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Bune si Rele

Bune - Este foarte amuzanta daca vrea 71
Rele - Nu suporta sa fie contrazisa 24 [mai ales daca stie ca are dreptate, despica firul in patru 19]
Way to go 5

PS: sasuke_uchiha99, sa nu te prind ca scrii din nou "bune-nu stiu ca nu am vorvit niciodata/ rele-lafel ca la bune~~~ " grr

bune: esti de treaba si prietenoasa *hugs ^^"*
rele:pai uneori critici cam mult....dar nu e o problema <.<
You define The line beetwen human and divine
In this empty place intrinsic GRACE, SO necesary...
you define
[Imagine: df.jpg]
There are times, {Aoi}, I wish I had never set eyes on you,
Because every look makes me fall in love with you more,
And make it so i cannot live without you.

Yulobo hug hug
Bune : Le spui la toti verde'n fata ce-ti place si ce nu...
Nu te abtii sa critici rautacios uneori
65 You hate them...
Rele:..21 Habar nu am...cateodata esti cam nu mi se pare corect..65 be who ya are..

Porcelain princess:
Bune:Nu am vorbit cu tine dar din posturi cred ca esti prietenoasa si intelegatoare
Rele: ...hmm...68 mai vedem noi...
o.o" wot

Misaaaa hug hug hug

Bune: Te-ai certat cu mine, dar cu toate astea, ai revenit :3 Yes, yes, ne impacam ca doua surioare, ne? 5 hug

Rele: Uneori nu ai destul tupeu 21 Anyway, I like ur way =] btw, nu prea intelege glumele lui Khonshu [aka BFOD xP]

Feeling an omnious threat around me, for a certain reason.
So, Yulobo...
Good points: You always say what you have to say without caring about what the other may comment. And you always show the others what they did wrong, even if you're not always right. (this is a minus too, though)

Bad points: You can be very mean, and you love doing that. And you... I think you lack control(big minus), but I'm not really sure of that.

That's it.
[Imagine: gameswlpp_79.gif]

Bun: de treaba si un user responsabil ^^''
Rau: cam prea responsabil ( dar asta nu cred ca e ceva negativ >.>'')

You define The line beetwen human and divine
In this empty place intrinsic GRACE, SO necesary...
you define
[Imagine: df.jpg]
There are times, {Aoi}, I wish I had never set eyes on you,
Because every look makes me fall in love with you more,
And make it so i cannot live without you.

reu-hmm.nimic de comentat aici21
bun-esti o persoana de treaba si deschisa(parerea mea)
ja ne
[Imagine: 19751918_ARZDZEIZG-1.jpg?t=1303932362]
[Imagine: 5905958325a7056013714l-1.jpg?t=1303932519]

Abisul umbrelor Chiar nimeni nu mai este interesat de ficul meu? Sa stiu daca sa-l mai continui sau nu.

Bune-esti de treaba si o prietena buna
te superi foarte repede(eu vorbesc?)
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Narumi-kun 108
Bune : de gasca 8
Rele : - 5
And, si eu 5

mi-a ;luat-o inainte.
bune-esti de treaba si imi place foarte mult de tine ca persoana.
rele-nu stiu, probabil nu te-am cunsocut sa imi fac o idee despre tine si
personalitatea ta.

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