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A human wolf's tale.


Acesta este primul meu fic, deci nu va asteptati la prea mult. actiunea se desfasoara in trecut, prezent si viitor, prezentul fiind in jurul anilor 1800 (voi detalia pe parcurs.)

Disclaimer : Toate personajele sunt fictive, create de catre mine.

Tip critica : Simpla sau avansata. Atat timp cat este productiv, ascult cu mare interes.

varsta : pentru orice varsta, dar recomand 12+

limba : Engleza

Observatii de continut : Vor exista secvente violente, sangeroase.

Chapter I : A place to belong..

The holler inn. A place where people gather from all arround the village to drink a cup of tea, have a nice meal, or perhaps crash for the night. Some people say its manager is the same person that founded it, 170 years ago. Of course, most people don't believe that, but let me tell you what I know about it.

My name is Kane Wiren. I was born from human parents, had two little sisters and an older brother, but that wasn't going to last for long. 13th of April, 1674 : my seventeenth birthday. I remember inviting a few friends to my birthday party, along with my household members. Everything was going perfectly fine, until for who-knows-what reasons, a large number of soldiers, appearently from the Emperor's Army, were rushing towards our little village, They started attacking everyone in their sight : Men, women, children. As I was going outside to see what was going on, a log fell in the doorway, blocking my way out. My brother helped me lift it up, then he went out ahead of me.

It was a nightmare... Imagine seing a close relative's head being cut off clean, knowing you should've been in their stead. I was shocked.My legs were shaking, my arms couldn't move... I was petrified, terrified by the cruel sight right in front of me. Behind me, my home was already burning in red, blood-like flames that burnt everything in their path. The whole village was burning down to ashes.

The rider that had murdered my brother was charging towards me with speed, such fierce speed that I couldn't even think about where to dodge, what to do to avoid crossing my fate with my brother's ... As I was trying to get back to reality, my father jumped, sacrificing his life so I could live. Since my mother was already dead as well, only me and my sisters were still alive, but since my sisters fled in fear, he told me to search and find them. I had to stay alive. I had to protect my only family left. But as I started running desperately between enemies, searching for my beloved sisters, I got knocked out. I have no memory of what happened, I know not why I fell into unconsciousness.

When I came to my senses, I was far from home. I could see smoke from the distance, between the trees. I could see the clear, dark sky above me, the blood-like moon rising above the leaves. After a while of thinking it over, I realized I had arrived in the woods of Gloor. Soon, a pair of yellow, glowing eyes was looking upon me. I saw a beast... with long, gray hair coming out of every inch of its body, its ears sticking up like a pair of horns, its chest bursting forward with pride. Its silver, crescent-shaped fangs seemed to be polished by a top-level blacksmith. I had seen a wolf before, and believe me, this was no ordinary wolf. It was an alpha : the pure blood leader of a wolf pack.

The place it led me to was filled with rocks, from tiny bits of dust to giant boulders. The alpha was standing on the highest one, watching over his pack. A long, sharp, loud howl woke me to reality once again, As I saw countless wolves approach, I did not feel fear.. but something else. I felt like I knew these animals since forevers, like I grew up with them.. like I was one of them. For the first time in my life, I felt I was somewhere I belonged. This strange feeling was interrupted by a strong pain. My right shoulder started to intensely grow hot. When I came to realize it, I was bitten by the alpha. Wether it was while it carried me or after that, wether it did it on purpose or not, wether it picked me out of the crowd or it's just how it turned out, none of that mattered. The only thing that mattered to me right now was that I was bitten.

Legend says that once bitten by an alpha, one becomes a half-wolf, completing one's transformation at the first coming full moon, everyone knows these stories. I never believed in mystic things but I could literally feel that this was real.

I was indeed becoming what people would call ... a Werewolf...

End of the first chapter.

