19-07-2013, 10:53 PM
I know... OneRepublic - Marchin On
Randul meu... deci chiar sunt curioas? dac? o s? ?tie cineva
From Boston to NY, always up to no good
Don't know how I can see out this big-ass hood
Walkin' through the crowds touchin' you on the back
Using my hidden blade for a secret attack
P.S.: Dac? ai chef, uit?-te pe YouTube la videoclip
Randul meu... deci chiar sunt curioas? dac? o s? ?tie cineva
From Boston to NY, always up to no good
Don't know how I can see out this big-ass hood
Walkin' through the crowds touchin' you on the back
Using my hidden blade for a secret attack
P.S.: Dac? ai chef, uit?-te pe YouTube la videoclip