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Wild Soul [Romance, Fantasy]

@Michiyo: Mda, ii stiu numele. Si in capitolul asta o sa apara o intorsatura uriasa!!! pe celalalt site, titlul era altfel la capitolul asta, dar acum o sa il pun asa ca sa nu dezvalui prea multe din titlu. ;) si o cheama Alice Banner pe fata, am mentionat asta. cat despre cele 2 note proaste, cu unul din useri am vorbit (asta imi place la public pool) si a zis ca a ales asta pt ca nu se da in vant dupa ficurile in engleza, so it's not my fault at all :D

@MiraA: arigatou gozaimasu, Mira-chan!! am editat partea aia, imi scapase. si si eu m-am uimit pe mine insumi cand mi-a venit faza cu heat, pt ca de obicei nu's chiar asa amuzanta, sau asa cred eu...

Here comes the new chapter:

[center]❤VII.Easy chase[/center]

"The lover is violent, huh?" said Tom, licking the blood off of his lips, relishing the metallic taste.

I wanted to hit him again, but Jake caught my hand.

"Stop it, Josh. I'm hungry. Don't make things worse. Now everything around smells like blood because of you." he said.

"You're right, I'm hungry too. Are we going to eat?" I asked.

"Okay, c'mon."

We arrived in the forest quickly and smelled a deer herd. We followed the scent to track down the herd, soon spotting six does and four bucks.

"Let's take the bucks. Better challenge, with thoes horns. Anyway, bucks or does, deers are the easiest chase." I said, and then, along with Tom, Ben and Jake, I jumped on a buck.

It started moving around like mad, but stopped when I got my fangs into its throat and its warm blood filled my mouth. When we finished...lunch, we went back to the village and then rid on the plains. Of course, Alice and Rebecca were there too.

"Hey, No-Named-Girl! I wanted to ask: what happened back in the town? Did you run away because you were scared?" I asked, sneering.

She did not answer, just thrwe me a scowl and her tongue, then left.

"Oh, God, this girl isn't easy to intimidate." I whispered. "What the heck do I have to do to her to react like the other girls?"

"You know very well that, if you show her what you are, she'll be afraid of you too." Tom said. "But you're a too big of a spazhead and human-lover to hurt her. You know that if you bite her, everything will be different."

"I don't want to bite her! All the humans who found out that I am a vampire are now in a grave!"

"You idiot, you can't even bite her, so there's no way of killing her!"

"Will you please stop bothering me about this?"

"I will bother you until you'll tell Alice that you feel something for her, idiot!"

"Okay, that's enough!" I said and then chased him.

Nici un post nou de ieri?...V-ati suparat pe vampirasii mei?...Am facut Wild Sould combinand 2 dintre lucrurile mele preferate: vampiri si cai. ;) hope ya like it :* and sorry for double-posting ;) NYA~ Ja ne!

[center]❤VIII.The power of love...or the power of telekinesis[/center]

Storm was chasing Fast Race like a cat chasing a mouse. Actually, it was useless, because everybody knows that Storm is the fastest. I did to Tom what Jake did to Alice awhile ago: I passed too close, and Fast Race stopped and reared, neighing. But, because he was a too good rider and not to mention, a vampire, Tom remained on Fast Race's back. I stopped Storm too, right in front of him.

"You can't get me!" I said and then galloped away from him.

Tom was right behind me. I noticed that there was nobody else around and a devilish grin spread across my face. I then turned my head to see Tom and lifted him out of the saddle telekinetically.

"Hey! You're cheating! Telekinesis is not permitted!" yelled Tom when I trowed him on the ground.

"Brother, in love and in war everything is permitted. And we have both here."

"Ok, if you say so..." he said, and then the storm started.

A lighting hit the ground right next to me. Tom was griming.

"You dam..." I started, but another lighting hit even closer, scaring Storm, that reared and neighed nervously. Even if her name is Storm, that doesn't means that she likes storms. I stayed still in the saddle and lifted Tom between the clouds. Of course, the dark clouds were getting away when Tom was around. My brother and his stupid weather control.

"Do you know what's the problem with you two?" Jake asked. "Even brothers, you're completely different. Tom likes bothering people about their feelings, and Josh is too sentimental. You're always fighting, and me and Ben are caught between the two of you. I'm all wet! I can't wait to see what will happen when Tom will fall in love with someone!"

"That will never happen." Tom said.