Voi posta urmatorul capitol cand il termin. Avand in vedere ca nu imi merge netul acasa, probabil voi posta de pe telefon, deci in maxim 3-4 zile de cand termin capitolul.

[Imagine: Wo_LF.jpg]

(\__/) Don't
(^.^) Kill
(") (") The
(") (") Bunny >.<

Frumos inceput , mie personal mi se pare cam scurt , dar ai reusit sa creezi un ambiant incitant . Felicitari , astept continuarea :)
[Imagine: BanKaiKopie.jpg]

In primul rand, la un moment dat ai scris: "he told me to search for them and find her" si tradus reiese: " mi-a spus sa le caut si sa o gasesc". Pe cine sa gasesti? Pe surori? Caci daca e vorba de surori poti scrie:" He told me to search and find them" evitand astfel folosirea cuvantului "them" de 2 ori.
Oricum, mi-a placut la nebunie, descrierea a fost perfecta. La un moment dat chiar incepusem sa imi imaginez, casa, atacul, ceea ce e perfect.
De abia astept urmatorul capitol. Te rog sa ma anunti cand il postezi.


Chapter II : Becoming something else

There are about 30 days between the full moons. 28, to be precise. That being said, I had that many days left being a human, after that I had no ideea what kind of creature I would become. I knew I had to stick around the wolves in order to learn about my new self before I could approach human beings again.

The Alpha was called Zarrion. He was something like me, half human, only much ore powerful, because unlike me, he was born from werewolves, not humans. He seemed to shift forms, not only from human to wolf, but a few other forms. One of them is what people would recognize as the werewolf : A creature standing on its back feet, with large claws and fangs, with hair all over. It looked like a genetic mix between human and wolf DNA. It was marvellous, and at the same time tricky.

That was the form that I would get, as he told me. He said I could also shift into a full wolf or human at will, but because I was initially a human, that could be acquired only if I could build bonds with the whole pack of wolves and get human friends as well. It was like being a double agent : I had to befriend both camps in order to start looking like one or another. Of course, I wanted to follow Zarrion's teachings, for I didn't want to be a hybrid forever.

While he told me all these, I thought it was all too easy, until he told me that, if I hadn't fulfilled those by the full moon, I will remain a mere werewolf forever, not belonging near the humans nor the beasts. Thete were about two weeks remaining. I had that long to build the needed bonds.

Then I saw her.. She was the only female werewolf in the region. Coincidentally, I saw her in her human form, which was convenient for me. She had long, dark-brown hair, with chocolate skin and big, red eyes. Her beauty was stunning. She was sitting next to a small lake, probably preparing to go for a swim, so I figured it wouldn't have been very kind of me to disturb her..

But just as I turned arround to leave, I stepped on some sticks. They didn't even make much noise, and yet I saw her in front of me.. The beautiful woman by the lake was now in front of me. I could smell it was her, although she turned into a wolf. My heart was beating rapidly as her fangs were almost clinging to ny neck. I was blocked by a tree.. Having nowhere to run. I was ambushed by one of my own kind. I feared that would be the end of my new life, but just before she bit me, she first smelled me. Maybe I forgot to mention that until the full moon, I would physically remain a human, although my body and soul were changing inside. She stopped attacking me when feeling the change happening inside of me. She knew that I was Zarrion's child.

"You.. You are no human, nor wolf. You're a becomer, aren't you?" she told to me, looking into my eyes. Zerrion never told me of what I was called. I simply stared at her, not knowing what I should say. "Fear not, for I will not hurt you, brother. But never be this naiive again. Us, werewolves, can sense our kind by smell, but mere wolves cannot distinguish you from humans. Ze'on forgot to mention that to you, I believe." I wanted to ask her who this Ze'on was, but it suddenly came to my mind that it was how they called the Alpha. She smiled and looked away, almost like showing myself how naiive I was.

"You don't know it yet, do you? Being a becomer, you're already getting a few of our powers. I was the one who told you about where Ze'on comes from.", she said to me.

