13-04-2010, 05:49 PM
Toata lumea zike ca fumatul poate ucide dar trebuie sa fumezi mult si in exces mult timp :p Daca ei pun pe un pachet de tigarii , niste imagini scarboase sau spun ca "Fumatul poate ucide " , dar asa e dorinta sa fumezi .. care e problema , eu una fumez stiu ce efete negative are asupra organismului meu :p Si ... o simpla imagine nu ma poate determina sa numai fumez ,daca nici mama nu a reusit , nu as putea intelege cum ar putea o simpla imagine sa ma faca sa ma las . Clar nu ! Daca ei spun ca fumatul e asa de rau de pun poze dinalea pe pachete , de alcolul ce kkt sa mai spui? O fumatoare se poate lasa d tigari si nu va mai fii numita asa . Dar acoolistul ? Alcoolist esti , acoolist ramai .Din cauza faptului k alcoolul ramne in sange , de ex. daco o tipa kre fumeaza d 7 ani si decide sa se lase, 3 zile la rand numai fumeaza , nu moare!Dar alcoolistu daca este obisnuit sa bea in fiecare zii timp d 7 ani , 3 zile numai bea si moare .... e q totul alcv , eu nu mint acuma sau zic prostii , pt k au murit prietenii deai familii din cauza asta :p a alcoolului si exact ceea ce vam spus acum :p Sa nu mai puna poze pe tigarii , sa puna pe sticlele de bere , wishky astea bauturile :bv:
[center]~There's a stain on my hand and it's red
Oh my god am I losing it
I can't help what I've done or I said
It's the buttons I push when he says~
~We are so young
our lives have just begun
but already we're considering
escape from this world~[/center]
[center]~Adu-ti aminte de primele cuvinte
Invatate in doi, uitate apoi
De juraminte si primele instincte
Dezlegate de noi, pierdute in noroi~[/center]
[center]-Love - BFMV , H.I.M , L.P , Evanescense, VDV,-Rock Hard and Metal:X I can not live without it [/center]
[center]Mother Fuckers [/center]
[center]~There's a stain on my hand and it's red
Oh my god am I losing it
I can't help what I've done or I said
It's the buttons I push when he says~
~We are so young
our lives have just begun
but already we're considering
escape from this world~[/center]
[center]~Adu-ti aminte de primele cuvinte
Invatate in doi, uitate apoi
De juraminte si primele instincte
Dezlegate de noi, pierdute in noroi~[/center]
[center]-Love - BFMV , H.I.M , L.P , Evanescense, VDV,-Rock Hard and Metal:X I can not live without it [/center]
[center]Mother Fuckers [/center]
"If I died in your arms
Would you then give me your love
Would you tell me that you need me
and that I was the one
Now there's nothing I can say to you
To make you feel the same way too
When you walk away I just want to die
And I try not to break down and cry"
Would you then give me your love
Would you tell me that you need me
and that I was the one
Now there's nothing I can say to you
To make you feel the same way too
When you walk away I just want to die
And I try not to break down and cry"