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Versuri 2.

El Negro-Ploaia

Ploaia care va cadea
Pacatele toate mi le va spala
Ura si iubire parte-n parte,
Sunetul de raggae se aude de departe.

Ploaia care va cadea
Pacatele toate mi le va spala
Balans, balans... hai, hai...
Mi-e din ce in ce mai clar ca n-o sa ajung in rai.

Ma gandesc de multe ori cand vreau sa traversez
De prea putine ori cand ma enervez
Lumea s-a impartzit in doi, un scandal general
Politisti,preoti si ta*fe fac scandal
Toate taxele la zi, sa dam tarii multi copii
Fa-o pan\' la capat maine nu sti ce va fi
Cativa prieteni deja mi-au murit...
Altii... altii mai tineri dintr-o data s-au imbogatit .


Nu vreau sa fiu amabil, nu vreau sa iti zambesc
E plin de oameni cumsecade si de escroci decenti
Moralisti perfecti, zambetu-i pretext
Aparentele inseala, viata e doar un test
Nu mai bea, nu mai fuma, nu injura, nu riposta
Nu mai da din cap atunci cand se aude muzica
Morala e aceeasi o stii...
Fa-o pan\' la capat, maine nu sti ce va fi.


De ce sa plang atunci cand pot sa rad ?
De ce sa mint atunci cand pot sa uit ?
Decat sarac si bolnav, mai bine bogat si sanatos
Dar exersez zi de zi mersul pe jos
Soarele rasare... pentru fiecare...
Pentru fiecare jumatate... e o alta jumatate...
Toata lumea are parte, se imparte, se desparte
Viata-i ca o doamna cu moravuri lasate deoparte...
Zambeste-ï nu sta deoparte.


Imnu\' Romaniei...Sau cel putin al meu ca cetatean roman >_> .
[Imagine: tumblr_ljt9kkUjPo1qe6xr2.gif]

"An intellectual solve the problems,a genius avoid them"

Joan Jett - Bad Reputation

I don\'t give a damn \'bout my reputation
You\'re living in the past it\'s a new generation
A girl can do what she wants to do and that\'s
What I\'m gonna do
An\' I don\'t give a damn \' bout my bad reputation

Oh no not me

An\' I don\'t give a damn \'bout my reputation
Never said I wanted to improve my station
An\' I\'m only doin\' good
When I\'m havin\' fun
An\' I don\'t have to please no one
An\' I don\'t give a damn
\'Bout my bad reputation

Oh no, not me
Oh no, not me
I don\'t give a damn
\'Bout my reputation
I\'ve never been afraid of any deviation
An\' I don\'t really care
If ya think I\'m strange
I ain\'t gonna change An\' I\'m never gonna care \'Bout my bad reputation

Oh no, not me
Oh no, not me

Pedal boys!

An\' I don\'t give a damn
\'Bout my reputation
The world\'s in trouble
There\'s no communication
An\' everyone can say
What they want to say
It never gets better anyway
So why should I care
\'Bout a bad reputation anyway
Oh no, not me
Oh no, not me

I don\'t give a damn \'bout my bad reputation
You\'re living in the past
It\'s a new generation
An\' I only feel good
When I got no pain
An\' that\'s how I\'m gonna stay
An\' I don\'t give a damn
\'Bout my bad reputation

Oh no, not me
Oh no, not
Not me, not me

Make it stop.

woah, woah.

bang bang go the coffin nails, like a breath exhaled,
been gone forever.
it seems just like yesterday, how did i miss the red flames?

raise these back, the days we left.
we braved these bitter storms together.
brought to his knees he cried,
but on his feet he died.

what god would damn a heart?
and what god drove us apart?

what god could make it stop?
let this end.
eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
it\'s come to this,
a weightless step.
on the way down singing,
woah, woah.

bang bang from the closet walls,
the schoolhouse halls,
the shotgun\'s loaded.
push me and i\'ll push back.
i\'m done asking, i demand.