"But. I don't get it.. How could it be? I mean, you didn't tell me that." i replied.

"I didn't tell you, and yet I did. You see, our kind, wolves, werewolves and becomers, can understand what others think, and induce thoughts into their mind. Until you can differentiate this, you can no longer trust your own mind, for you wouldn't know if it's your thoughts or not. You can also hear thoughts, but you're not listening." I tried to play her game. I wanted to learn what she was teaching me. My head was filled with words and memories that weren't mine. I tried to concentrate on her thoughts, but got more coming. Suddenly, my brain shut down, and I fell to the ground.

When I woke up, both Aesha and Ze'on were near me. I tried to stand up, but I heard a voice in my head.. "Don't. Try concentrating on your mind for now. Put your body at rest until you master your thoughts." But how could I do that when my hunger was taking over? I was so hungry I'd eat a whole pig or cow. The weird part was that I barely realized : it had been a week since I was bitten and I had no sleep nor food at all. I didn't know what I could eat, so I wanted to ask Ze'on, but I had my mouth tied up, so I was unable to speak. "Don't worry, you should be able to talk to us without needing to speak. I'm going to try forcing your mind to read mine. When you can listen to my voice, you will have mastered your thoughts. When you do that, tell us."

They left me on a boulder back in our hideout.. Or whatever it is. Ze'on and all the other wolves left, leaving me with the girl from before. I understood that I had to talk to her through thoughts before I could get something to eat. I noticed that there was only one voice in my head this time. I also noticed that.. "my head" wasn't actually.. mine.. "My name is Aesha..." that is all I could hear. While I listened to her, she started smiling again, and I knew it meant I was on the right path. I then tried something else. I wanted my own mind to communicate with the other one. All I did was think about linking them together and thought.. "Hi, Aesha. My name is Kane. If you get this, then I think I did it.."

"You're a weird one, Kane." ,she told me. "But you did complete it. You have to try this on every wolf you want to share a bond with. But before that. Well, I guess you're starving, aren't you?" she laughed. "Let's get you something to eat. Follow me from a distance, and I will show you what you will have to do i order to feed."What else could I do?

My stomach was growling as if going to war. I folowed her deep into the forest. I ran behind her, knowing that she was showing me how to hunt. A deer showed up. My mouth was open.. I was drooling... I tried to contain myself, but I couldn't. I ran to it, fast as I wasn't ever before, grabbed it, bit its neck and violently snatched away its spline from underneath the skin. I had no ideea what was going on, nor did Aesha seem to know. It wasn't just me, she never witnessed something like that either. Because I caught the meal, she didn't have to hunt anymore, so she came to me and layed down. She told me to calm down and she looked at me... I didn't know why, but I knew something wasn't right... Or maybe it was too right. As I stopped my carnage, she started growling almost silently. At first I didn't understand why, but instinctively, I bowed my head down just a bit. It was a sign of respect for the first meal together. Without knowing, I showed her that I was going to share it with her.

After we finished eating, she led me to the lake.

"Kane.. There's something you need to see... Look into the water." she said.

What I saw in that water didn't look like my reflection. Long ears, big teeth, a long fluffy tail. Black hair was coming out all over my skin. I looked like a wolf, yet different. I didn't know what kind of wolf, because I didn't look like any I've seen before.

"You wonder why you look like that, don't you?" Ze'on asked, coming from behind.

"Yeah.. What exactly did you turn me into?" i replied.

"You see, Kane, it seems that I did more than turn you. It seems you have capabilities far beyond any other wolf's reach. You're on a whole different level than an Alpha.. You're a Nova wolf. "

"What..exactly is a nova wolf?", I asked.

"Well you see, a Nova wolf is born from a pure-blood werewolf, an Alpha like myself, and a human girl. The nova would stay into the inconscience of the physically human new-born untill he would be bitten by a blood-relative alpha. I believe that your father wasn't human. Moreover, your father .. Was my father as well." , he answered.

