Zilele trecute m-am intalnit cu un american in statia de autobuz.
El:You're gymnast?
Eu:No... Why?
El:Then you're a vampire! O.o'
Eu:What's wrong with you man? You're insane. I'm not a vampire. What makes you think like that?>.<'
El:This is Romania, so yes, you're a vampire.*he leaves*
Eu:Ce lume nebuna...
El:You're gymnast?
Eu:No... Why?
El:Then you're a vampire! O.o'
Eu:What's wrong with you man? You're insane. I'm not a vampire. What makes you think like that?>.<'
El:This is Romania, so yes, you're a vampire.*he leaves*
Eu:Ce lume nebuna...
:::Hot temptations:::Sweet sensations:::
:::Rhythmic motion:::Raw emotion:::
:::Your reaction:::To my action:::
:::Hour after hour:::Of sweet pleasure:::
:::Rhythmic motion:::Raw emotion:::
:::Your reaction:::To my action:::
:::Hour after hour:::Of sweet pleasure:::