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Guess the movie

[I`m changing all the rullez] .

"This photo has been removed."
"You got no business questioning a thang"

I like how you rullz.15

the same photo, but uploaded on TinyPic -> here
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

E prea violenta imaginea pentru imageshack. Nu stiu, da-ne un indiciu sa nu moara topic-ul.
"You got no business questioning a thang"

[Imagine: GQtijKz.jpg]

Daca tot nu dorm am sa incerc sa inviez[ce dubios suna inviez] topicul. [:
"You got no business questioning a thang"

The Wolf of Wall Street

Povestea nu pot spune ca m-a impresionat, dar prestatia lui Leonardo di Caprio a fost geniala, ar fi meritat, zic eu, Oscarul pentru rolul sau.

[Imagine: Screen_Shot038.jpg]
[Imagine: tumblr_static_tumblr_static_dilvsoojho0sgwoc0s4s.png]

"What's wrong isn't me, what's wrong is the world!"

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Cred ca a fost singurul musical care chiar mi-a placut, nu ca am vazut foarte multe, dar in general nu am rabdare.

[Imagine: rieBYnN.jpg]
"You got no business questioning a thang"

The King of Comedy

Martin Scorsese + Robert de Niro = Quality Movie. Filmul ofera un tablou graitor asupra culturii media americane and it ain't pretty.

[Imagine: Screen_Shot039.jpg]
[Imagine: tumblr_static_tumblr_static_dilvsoojho0sgwoc0s4s.png]

"What's wrong isn't me, what's wrong is the world!"

Citat: Martin Scorsese + Robert de Niro = Quality Movie. Filmul ofera un tablou graitor asupra culturii media americane and it ain't pretty.
De acord. Insa "cultura" asta deja s-a extins.

Filmul e Constantine (2005). Desi fanii Hellblazer l-au blamat, luat separat filmul e placut, probabil si farmecului sec al lui Keanu, clar nu e un actor bun dar are "dat Reeves thang". Tilda Swinton in rolul lui Gabriel a fost destul de epica. Insa comparat cu materialul original... mai bine nu. Francis Lawrence vad ca acum a prins bine cu jocurile flamanzelii.
Sunt curios de serialul ce-o sa apara, pare promitator si fidel benzii.

[Imagine: 9xuUG2I.jpg]
E din 2014. [:
"You got no business questioning a thang"

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  Guess the book Wunderbar 163 81.263 06-09-2012, 04:08 PM
Ultimul răspuns: CyBeR

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