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Favorite Death Note Quotes

L: I too have sacrificed lives. But I cannot abandon this life in front of me.

Light: "I'll take the potato chip....and eat it!! *dramatic crunch*

Misa: Even if Light and I want to be alone you'll be there!?
L: Yes, I suppose I will...
Misa: You pervert!

Ryuk : Wow, apples in the human world are damn good.They're...How do you say..."juicy" ?

Light : I'll become the god of my new world!!

Misa: I can't even imagine a world without Light...
L: Yes, it would be quite dark.

c-am pe astea mi le amintesc71

Paaaai, imi amintesc asa:

1. Light: I'll become the god of my new world! - mdaaa, asta era cea mai sadica parte. Ma enerva la culme.
2. Ryuk: I knew it! Humans are so much fun! - tipu asta era asa sinistru. Facea totu' pentru a se distra?! Huh!
3. L: Kira is immature and hates losing. I know that because I am as well immature and I hate losing! - probabil orice om e asa; cred ca si eu sunt asa.
4. Mikami: Delete! Delete!Delete! DELETEEE!!! - mda, asta devenea si mai sadic decat Light.
5. L: Because Light is the first friend I ever had! - partea cea mai dragutaaaaa, si cand te gandesti ca de fapt erau dusmani de moarte..
[Imagine: dh4h3a.png]

„Nu poti cunoaste cu adevarat decat ceea ce renunti a stapani.”

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