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Arunca ceva in userul de deasupra

.Denissu-chan,arunc in tine cu toata mancarea mea din frigider
Mai arunc in tine cu toate muraturile mele iubite si cu prajituri
Si ca sa fi ornata iti arunc in cap acadele
[Imagine: syred2_by_antonie15-d6tdkwx.gif]
Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. We are nothing, but dust and to the dust we shall return.� Amen�

Ăhă. Iau pc-ul apoi boxele, mouse-ul, tastatura, biroul, şifonierul, uşa, patul, televizorul, pe maicăta, din toate astea trebuie să te nimeresc cu ceva nu ? Ah, am uitat de scaunul de la pc, îl arunc şi pe ăla după tine, nu scapi.
[Imagine: 9qh35v.jpg]

hmmm,o sa arunc in tine cu toate rudele mele care sunt cam prea multe si prea grase24 asa ca n-o sa te omorZuppy03
[Imagine: syred2_by_antonie15-d6tdkwx.gif]
Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. We are nothing, but dust and to the dust we shall return.� Amen�

arunc in tine cu manga yaoi (iti place,neah ? ^-^")
[Imagine: girlsignature.png]

Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
Infect me with your love,
And fill me with your poison.
Take me, t-t-take me
Wanna be your victim,
Ready for abduction.
Boy, you're an alien,
Your touch is foreign
It's supernatural, extraterrestrial.

[Imagine: ilikemusicsignature2.png]
A painter paints pictures on canvas.
But musicians paint their pictures on silence. ~L. Stokowski

mmm,manga yaoi,yupyup,o ador,o devorez,asa ca in tine arunc cu tot yaoiul pe care l-am devorat pana acumZuppy08 vor fi tone de chestii yaoi care sa te sature timp de 100 de aniZuppy03
[Imagine: syred2_by_antonie15-d6tdkwx.gif]
Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. We are nothing, but dust and to the dust we shall return.� Amen�

Arunc in tine cu :
- Toooort
- Burger
- Hamburger
- Cartofi prajiti
- Big Tasty
- Mc Puisor
- Royal Deluxe

P.S. : Asta fiindca mi-e foame si vreau la Mc

Arunc in tine cu:
-chestii pe care le mananca dinozaurii
-mmm, o vest aantiglont
- telefon
- o samanata
- un pahar de vodka
- si multa iubire

Mitsukai Yoru,arunc in tine cu:
-o gramada de pizza
-muulta bere(cam 5l)Zuppy08
-un tort de cioco
-multa inspiratie
-3000 de pupici
-o plecaciune
[Imagine: syred2_by_antonie15-d6tdkwx.gif]
Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. We are nothing, but dust and to the dust we shall return.� Amen�

Iar tu xD? LOL.
Arunc in tine cu
- Un televizor cu plasma
- DVD-uri cu Yaoi 10
Macar sa arunc in tine cu ceva care sa-ti placa placere,nu?
[Imagine: girlsignature.png]

Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
Infect me with your love,
And fill me with your poison.
Take me, t-t-take me
Wanna be your victim,
Ready for abduction.
Boy, you're an alien,
Your touch is foreign
It's supernatural, extraterrestrial.

[Imagine: ilikemusicsignature2.png]
A painter paints pictures on canvas.
But musicians paint their pictures on silence. ~L. Stokowski

mmm,pai atunci eu arunc
-toate gandurile despre si cu yaoi pe care le-am avut de cand am devenit obsedata
-pe Seby
-Pe Ciel
-pe Grell
[Imagine: syred2_by_antonie15-d6tdkwx.gif]
Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. We are nothing, but dust and to the dust we shall return.� Amen�

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