"Wait. But does that mean wev're brothers? " " Well in a way. We're brothers because of our father, but because your mother was human, you're on anoher world from me. We're brothers in blood, but nothing else. One more thing you should know. Unlike normal becomers, A nova reaches wolf form by hunting, like you did. But by the first moon, you still have to make a bond with a human, otherwise this is the only form you can get. Now hurry up and go.. You only have one week before the full moon. Remember, since you now share bonds with Aesha and myself, we can still communicate even if far away, through howls. Now begone!"

Those being said, I started moving north, to the closest village arround. I had no ideea how to make a bond with a human in this form, so I had to think of something, but I had no ideea what, so I just went on with it. I had finalky arrived : Mirannis Village. This place wasn't very populated, so it was a good place to lurk about unseen. I had tried not to Be noticed by anybody while searching for a place to sleep for the night. My eyes saw a small house, guarded by two dogs. I thought, "If I try to go there, the dogs will probably bite me, so I'll just stand outside." I fell asleep near the fence, in some bushes.

It was the first sleep I had gotten since the bite. But even so, I couldn't sleep well. As I was sleeping, I dreamt of my former village's destruction, about the slaughter that I had done with my own claws, and about the criminal that I would become.

It was morning, and the roosters started singing. More than anything, I wanted to chase and kill them, but I restrained myself. I noticed a small figure coming out of the house's yard. A small child was jumping around, seemingly going to school. I noticed him playing with all the dogs, then I remembered what I looked like, so I tried to fit in. What amazed me is that when they sensed me, the dogs sat down and bowed their head, probably in sign of respect. The kid came towards me and said.. "I never saw you around.How could I miss a big, nice dog like yourself? Do you have a name?" The words almost went ahead of me. I wanted to talk to the boy, but I remembered that I shouldn't speak. He then continued : "Well, I guess I can't find out. Let's call you Kane then. My name is Phanny."

I understood that as a werewolf, I could also induce thoughts to humans, not only wolves. I went ahead and played with Phanny, led him to his school. But on my way, something was troubling me.. As if I forgot something... I stretched my mind back and forth, thought about it, but couldn't remember it. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind :

"We are honored to have you by our side. Our master, the child, has a good heart. He loves all canine beings, thinking they're all dogs. He could be of use to you. I can notice that youre not used to the habbits of meeting dogs like ourselves. Listen to your instincts, they should tell you what you forgot to do." It was one of the animals I had earlier left behind.

I then understood that there is a certain thing to be done, but didn't know what. I cleared my mind, then I couldn't keep something inside me. Over the hills and mountains, over the distance away, only one thing was now able to be heard : my howl. The dogs gathered around me with their heads bowed. I felt like I was a true leader.

"But wait.. That thing I did now, isn't it going to attract the humans? Aren't they going to hunt me down?" I asked them, terrified of the thought that I would have to fight and kill human being. I heard a response from back where I came from. I knew this howl. It was long.. Sharp.. And loud.. I knew I had to listen to it. "Brother," he said, "your howl and only yours can only be heard by canine beings.any other living thing cannot even reach it."

What Ze'on told me had calmed me down. I could fit in around the dogs, without anyone noticing I'm a wolf. But there was only a problem : I had to hunt without being noticed by any human.

End of chapter II.
I have no ideea when I'll post the next chapter, since I said it would probably take a week untill I'd post this one.. And yeah, it was only like what, a few days. So I'll post it within a few days to two weeks, depending on when I can finish it and when I can post it.
[Imagine: Wo_LF.jpg]

(\__/) Don't
(^.^) Kill
(") (") The
(") (") Bunny >.<

Povestea devine din ce in ce mai interesanta si sincer de abia astept continuarea, sper sa o poti posta cat mai repede. In ceea ce priveste ortografia nu sunt greseli ce nu pot fi retusate cu o recitire a textului.

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