from a nation under god,

i feel it\'s love like a cattle prod.
born free, but still they hate.
bore me, i can\'t change.

it\'s always darkest just before the dawn.
so stay awake with me, let\'s prove them wrong.

make it stop.
let this end,
eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
it\'s come to this,
a weightless step.
on the way down singing,
woah, woah.

the cold river washed him away,
but how could we forget.
gathering candles, but not their tongues.

and too much blood has flown from the wrist,
of children shamed for those they chose to kiss.
who will rise to stop the blood.
we\'re coming for,
insisting on, a different beat, yeah.
a brand new song.

woah, woah.
woah, woah.
woah, woah.
[Imagine: tumblr_lw7j04DPq01r5ikx8o1_400_large.gif]
My mama always says that I'm cute. I don't believe her. I'm more than that !

Shake, shake that booty for Beckha !

Seether - Pass Slowly

I think it\'s time for a change
\'Cause things feel out of touch
And I watch you walk,
Away again

Well this feels like to much (Can you take it away?)
And things won\'t go my way
Now I have to fade,
Away my friend

So pass slowly!
And carry me down!
And render me lonely!
When you\'re not around!

I need to shake off this pain
But courage takes too much!
So I have to walk,
Away again

Oh God, I miss your touch! (Can you take it way?)
The way you keep me safe
I won\'t let you fade
Away my friend
So pass slowly!
And carry me down!
Remember me only!
When you\'re not around!

Oh, yeah!
Can\'t you stay a while longer?
Oh, yeah!
Won\'t you stay?
God, please stay!

And pass slowly! (It\'s time for a change)
And whittle me down! (\'Cause things feel out of touch)
And render me lonely! (I watch you walk, away again)
When you\'re not around!

So pass slowly! (Feels like to much)
And let me down easy! (And things won\'t go my way)
And render me lonely! (Now I have to fade, away my friend)
When you\'re not around!
[Imagine: p4KKzIN.png]
You could be the best of me when I'm the worst for you.
golden tragedy

Guess Who feat Spike - Tu


Tu, o să te duci dracu
Tu bei, tu tragi, tu bagi tu nu le laÅŸi
Tu vii, tu pleci, te-ntorci
Tu nu spui nu


Băi cre`c-am pus prea mult ( hai mă )
Credeam că pot să duc mai mult ( fugi mă )
Puteam să pun pariu că-s viu
Când am căzut şi am spus sunt varză ( ştiu )
Eşti de comă, nu mai eşti om mă
Tu n-o arzi cu jumate de normă
Rulezi şi fumezi până adormi mă
Munceşti când eşti treaz pentru un ban
Da de forma
O să mori mă
Da, dar n-au trecut nici 5 minute
Nu-i mai e nici dracu în stare să mă ajute
Şi mi se-nvârte capu că elicea
Åžtii ceva ?
Io nu cred că mai plec de-aicea ( clar )
Şi-asta ţi-au spus-o cu toţii
În proporţii mari toţi idioţii
Consumăm proporţii mari ca hipioţii
Cu toţii, să facă şi dealerul un ban cinstit
Wow, eu văd gagici în halat
Care mă leagă de-un pat pe loc şi mă tirează palmat
Eu nu mai ştiu de unde-am plecat îţi spun
Da pot să jur că încă suntem pe drum
Că viaţa-i grea la oraş , daaa
Se vând kile de hashh... paaaa
La revedere, vere, mi-am făcut provizii mă car
Bun, ÅŸi mergem iar prin pustietate
Faruri sparte, în spate două stricate
Mergem prin noapte dotaţi cu de toate
Prin bezna de-afară şi e foarte tare frate
Brusc, am stive de motive în plus să gust
Din fiecare fel de drog expus la preţ redus
Despachetat, preparat ÅŸi propus
Că cine spune că nu-i, mai bine când ai un cui, la tine
Stai puţin pe loc, hai rulează-l pe tot
şi derulează filmul în timp ce-i dai foc.

