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Melodii cu acelasi nume

Exista o gramada de melodii care au ca titlu un anumit nume. Si multe dintre ele vorbesc despre acelasi subiect. Ma gandeam sa postam aici si sa facem ca o biblioteca muzicala melodiile cu acelasi nume sau asemanator.
Daca stiti astfel de melodii puteti sa le postati precizand numele si cine o canta.
Minim 3 melodii maxim...oricate

Daca nu ati inteles va dau eu un exemplu:

Cuvantul : Beautiful:

* Eminem - Beautiful
* Akon - Beautiful
* Christina Aguilera - Beautiful
* Snoop Dogg - Beautiful
* 10 Years - Beautiful
* Beast / B2ST - Beautiful
* Damian Marley - Beautiful

* Shakira & Beyonce - Beautiful Liar
* Ne-Yo - Beautiful Monster
* Sean Kingston - Beautiful Girls
* Jesse McCartney - Beautiful Soul
* U2 - Beautiful Day
* Crazy Win - Beautiful Lover

* 3STM - A Beautiful Life
* Marlyn Manson - The Beautiful People
* James Blunt - You're Beautiful

P.S. Daca mai exista un topic asemanator(eu nu am gasit) se poate sterge.
[Imagine: taemin-grr_180679547.gif]
I just wanna know if you feel the same
When you call my name someday
I will be there right in front of you

interesant Smile pun si eu cateva, care sunt romanesti

melodii cu ''iti multumesc''

Agresiv- Iti multumesc
Alex Velea- Iti multumesc
Nicola- Iti multumesc
Directia 5- Iti multumesc

si erau si multe altele, care erua mai mult manele dar in fine 21

Dana Nalbaru- Te iubesc
Basy- Te iubesc
Indiferent- Te iubesc
TaBBa- Te iubesc
Ego- Pentru ca te iubesc (tot cuvintele te iubesc contine)
Paula Seling- te iubesc
Andra- Pe tine te iubesc
Non Stop- Te iubesc

cam atat 21

Am mai gasit niste melodii


* Fly Project - Goodbye
* Miley Cyrus - Goodbye
* Wiz Khalifa - Goodbye
* Air Supply - Goodbye
* Alicia Keys - Goodbye
* Inna - Goodbye
* Avril Lavigne - Goodbye
* The Sundays - Goodbye
* Demis Russos - Goodbye
* Spice Girls - Goodbye
* Ke$ha - Goodbye

* Ozzy Osbourne - Goodbye to Romance
* Chris Brown - Say Goodbye
* Mark Chesnuit - Almost Goodbye
* Chrisette Michele - Goodbye Game
* Placebo - Song To Say Goodbye

[Imagine: taemin-grr_180679547.gif]
I just wanna know if you feel the same
When you call my name someday
I will be there right in front of you

10 Melodii cu Kiss

*Dara- Kiss
*Tom Jones- Kiss
*Aaron Tippin - Kiss[b] This
*Ashley Tisdale-[b]Kiss
the Girl
*Faith Hill - "This Kiss"
*3OH!3 - My First Kiss
*Soulja Boy Tell'em - Kiss Me Thru The Phone ft. Sammie
*Seal - Kiss From A Rose
*Yiruma- Kiss the rain

6 melodii cu Lost

*Chirstina Aguilera-Lostme
*Michael Bublé - "Lost"
*Anouk - Lost
*Roger Sanchez - Lost

2 melodii cu Loca si 2 melodii cu Telephone

*Sak Noel-Loca People

*Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce-Telehone
[Imagine: animeloves.jpg]
Odododododo ;x
Lumea asta te distruge,Te induce în eroare, Fură tot şi apoi fuge,Te răneşte şi te doare! x333
Gânduri Nespuse, Neştiute şi Inexplicabile

Chemical Brothers -It doesn't matter;
Alison Krauss -It doesn't matter;
Buddy Holly - It Doesn't Matter Anymore.
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

Deepside Deejays - Stay With Me Tonight
Big Bang - Tonight
Enrique Iglesias - Tonight
Lora - Fall In Love Tonight
Hot Chelle Rae - Tonight Tonight
Jay Sean - Tonight
Alex Band - Tonight
Lykke Li - Tonight
FM Static- Tonight
Jonas Brothers - Tonight

Şi cred că mai sunt; nu le ştiam pe toate până acum. o.o
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

Crazy Town - Butterfly;
Mariah Carey - Butterfly;
G-Dragon - Butterfly;
Celtic Woman - The Butterfly;
Weezer - Butterfly;
Jason Mraz - Butterfly;
Malcolm McLaren - Madame Butterfly;
Corinne Bailey Rae - Butterfly;
iley Cyrus - Butterfly Fly Away;
Massive Attack - Butterfly Caught;
Ottmar Liebert - Butterfly;
Mariah Carey - Butterfly.

Too many.
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

*Personal Jesus

*Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus
*Marilyn Manson - Personal Jesus
*Johnny cash - Personal jesus
*Lisa Hannigan - Personal Jesus

Cristi <33333
[Imagine: animeloves.jpg]
Odododododo ;x
Lumea asta te distruge,Te induce în eroare, Fură tot şi apoi fuge,Te răneşte şi te doare! x333
Gânduri Nespuse, Neştiute şi Inexplicabile

*Inna - Love
*Ashlee Simpson - Love
*Celia feat Kaye Styles - Is It Love
*Lil Wayne - How To Love
*The Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love?
*Eminem Feat Lil Wayne - No Love
*David Guetta - When Love Takes Over
*Narcotic Sound - Love Session
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

Within Temptation - Are you the one
Scorpions - Are you the one

I LOVE these two songs <3.
Acuma, as putea sa merg pe gugal si sa gasesc zeci de melodii cu acelasi nume, sincer nu asta e scopul meu in acest moment, am vrut sa va zic doar de aceste doua piese cu adevarat SUPERBE pe care merita sa le ascultati Smile.
[Imagine: iK6og.jpg]

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