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Spiral Game

Formati cuvinte din literele ce apartin numelor personajelor...






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[Imagine: comanda1semnatura.png]
My sin is Pride.
I'm on my highway to Hell!
Yuki is my kamy-sama. So...Shut the f*** up!
Criticii nu-i pot ranii pe creatori decta cu permisiunea acestora.

You tried to hold me under, I held my breath
Alone and now you wonder, what I possess
Nothing you can say , nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine
While you're burning inside my light

Well am sa incerc si eu cate ceva ...sper ca am prins ideea [Imagine: happy-grin1.gif]

K.O.S.U.K.E. - killer, orgolios, simpatic, umor, kind, energic


K.A.N.O.N.E>killer,atent,nebun,orgolios,nemernic(gomene..asta mi-a venit in cap),elegant

N.A.R.U.M.I>nebun,atent,rau(nu cred),unic,matur,inteligent.
[Imagine: comanda1semnatura.png]
My sin is Pride.
I'm on my highway to Hell!
Yuki is my kamy-sama. So...Shut the f*** up!
Criticii nu-i pot ranii pe creatori decta cu permisiunea acestora.

You tried to hold me under, I held my breath
Alone and now you wonder, what I possess
Nothing you can say , nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine
While you're burning inside my light

R.I.O - Rautacioasa, interesanta, orgolioasa
E.Y.E.S - elegant, yasha- demon in japoneza- , energic - nu cred - serios
K.A.N.O.N.E - koni- cafea- antipatic, nervos, nerespectuos, enervant
[Imagine: ichijoutakumaavatarsbylby6.jpg]
After death, people are given the opportunity to write one last letter to someone they left behind.These are the stories of those letters and the girl who delivers them.
[Imagine: chibi_354.gif]chibi-ul lui Rose-chan<a href=""><img src="" border="0"><br>Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!</a><br><a href="">Get your own at Flyffables!</a>

R.Y.O.K.O. - Rautate, Yaoi, Onorabil, Kilogram, Onestitate
A.Y.U.M.U. - Atent, Yang, Umar, Masa, Ureche
E.Y.E.S. - Enumereaza, Yuri, Eprubeta, Soare
M.A.D.O.K.A. - Marmura, Avocat, Dor, Onoare, Kilolitru, Arc

[Imagine: 9659787_eed29d7772.jpg?v=0][Imagine: _hiyono.jpg][Imagine: ok_40.jpg]

H.Y.O.N.O- Hell,Young, Ornament, Natural, Original
M.A.D.O.K.A- Mare,Armonios,Destept, Original, King, Aer
K.A.N.O.N- Kill, Ametit, Nebun, Original, Nebun
You define The line beetwen human and divine
In this empty place intrinsic GRACE, SO necesary...
you define
[Imagine: df.jpg]
There are times, {Aoi}, I wish I had never set eyes on you,
Because every look makes me fall in love with you more,
And make it so i cannot live without you.

Hmm este interesant acest joc.Sa incerc si eu 4
H.I.Y.O.N.O -> hipnotizanta, ironica, years ( he he he nu prea are legatura dar asta mi-a venit in minte ) , oligofrema,nefericita, oloaga ( oh da nu a fost cu intentie -.-")
N.A.R.U.M.I -> nenorocit ( nu prea), arogant, rautacios, ursitor, minunat, interesant.
A.Y.U.M.U - > amoros, yn,umilitor,magnific,unic.
K.A.N.O.N -> Killer,aurolac (saracu -.-" ) ,nerelevant,onest,napustit.
E.Y.E.S -> enervant,yan,eschivant,serios.
Y.U.I.Z.A.K.I - > yan,unica,interesanta,zvelta,atenta,killer,ireala.
R.Y.O.K.O-> real,yang,ofensat,killer,original
K.O.U.S.U.K.E -> killer,original,unic,serios,usturator,killer,enervant

Momentan doar acestia mi-au venit in minte 4

N.A.R.U.M.I >-nauc,avion,ratusca,unt,mitocan,introvertit
E.Y.E.S -> elesteu,yoga,elefant,sarut
K.O.U.S.U.K.E ->karate,orar,uituc,scoarta,uimitor,kilometru,editura
Nu merita sa plangi pentru nimeni, iar cei care merita nu te vor face sa plangi.

[Imagine: chibi_1462.gif]
, chibi-ul lui mada_sasuke

[Imagine: bg46rm.jpg]

Don't worry be happy
Nu dispera cand soarta te apasa si nici nu plange de-al tau destin caci dupa un chin viata-i mai frumoasa cum dupa ploaie ceru-i mai senin…

A faithful friend is hard to find.. remember man and keep in mind

N.A.R.U.M.I -> neordonat, atent, rau, uituc, misterios, inteligent

H.I.Y.O.N.O -> hipioata, inteligenta, yoyo, oral, nefericita, omisa
[Imagine: lexythekittysig.png]

I'll be in every beat of your heart!

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