REFREN ( X2) :

Tu, o să te duci dracu
Tu bei, tu tragi, tu bagi tu nu le laÅŸi
Tu vii, tu pleci, te-ntorci
Tu nu spui nu ( tu, tu, tu )
Cred c-ai pus prea mult (wow)
Åži nu mai pot
Stai puţin
Bă, mă vezi
Te cred
Mă crezi
Te văd
EÅŸti praf
Credeam că mi-eşti prieten
Stai păi cum prietene
Credeam că-i ban
ÃŽntoarce capul uite fetele
Am încuiat în baie, două p**de
Vino repede
Zici că sunt bune?
Vai, dar cum se freacă cu buretele
Da mergem de ceva timp pe stradă
Nu văd nici urmă de pradă
Facem paradă de modă
Cu tine dacă te prindem
Numa` că totu-i o iluzie
Şi mă trezesc fără să trag vreo concluzie
E doar în capul nostru
Ştiu, şi cunosc filmul ăsta pe de rost
Ca pe Tatăl nostru
Acum hai să tragem linie
Eu nu iau
Hai să ne punem poftă-n cui
Io nu vreau
Hai să vărsăm măcar o lacrimă
Da\' io nu beau
Apar deja problemele de parcă ne lipseau
Că-n spate-i nino nino nino nino nino
Vine garda
Nu trage dracu pe dreapta
Avem prea mult la noi s-ascundem .. paaa


Tu, o să te duci dracu
Tu bei, tu tragi, tu bagi tu nu le laÅŸi
Tu vii, tu pleci, te-ntorci
Tu nu spuï nu ( tu, tu, tu )

El Negro - Lasa-ma

Lasa-ma, mai lasa-ma
Gandurile mele-s cocotate pe un nor
Lasa-ma sa zbor usor
Domnule politist, lasa-ma sa exist
Domnule Dumnezeu, lasa-ma sa fiu eu
Lasa-ma, mai lasa-ma
Lasa muzica sa curga usor
Jah Jah Bless, Oh babe babe babe,
M-ai uitat intr-un pahar cu apa

No no no, nu e panica
Excesele-s normale te purifica
Dezechilibru de-a visa nu te intoxica
Culorile au propria semantica
Noi nu suntem ceilalti, noi nu suntem noi
Soarele il consumam din doi in doi in doi
Oooooooo Jah jah Bless Aaaaaaa... antipanica

Lasa-ma, mai lasa-ma
Gandurile mele-s cocotate pe un nor
Lasa-ma sa zbor usor
Domnule politist, lasa-ma sa exist
Domnule Dumnezeu, lasa-ma sa fiu eu
Lasa-ma, mai lasa-ma
Lasa muzica sa curga usor
Jah Jah Bless, Oh babe babe babe,
M-ai uitat intr-un pahar cu apa
O yo o yo o yo...

Ce sa faci cu atata ura,
Daca viata isi inchide maine portile
Linistea-i o harababura,
Pe care mai bine-o tragi adanc in piept

No no no, nu e panica
Excesele-s normale te purifica
Dezechilibru de-a visa nu te intoxica
Culorile au propria semantica
Oooooooo Jah jah Bless Aaaaaaa... antipanica

Lasa-ma, mai lasa-ma
Gandurile mele-s cocotate pe un nor
Lasa-ma sa zbor usor
Domnule politist, lasa-ma sa exist
Domnule Dumnezeu, lasa-ma sa fiu eu
Lasa-ma, mai lasa-ma
Lasa muzica sa curga usor
Jah Jah Bless, Oh babe babe babe,
M-ai uitat intr-un pahar cu apa

Lasa-ma sa las lasarea bine stransa intre foi
Lasa muzica sa curga peste... amandoi
Sa nu ne limitam dorintele
Sa nu ne masuram distantele
Sa nu ne protejam difuzoarele, iubirile, inexistentele

