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(Taste It !)

Data înregistrării: 06-02-2010
Data nașterii: July 29
Ora Locală: 11-03-2025 ora 02:24 PM
Status: Deconectat
"If I died in your arms
Would you then give me your love
Would you tell me that you need me
and that I was the one

Now there's nothing I can say to you
To make you feel the same way too
When you walk away I just want to die
And I try not to break down and cry"

Informații suplimentare despre sickness
Gen: Female
Anime preferat: Kaichou wa maid-sama

Activitatea pe forum a utilizatorului sickness
Data înregistrării: 06-02-2010
Ultima vizită: 01-06-2014, 12:37 PM
Răspunsuri: 70 (0,01 răspunsuri pe zi | 0.04 % din totalul de mesaje)
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Subiecte: 7 ()
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Timp Petrecut Conectat: 1 Săptămână, 2 Zile, 14 Ore
Invitat de: N/A
Invitați 0
Reputație: 10 [Detalii]
Comments 0 (0 sent | 0 received)
Zupi: 772 z

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sickness hasn't made any friends yet.