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Guess the movie

August Rush

Posteaza cine vrea.

Do not speak unless you can improve the silence.

Pentru ca am primit permisiunea:
edit: hint: Mun Chee Yong
Oh, beauty is a beguiling call to death and i'm addicted to the sweet pitch of its siren.That that starts sweet ends bitter, and that which starts bitter ends sweet.That is why you and i love the drugs... now please, pass me a light.

Where the Road Meets the Sun ?
Banii sunt puterea, banii sunt mandria si banii sunt totul.

,mawd nxaw lkdjlakwjl;dxm amwda;lkxd;lQA
Oh, beauty is a beguiling call to death and i'm addicted to the sweet pitch of its siren.That that starts sweet ends bitter, and that which starts bitter ends sweet.That is why you and i love the drugs... now please, pass me a light.

[Imagine: 6qi0ld.jpg]
Banii sunt puterea, banii sunt mandria si banii sunt totul.

The Usual Suspects, frumos.
[Imagine: rtp.jpg]
edit: hint: that`s Tom Hanks
Oh, beauty is a beguiling call to death and i'm addicted to the sweet pitch of its siren.That that starts sweet ends bitter, and that which starts bitter ends sweet.That is why you and i love the drugs... now please, pass me a light.

Road to Perdition - Drumul spre pierzanie, un film in care "Orice tata este un erou pentru fiul sau"
citatul nu imi apartine

[Imagine: 2s8il5l.jpg]
Un film care l-am vazut de n ori ...
Banii sunt puterea, banii sunt mandria si banii sunt totul.

Way too easy, L.A. Confidential.

next: [Imagine: d9.jpg]
Oh, beauty is a beguiling call to death and i'm addicted to the sweet pitch of its siren.That that starts sweet ends bitter, and that which starts bitter ends sweet.That is why you and i love the drugs... now please, pass me a light.

District 9

[Imagine: nosir.jpg]
Do not speak unless you can improve the silence.

easy[like yo mom? hah] 12 monekys
[Imagine: taogb.jpg]
also, haz you seen District 9?
Oh, beauty is a beguiling call to death and i'm addicted to the sweet pitch of its siren.That that starts sweet ends bitter, and that which starts bitter ends sweet.That is why you and i love the drugs... now please, pass me a light.

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  Guess the book Wunderbar 163 80.970 06-09-2012, 04:08 PM
Ultimul răspuns: CyBeR

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