Noi nu suntem ceilalti, noi nu suntem noi
Soarele il consumam din doi in doi in doi
Lasa-ma sa las lasarea rulata intre foi
Lasa muzica sa curga
O yo o yo... Oooooooo Jah jah Bless Aaaaaaa... antipanica

Ce sa faci cu atata ura,
Daca viata isi inchide maine portile
Linistea-i o harababura,
Pe care mai bine-o tragi adanc in piept

Lasa-ma, mai lasa-ma
Gandurile mele-s cocotate pe un nor
Lasa-ma sa zbor usor
Domnule politist, lasa-ma sa exist
Domnule Dumnezeu, lasa-ma sa fiu eu
Lasa-ma, mai lasa-ma
Lasa muzica sa curga usor
Jah Jah Bless, Oh babe babe babe,
M-ai uitat intr-un pahar cu apa

Lasa-ma, mai lasa-ma
Gandurile mele-s cocotate pe un nor
Lasa-ma sa zbor usor
Domnule politist, lasa-ma sa exist
Domnule Dumnezeu, lasa-ma sa fiu eu
Lasa-ma, mai lasa-ma
Lasa muzica sa curga usor
Jah Jah Bless, Oh babe babe babe,
M-ai uïtat ďntr-un pahar cu apa...

Xoxo, Ang.
[Imagine: pikachu___batman_by_mnrart-d58f68d.gif]
Nothing I shoot gets back up again.
Drawings.| Photos.

Seether - Needles

I never seem to find a reason
to let you in again, or forgive you
I’m sick of feeling like I need you
knowing I never did, but I miss you
Taking and breaking and hating
I remember all you said to me now
Faking, forsaking and failing
my memories are all stained again

Let me get inside your head
Let me show you I’m prepared
Let me stick my needles in
And let me hurt you again

I never reach my indecision
to let you see again all I give you
I’m sick of feeding your attention,
knowing I never did. I distress you
Taking and breaking and hating
I remember all you said to me now
Faking, forsaking and failing
my memories are all stained again

Let me get inside your head
Let me show you I’m prepared
Let me stick my needles in
And let me hurt you again

F*ck you for killing me
F*ck you for killing me

Yeah. Let me get inside your head
Let me show you I’m prepared
Let me stick my needles in
And let me hurt you again
[Imagine: p4KKzIN.png]
You could be the best of me when I'm the worst for you.
golden tragedy

Am privit in urma des cu ochii goi,
M-am pierdut in fum,praf si foi
Ca sa uit de noi,ca sa uit de noi...

Au fost zile-n care ma-necam apoi
Mă rugam sa-ti iei iubirea inapoi
Ca sa uit de noi,Ca sa uit de noi...

E luni 29,suna ocupat la telefon;
Vorbesti cu altu ca-ntre noi devine monoton.
Imi spui ca simti nevoia de ceva nou.
Din nou,erai bibelou,acum esti nou,nou,nou!
Nu te mai cunosc de vreo saptamana
Ca ce spun alţii-i una,dac-o spun eu nu-i buna.
Esti ca-n povesti,nu mai esti.Ce conteaza?nu conta!
Că erai parte-ntreagă din inima mea.
Azi te vreau mai mult ca ieri,da! şi mi-ar plăcea
Sa nu mai dau 2 bani pe privirea ta
Şi dacă as putea sa dau timpu inapoi,
As vrea ca sa pot face ceva ca sa uit de noi...

Am privit in urma des cu ochii goi,
M-am pierdut in fum,praf si foi
Ca sa uit de noi,ca sa uit de noi...

Au fost zile-n care ma-necam apoi
Mă rugam sa-ti iei iubirea inapoi
Ca sa uit de noi,Ca sa uit de noi...