"But, anyway, Josh, you really idolize this girl. I really think you should tell her." said Ben.

"I don't think so." I said.

"As you say, amore." Ben said and started laughing.

I dismounted Storm and I jumped on Bloom, getting Ben off her back. In one sec, we were both on the ground, laughing. Tom and Jake went close to us, smiling, and we dragged them down too.

"Hey, Alice's boyfriend!" said Jake.

"Ok, that's enough! You're all a handful of big idiots!" I said and trowed them all in a mud pit made by Tom's storm.

We were all wet and laughing together, like a group of happy, normal people. But we were not what we seemed to be.

Inca nici un post...Acum voi ajunge la stadiul in care sa bag comentarii la profil pt capitole noi. Bine macar ca s-a intors zupul printre noi...o data cu inca un capitol din Wild Soul ;)

[center]IX.Second chance[/center]

In two weeks, I heard Alice saying - again - that she's going in the town to meet some friends.

"Maybe you won't miss this chance too." Tom said.

"No way."

I followed her, of course. She met five girls and three boys in the Greenbank Park.

"Hey' Kim, how's Chikita?" she asked the girl with brown, long hair.

"She born six puppies. She's very happy."

"Aww, so sweet! Who wants to go to the mall?" Alice asked.

"I do!" answered all the girls in the same time.

The boys frowned.

"C'mon, don't be so angry! Maybe you find some new clothes too!"

In ten minutes, they were all in the mall. They stayed there almost two hours, then they broke the group. Alice's truck was parked on a secondary alley with nobody around. I caught her right before she got in the car.

"Hi." I said, griming.

"What do you want? What the heck are you doing here!?" she asked trying to escape.

"I was walking around and then I found you." I lied.

"I won't tell you my name!"

"We'll see that." I said, looking at her white neck.

It was like I was already feeling her blood's taste on my tongue. That delicious metallic taste, that only human blood has...

"Alice! Can you bring me home please?" asked the girl named Lindsay, appearing by the street. Hey...who's this guy? You never said you have a boyfriend!

"Bleah. You're kidding, aren't you?" Alice said, disguisted.

Her words made me sad, but, of course, I role-played.

"Let's be serious! Do you really think I'd go out with somebody like her?"

Officially, I decided to never tell Alice that I love her. Anyways, she would probably just laugh and turn her back. Nothing more.

Then I saw them. On Lindsay's neck, there were two red spots that I knew very well.

"This is Joshua, an idiot from my uncle's village." Alice introduced me.

"Thanks for the compliment." I said.

"Whatever. Joshua, this is Lindsay."

"Nice to meet you." I said and shaked hands with her.

"Sorry, Liz, but I can't drive you. My uncle called. I have to go home. Sorry again."

"It's nothing. Thanks anyway. I'll find somebody else to drive me."

"Um...Lindsay, I can bring you home, if you want." I said, willing to talk to her.

"Uhh...Sure...I think. Thanks."

"Bye-bye...Alice." I said.

I couldn't hide anymore the fact that I knew her name, since Lindsay just said it.

"Bye-bye. Oh, and, by the way, told ya you won't find out my name from my mouth." Alice said.

It seems that was a lost battle.

"Whatever. Lindsay, come on, my car is out there."

"Call me Liz, please."


Scz ca nu am mai dat pe aici,dar nu prea am avut atat de mult timp la dispozitite,dar voi comenta acum cele trei capitole pe care le-am ratat.Deci,incep cu capitolul 7:cand am citit partea cu hai sa mergem sa mancam...dupa care am ajuns la mi-am infipt coltii si am simtit gustul sangelui...m-am ridicat de la birou si m-am dus sa-mi mai pun o cana de cafea,caci am crezut ca nu m-am trezit bine si citesc anapoda sau poate ca nu mai stiu engleza:)).Pana la urma l-am mai citit o data si mi-am dat seama ca pranzul tipilor chiar a fost constituit din caprioare.M-ai uimit si aveai inceputul ficului nici macar nu mi-a trecut prin cap ca baietii sunt vampiri.Si eu ador vampirii...:X sunt atat gasesc cuvantul potrivit ca sa-i descriu(poate mai am nevoie de o cafea).IN fine...abia astept sa vad ce se intampla in continuare,mai ales ca Josh a descoperit ca Liz a fost muscata de un vampir.Ma intreb daca ii va spune lui Alice ce este el defapt sau daca fata va ajunge sa tina la el?
Si ca sa si critic un pic (sper ca nu te superi) in cap 8 am vazut o chestie:because he was a too good rider nu suna asa de bine.Ai fi putu sa spui because he was too good of a rider (stiu ca nu e corect din punct de vedere al aranjarii cuvintelor in propozitie,dar este o expresie destul de des folosita in engleza vorbita si sa fim seriosi majoritatea expresilor pe care englezii le folosesc nu au nici o legatura cu morfo-sitactica) Te-am pupat si mai vb astept nextul

