20-01-2008, 02:30 AM
a few of my work
it's not that good XD but anyway XD
1. [shuichi]
2.[fell the wind]
3.[ Haunted ] ( asta e mai veche si am cam exagerat cu sangele >.< dar merge XD)
4.[Gheisha] (cik o gheisha XD mi se pare k are capul cam deplasat! saraca >.< )
5.[robot girl]
6.[robot girl 2] ( so baka XD)
8.[heavenly illusion]
9.[book] ( i so love this pic XD) [book (colorata)](desi nu ma pricep sa desenez pe calculator ma straduiesc XD)

1. [shuichi]
2.[fell the wind]
3.[ Haunted ] ( asta e mai veche si am cam exagerat cu sangele >.< dar merge XD)
4.[Gheisha] (cik o gheisha XD mi se pare k are capul cam deplasat! saraca >.< )
5.[robot girl]
6.[robot girl 2] ( so baka XD)
8.[heavenly illusion]
9.[book] ( i so love this pic XD) [book (colorata)](desi nu ma pricep sa desenez pe calculator ma straduiesc XD)