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I like turtles

Ba ia opriti-va amandoua!

cosmar pentru mozi
stiu, nu-ti iese totul mereu, dar azi intra

Avand cont ca din ce in ce mai multe persoane incep sa-mi vorbeasca despre broaste testoase (lol),am sa fac o mica precizare:

[important] [/important]

+ O gramada de remixuri, covers and replay-uri
Do not speak unless you can improve the silence.

I liek mudkipz better : D


zomg flaw24

Flaw A scris:I liek mudkipz better : D

He's gonna eat your babies

Tan Edit: dude, fara chestii antisemite pe site, I found it funny, dar totusi regulile sunt reguliSmile . also, don't trolololololo too often 10
Do not speak unless you can improve the silence.

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