"Omul este cel mai putin el insusi,atunci cand vorbeste in propria persoana.Da-i o masca si el va spune adevarul."Oscar Wilde
[Imagine: chibi_5001.gif]
, chibi-ul lui

mersi de commuri!!! (desi imi pare rau ca voi doua sunteti singurele care-mi cititi ficul...) omg Mira-chan asta da comm mare...stii bine ca nu ma deranjeaza criticile constructive ;) o sa ma interesez (cu alte cuvinte o sa-l intreb pe prietenul meu din Tennessee) si o sa aflu cum as putea sa ma exprim mai bine la faza aia. ma bucur ca v-am uimit! in posturile de pe celalalt site capitolul VII se cheama "Vampire" si de asta am schimbat numele, sa va uimesc mai ceilalti (de pe celalalt site I mean) nu mai puteam sa-i uimesc ca topicul se chema deja "Wild Soul-A story about horses and vampires". si eu am facut ficul asta din doua lucruri care-mi plac mult: vampiri si cai ;). cat despre chestia cu AlicexJosh...voi mentine suspansul. Acum, Michiyo-chan, nu, Liz nu e vampir. e om si am de gand sa o las asa. vei vedea in capitolul asta mai multe detalii despre motivul pentru care are ea punctele alea pe gat...BTW next-ul revine la Alice...

[center]❤X.Another group[/center]

My black Mercedes was at the end of the street. Liz remained open-mouthed when she saw the car.

"Is this...Is this your car?" she asked.

"Yep. Come on in." I answered, getting on the driver's seat.

She got on the left seat.

"Where's your home?"

"West Derby."

"Wow, that's far away from here!" I said, starting the car. "Who brought you here?"

"Um...My boyfriend."

I was sure that her boyfriend had something to do with the red marks.

"What's with the signs on your neck?" I asked.


"Hmph. There's only one thing that ca do a mark like that, and it is not a simple 'scratch'"

"You mean you know...?"

"Yep. So who did that to you?"

"My boyfriend."

"I guessed that, I mean what's his name."


"Do you know others like him?"

"Yeah, they're an entire gang: Liam, Eric, Noah, Ken, Daisy, Sarah and Milly."

Wow...A big group.

"Are they students at your school?"

"Yes. But how do you know about the vampires?"

"Are they vampires we're talking about!?"

" ???"

"Just kidding."

"So how did you found out? Are you...?"

"Yes. I am one of them."

mda, stiu ca a fost cam scurt. macar majoritatea sunt mai lungi ;) si pt ca ai postat atat de repede, o sa mai adaug un capitol azi :)

[center]♫XI.Back to school[/center]

I don't know what Joshua and the rest of his gang did the rest of the summer, because, since Liz told him my name, we did not meet again. I rid, took care of Wild and went sometimes in the town with my classmates. I wouldn't believe that, but I really had fun, even if I had to stay almost all the time in my uncle's village. But I had to go back to school. Our class master was already in the classroom when I arrived. After some other students arrived too, the class master called the roll.

"Archer Lindsay!"


"Banner Alice!"

"Here!" I said.

"Bell Joshua!"

What!? What the Hell is Joshua doing here!?


"Bell Thomas!"


Tom too? These two are brothers? Oh my...

I looked around. Of course, Ben and Jake were there too. In the break, I talked to Joshua.

"What the heck are you guys doing here!? Are you following me or something?"

He laughed.

"What's your problem anyways? We can't go to school?"

"Why in my school, why in my class!? Why me!?

"Not you. We have some friends here."

"Really? Who?"

"Well. there is Liam, Eric, Milly, Daisy, Noah, Ken...And Liz, of course."

"When you bring her home?"

"Yep. We kept in touch since then. Jealous?"

"What? No way. Being jealous of what? That they are friends with some people I hoped o never see again? I don't think so."

He frowned.

"Whatever." Joshua said and left.

"I know that look of you!" said Kim, my best friend. "You like Josh, right?"

