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Guess the song!

Ideea topicului nu este originala10Un user va pune o strofa dintr-o melodie si urmatorul user va trebui sa ghiceasca melodia si sa puna alta strofa!E simplu!
Putetzi da si anumite indicii!

"Just have a little patience
I'm still hurting from a love I lost
I'm feeling your frustration
that any minute all the pain will stop
just hold me close inside your arms tonight
don't be to hard on my emotions"

Indiciul:este cantata de trupa "Take That"
[Imagine: comanda1semnatura.png]
My sin is Pride.
I'm on my highway to Hell!
Yuki is my kamy-sama. So...Shut the f*** up!
Criticii nu-i pot ranii pe creatori decta cu permisiunea acestora.

You tried to hold me under, I held my breath
Alone and now you wonder, what I possess
Nothing you can say , nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine
While you're burning inside my light

patience -take trebuia sa mai pui si de cine e cantata daca tot ai pus....chiar prea mare indiciul ...mdah uite si link...

Acum e radnul meu....pai..:
"You will never be strong enough
You will never be good enough
You were never conceived in love
You will not rise above

You will never be strong enough
You will never be good enough"

Indicii "este cantata de o formatie a carui solist...adica solista este o fata...mda e numele solistei e Amy Lee^__^
back in black
I'll bite you, so don't bite me.
I am all the little things you hate

[Imagine: zvx369.png]
I was a sinner, a bad girl, Lord pardon me
I was deaf, dumb and blind, but know I can't see

este simplu trupa este evanescence si melodia aici
"You are the one, the one that lies close to me.
Whispers "Hello, I've missed you, I've missed you."
I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.
That there's no place else I could be but here in your arms "
e simplu o parte din numele trupei e si in versuri 3

Simplu...4444 melodia este Here In Your Arms lyrics(sper ca am scris bine) de la Hellogoodbye

Acum eu...

I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world.

Nu cred ca este nevoie de indiciu
[Imagine: 20080626090306.jpg]

Imi aprind visatoare o tigara. Fumul trece lenes si nepasator prin fata mea, formand niste spirale demne de admiratia unui artist..

Simple Plan - I'm Just A Kid 3

"Today, in the year of our Lord 2005,
Tuomas was called from the cares of the world.
He stopped crying at the end of each beautiful day.
The music he wrote had too long been without silence.

Indiciu: primul indiciu e in lirici ,Tuomas fiind numele celui care a infiintat formatia ,care scrie versurile si canta la orga
2. Le-a plecat vechea solista si a venit alta noua ,acesta melodie e de pe noul album cu noua solista
3.e formatie finlandeza

Cred ca deja e muult prea mult 21
[Imagine: tuomasdivers1015ru1copy.png]
"It doesn't matter if You win or lose, it matters if I win or lose!"
-Winston Churchill -

Tuomas Holopainen mai exact
Nightwish-The Poet and the Pendulum

me next 4
"Sucker love is heaven sent.
You pucker up, our passion's spent.
My hearts a tart, your body's rent.
My body's broken, yours is spent."
signs:alternative rock band, founded in London in 1994 and the name of the band begins with P.......

Placebo - Every You Every Me

Next :

Hello, Hello
I'm at a place called vertigo (�D�nde est�?) [Where is it?]
It's everything I wish I didn't know
Except you give me something I can feel

Indiciu : Mai au o piesa celebra intitulata "Beautiful Day" si la ei canta celebrul Bono .

"Boy and the ghost. His eyes are burning
The lights went out. The dream is on.

Wake up, wake up: there�s an angel in the snow.
Look up, look up: it�s a frightened dead boy,
With so much hate, such bad dreams. He could have seen.
The toy�s the key but no one saw."

The title is in the lyrics,and the song is from the "My winter storm" album
[Imagine: gameswlpp_79.gif]

Tarja Turunen
Imi place melodia
Any moment everything can change
Feel the wind on your shoulder
For a minute all the world can wait
Let go of your yesterday
Can you hear it calling?
Can you feel it in your soul?
Can you trust this longing and take control?
Initialele numelui ei incep cu H.D
[Imagine: sig3a.jpg]

Hilary Duff - Fly Smile place melodia :X

Father into your hands, I commend my spirit,
Father, into your hands,
Why have you forsaken me,
In your eyes forsaken me,
In your thoughts forsaken me,
In your heart forsaken, me oh!

hint: Versurile sunt inspirate din Biblie Smile
nu cred k va ajuta prea mult dar altceva nu primiti 10

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