Te-am cunoscut intr-o vara,banal,
Da' nu pe plaja,la mal.
Eram pe banca in parc,nu la vre-un bar.
De ce bar?Am avut nevoie sa alunecam pe val,
Da' nu de apa,e noi am ars-o doar emotional.
Si ma strangeai de buza de jos tare...
Imi spuneai ca e racoare superficial.
M-apropiam,cand am ajuns te -am strans ca pe o floare
Si restu-i clar ca e confidential.
Si mult timp a fost un ideal care din banal
A fost si e atat de special...
Si apoi.......Nu e placut acum ca vreau sa uit de noi...

Am privit in urma des cu ochii goi,
M-am pierdut in fum,praf si foi
Ca sa uit de noi,ca sa uit de noi...

Au fost zile-n care ma-necam apoi
Mă rugam sa-ti iei iubirea inapoi
Ca sa uit de noi,Ca sa uit de noï...

Good Girls Go Bad.

I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go
Good girls go bad
(Good girls go bad)

I know your type
(Your type)
You're daddy's little girl
Just take a bite
(One bite)
Let me shake up your world
'Cause just one night couldn't be so wrong
I'm gonna make you lose control

She was so shy
Till I drove her wild

I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad
You were hanging in the corner
With your five best friends
You heard that I was trouble
But you couldn't resist
I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go
Good girls go bad
(bad, bad, bad)
Good girls go bad
(bad, bad, bad)
Good girls go bad

I know your type
(Your type)
Boy, you're dangerous
Yeah, you're that guy
(That guy)
I'd be stupid to trust
But just one night couldn't be so wrong
You make me wanna lose control

She was so shy
Till I drove her wild

I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad
I was hanging in the corner
With my five best friends
I heard that you were trouble
But I couldn't resist
I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go
Good girls go bad
(Bad, bad, bad)
Good girls go bad
(Bad, bad, bad)
Good girls go bad

Oh, she got away with the boys in the place
Treat 'em like they don't stand a chance
And he got away with the girls in the back
Acting like they're too hot to dance
Yeah, she got away with the boys in the place
Treat 'em like they don't stand a chance
And he got away with the girls in the back
Acting like they're too hot to dance

I make them good girls go bad
(Treat 'em like they don't stand a chance)
I make them good girls go
make them good girls go
The good girls go bad, yeah
Good girls go bad
I was hanging in the corner
With my five best friends
I thought that you were trouble
But I couldn't resist
I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go
Good girls go bad
(Bad, bad, bad)
Good girls go bad
(Bad, bad, bad)
Good girls go
[Imagine: tumblr_lw7j04DPq01r5ikx8o1_400_large.gif]
My mama always says that I'm cute. I don't believe her. I'm more than that !

Shake, shake that booty for Beckha !

Carrie Underwood - Temporary Home

Little boy, 6 years old
A little too used to bein' alone.
Another new mom and dad,another school,
Another house that'll never be home.
When people ask him how he likes this place...
He looks up and says, with a smile upon his face,

"This is my temporary home
It's not where I belong.
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through.
This is just a stop, on the way to where I'm going.
I'm not afraid because I know this is my
Temporary Home."

Young mom on her own.
She needs a little help, got nowhere to go.
She's lookin' for a job, lookin' for a way out,
Because a half-way house will never be a home.
At night she whispers to her baby girl,
"Someday we'll find our place here in this world."

"This is our temporary home.
It's not where we belong.
Windows and rooms that we're passin' through.
This is just a stop, on the way to where we're going.
I'm not afraid because I know this is our
Temporary Home."

Old man, hospital bed,
The room is filled with people he loves.
And he whispers don't cry for me,
I'll see you all someday.
He looks up and says, "I can see God's face."

"This is my temporary Home
It's not where I belong.
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through.
This was just a stop,on the way to where I'm going.
I'm not afraid because I know... this was
My temporary home."

This is our temporary home.

[Imagine: tumblr_lvu3z0OC361qkx1cbo1_500_large.gif]
The Mad Hatter: Have I gone mad?Alice: I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

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