"No!...Well, yes, a little."

"Just a little?"

"Ok, ok, a little more! How are you dong this?"

"I know you. You had that look when you met Riley for the first time. I also know when you're disappointed, like when Riley broke up with you because of Samantha, even if you tried to hide that. For me, Riley was a positive part of my life, because I know you better because of him."

"Can yo please stop talking about that damn stupid idiot pervert moron..."

"Stop it! I know you hate him, but that's enough!"

"Whatever, I don't think I have any chances with Joshua."

"Maybe you do, who knows...Maybe he likes you too."

"I don't think so."

"Hey, girls! Wanna come in Greenbank too?" asked Liz.

"Sure!" we answered.

"Great! Tom, Josh, Ben and Jake are coming too!"

Uhh why do they have to come too? I thought.

(*) asaaa...acum, bonus, si un author note interesant si optional, ca sa ma revansez pentru capitolul scurt din postul meu trecut. sper ca nu va deranjeaza ca e in engleza, dar cred ca v-ati obisnuit deja ;) mi-as dori ca mai multe persoane decat Miciyo-chan si MiraA sa citeasca... :((

Author note: I put this here to make some things clear. Please feel free to post or send me a PM with questions, and I will post the answer in other author notes.

First of all, the new vampire group from the 10th chapter is named "Sin", like Josh's group is named "Drake". The vampires spent their summer together after they met, so they became friends and Josh decided to join their class. Of course he knew Alice will be there too!

Alice and Riley were a couple for about 4 months, but then Riley fell in love with Samantha and broke up with Alice, a fact that made her hate both Riley and Sam.

And, last but not least, here are the students in Alice's class, in alphabetical order, and some notes about them (I still think at her age, that will probably change soon, so I don't know what class it is). The ones marked with an asterix ( * ) are vampires. I am not so good at British names, so, if you have some ideas, please PM me or post them here.

1.Archer Lindsay

2.Banner Alice

3.*Bell Joshua

4.*Bell Thomas

5.Bunny May

6.*Coud Rose - nobody from our dear vampires yet don't know Rose is a vampire too

7.Darling Charlie

8.Desoll Margaret

9.Freedom Alexa

10.Haiku Riley - yes, this is the guy who broke Alice's heart

11.*Honey Sarah

12.Huck Taylor

13.Joker Andrew

14.Kurtis Samantha - and yes, this is Riley's current girlfriend, and Alice's worse enemy

15.Luck Stella

16.*Moon Eric

17.*Moon Ken

18.*Moon Noah - yep, they're all brothers

19.*Night Liam

20.O'Neill Chase - class's clown

21.Otto Zarren - he's from Germany

22.*Sake Jake - yeah I know that's a rhyme ^^

23.*Sky Milly

24.*Steam Daisy

25.*Talk Benjamin

26.Volt Mary

27.Wolfin Kolink

28.Yume Sakiko - she is from Japan, and I gave her my BF's (Yume) and my nickname (Sakiko-Sako)

29.Zagreb Tina - she is British, but her father is from Croatia

pai .... as vrea sa spun ce am observat la numele lor , si asta le face cam lipsite de inspiratie , sper sa nu te superi pe mine :( . Cateva mergeau , dar aproape toate sunt asa ! Cele mai rele le voi marca la sfarsit cu semnul exclamarii . Daca vrei iti pot da eu idei in caz de vei vrea sa le modifici pentru ca ma pricep la nume englezesti .

Archer - inseamna arcas ceva in genul
Banner - inseamna banner de ala pentru reclame
Bell - inseamna clopotel
Bunny - inseamna iepuras !
Darling - inseamna draga !
Freedom - inseamna libertate
Honey - inseamna miere si poate insemna si draga !
Joker - inseamna joker de la carti
Luck - inseamna noroc
Moon - inseamna luna
Night - inseamna noapte
Otto - este prenume , nu este nume de familie !
Sky - inseamna cer
Steam - inseamna abur
Talk - este verbul a vorbi !
Yume - este prenume japonez de fata , in nici un caz nu poate fi pus ca nume de familie !
Zagreb - suna cam ciudat , exista numele asta ?

cam atat am avut de spus despre numele lor , sper sa nu te superi pe mine , in rest , totul este perfect ^^ .
Va rog, nu-i lasati sa moara!

