. 24

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