25-12-2010, 08:29 PM
Oh, scenele de yuri au fost cele mai tari, cele mai bunee din intreg textul. Iar pinjuinu` m-a emotionat pana la lacrimi, bietu` pinguin. Iar cand acel "la revedere" a fost rostit, geesh, pur si simplu, acesta a fost momentul culminant. Hm, chiar moare Sasuke? Of, of, of, sa spunem ca si el e un "bietu` de el" . Bun, mi-a placut, adica :] .
Enough for me ...
The past is history.
The future is a mystery.
And the time we have now is a gift, that's why we call it "the present."
The future is a mystery.
And the time we have now is a gift, that's why we call it "the present."
He`s cute <3 !