[Imagine: cuZv.gif]
[Imagine: 3MiK.gif]
[Imagine: BvWd.gif]
[Imagine: QrLB.gif]
[Imagine: v1oJ.gif]

din nou, stii bine ca nu ma supar. si sa stii ca stiu ce inseamna. ma rog, unele nu vreau sa le schimb (adik alea de vampiri de ex, si aia cu Yume Sakiko, Otto Zarren si Zagreb Tina - OMG am ajuns sa-i stiu pe de rost!) dar la restul, daca ai niste idei mai bune care incep cu aceeasi litera atunci chiar te rog sa mi le spui. ok, acum next-ul.


In the park...

"So, where are you from?" Alexa asked Joshua.

"A village close to Liverpool."

"Is there a nice place?"asked Kim.

"For us, yes, it is, but I don't know how it is for townspeople. Ask Alice, she was there too."

Everybody turned their head in my direction.

"It is a little boring, but there are lots of horses, so it's cool."

"What's so cool at horses?"Maggie asked.

"Horses are..."

"Awesome!" Liam continued. "They are the smartest animals."

"That's true." I said, a little astonished by Liam, because he rarely talks to us.

"What's your horse's name, Alice? I wanted to ask and I forgot." Joshua said.

"Wild Soul." I answered. "Yours?"

"Mine Storm." Joshua said.

"Mine Fast Race." Tom said.

"Mine Faith." Jake said.

"And mine Bloom." Ben said.

"Cool. Anyone else has a horse?" I asked.

"I do." answered all the Sin kids.

"Really? What's your horse's names?"

"Mine Moon Light, Eric's Night Storm, Ken's Acrobat and Noah's Ivy." answered Liam.

"And mine is Leaf, Sara's is Bumble Bee and Milly's is Milk." Daisy completed.

"What nice names!" Maggie said.

"I still don't think horses are cool." Bailey said. "They are boring, stupid animals. Dogs are better. What do horses do? Running and chewing."

"That's not true!" Tom replied. "They're smart and they can feel their master's feelings. And they are very gentle, loving and patient."

"What a big deal." Bailey said, sarcastic.

"You say horses are boring, but you've never seen one from more than 10 meters distance." Rose said, appearing next to us and left everybody open-mouthed.

Rose was NEVER talking to ANYBODY.

Ok Ok...e a 3 a oara cand scriu un comm aici.Sper ca de data asta sa-l si afiseze:( .Deci...cum am zis si datile trecute:imi place...povestea incepe sa prinda contur,ai introdus mai multe personaje ceea ce ar duce automat la o actiune mai complexa pe baza relatiilor care se stabilesc intre ele.Sper ca pana la urma Josh sa-i spuna lui Alice ce simte.Sunt curioasa cum o sa reactioneze aceasta cand va afla ca majoritatea prietenilor ei sunt vampiri.Oricum abia astept nextul.Poop si mai vb

"Omul este cel mai putin el insusi,atunci cand vorbeste in propria persoana.Da-i o masca si el va spune adevarul."Oscar Wilde
[Imagine: chibi_5001.gif]
, chibi-ul lui

mersi Mira-chan acum nextul:


"Rose?!" we all exclaimed in the same time.

"Yeah, that's my name." Said Rose, with a bored look.

"I didn't know you're coming too." I said.

"I got bored, so I was looking for something to do." Rose said, rolling her eyes.

We walked around a little more and talked about things like "What have you done this holiday?" and then we all got to our houses. Because the next day at 8 AM I had to go to school, I got to sleep early. About 2 PM, my phone's annoying ringing tone woke me up. I got a message.

Oh, who's messaging me at this hour? I asked myself.


The next day, on Tuesday, I showed the message to Kim.

" you really think somebody could...?"

"I dunno, but I have a strange feeling." I said. "I'm afraid that, if I'll go, something bad will happen to me, and, if I don't, something even worse will happen to you...or dad...or even Joshua..."

"So, Joshua is one of the most important persons to you, huh?"

"Yeah, you are too."

"Well, that's nice. But it's bad cause I find this out in so a situation..."

"What should I do?"

"Honest, I'm afraid I don't know. Do what you think you have to do."

"I say you should do what's good for your grades' sake: get in the classroom right now, cause this lesson is with Triangle." Tom said, appearing right next to us.

"Were you listening at what were we saying?!" I asked, afraid that he could tell Joshua about my feelings.

"I heard some things...Anyways, we'll talk about this about the lesson." he said and pushed both of us into the classroom.

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