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Wild Soul [Romance, Fantasy]

Ok, check this out. Am postat asta pe un alt joc, in engleza, si mi-e prea lene sa-l scriu si in romana. Sper ca n-am incalcat vreo regula postandu-l in English only, dar n-am vazut sa existe vreuna de genul asta. Trebuie sa mentionez ca aceasta poveste este spusa de doua personaje, 5 capitole unul, 5 capitole celalalt. Pentru a evita confuziile, capitopele lui Alice sunt marcate cu ♫, iar ale lui Josh cu ❤. Daca aveti intrebari in legatura cu ce inseamna un anumit cuvant sau commenturi, va rog postati-le si voi incerca sa raspund la toate. Ok, here I come:

[center]♫I.Far away from home[/center]

I could sense that something was wrong. It was summer holiday, but the feeling I had was not normal. It Instead of feeling free, I was feeling the opposite. I was feeling like somebody got control of something that should never be controlled. Something that should be free. Or maybe I was wrong. Maybe I shouldn't oppose it. Maybe it was fate that made it happen like that. Or maybe not. Could it be because I was in a place where I didn't want to be? I was in a new place, far away from home, where I didn't know anything or anybody. A dusty place, full of spider webs, where some unusual creatures live. A place with dilapidated, mildewy houses. A place where no 18 year old town girl should be.

In a village.

"You'll have fun, it's a very beautiful place there!"

That's what they said. Yeah, of course. It's a very boring place here.

"Alice! There you are! Why did you close yourself here? Go outside, it's a very beautiful weather." Ray said, entering in the warehouse.

"You know I don't wanna be here. I'm a town girl, this is not my place. My only home is in Liverpool, and you know that, uncle." I said.

Uncle Raymond was a tall, black haired man, wearing an overall and an worn-out T-shirt.

"Whatever. At least go and buy some sugar for Amy."

"Aunt Amanda is making a cake?"

"Yep. Now go."

"Right away! Her cakes are the best!" I said, exiting the warehouse.

Outside, there was a large courtyard, full of thousands kinds of different plants. There, next to the warehouse, was a big, old fashion house. The black metal fence was covered in climbing ivy.

I got out on the gate and I looked at the dusty road and the old shop across it. I went into the shop. Behind the counter was a short, bald old man with some round-framed glasses and a white moustache.

"Oh, you must be Alice, Ray's and Amy's niece!" the old man said. "My name is Sam, and I'm glad to meet you."

"Yeah...Nice to meet you too...Can you give me some sugar please?" I asked.

"Here you go. One pound, please."

I took the sugar and I gave him the money, then left.

"Oh, what do we have here?...A new girl in my village?" said a tall guy, probably of my age.

Unlike his friends - three guys wearing overalls - he was wearing blue-jeans and a gray T-shirt. I didn't like the way he said "my village".

"What's your name, kid?"

"That's not your business, you loser!" I replied.

"Oh, so the new girl is brave? My name is Joshua and I control everything here. So, I ask you one more time: what's your name?"

"And I tell you one more time that my name is not your business." I said again, entering the courtyard.

Mersi moolt MiraA!!! Uite si al doilea capitol. De-acum incolo o sa scriu cu bold commenturile care nu fac parte din poveste lol, sa nu se creeze confuzii (desi nu cred ca avem pe-aici pe cineva atat de fraier incat sa creada ca asta face parte din poveste, ca din cate stiu eu fanii anime sunt destepti, k doar nu le placeau animeurile asa degeaba...dar, mai stii?...)

[center]♫II.Wild Soul[/center]

But I did not give up. I hid behind a portion of fence with more ivy and watched them.

"Wow... She's really brave." said one of the overall guys that had blonde hair.

"Don't worry, Tom. When we'll meet her again, she'll find out that we're not playing." said Joshua.

Yeah, of course. I'm scared. My hands are trembling. I thought, and then I entered the house. Aunt Amy was in the kitchen.

"Here's the sugar."

"Thank you. Now you can go to White and Black Star."

"Who?" I asked, puzzled.

"Our horses. Ask Ray to lead you to the stable."

Said and done. At the stable...

"Oohh, it stinks!" I said.

"Of course it stinks. They're horses." said uncle Ray.

There were two horses there: one white, and one black.

"I guess the white one is White, and the black one is Black Star, right?"

"Right. They're beautiful, aren't they?"

"I think so...I'm not good at horses. For me, they are just...big."

I heard a horn from outside.

"Oh, he came sooner than I expected!" said Ray, exiting the stable. I followed him.

In front of the courtyard it was a truck, and next to the truck was a man.

"So where's the marvel?" asked Ray.

"In the truck. I'll get him out." said the man.

He got behind the truck, opened the doors and jumped in. When he got out, he was holding a horse's bridle. It was a brown horse, with a black mane and a white mark on its forehead.

"There he is. Gorgeous Wild Soul."

"Gorgeous for sure. Alice, please take the horse to the stable."

I took Wild Soul's bridle, and he touched my cheek with his wet, delicate muzzle.

"Hey!" I said, giggling.

Cineva mi-a luat-o inainte :((.In bucur ca ai postat al doilea capitol atat de repede;povestea incepe sa prinda contur...deja am o vaga idee incotro se indreapta,dar astept cu nerabdare urmatoarele capitole ca sa vad daca banuiesc bine sau nu. :P.Oricum,imi place,greseli nu am vazut,dar nici nu am cautat.Si inca o chestie care imi place:ai folosit ghilimelele in loc de linia de dialog,procedeu pe care l-am intalnit la cartile scrise in limba engleza.Cam atat am avut de spus momentan...daca imi mai vine o idee dau un edit.Pana atunci bafta la scris in continuare si la postat si ne auzim cand pui urmatorul capitol.Ja nee!

"Omul este cel mai putin el insusi,atunci cand vorbeste in propria persoana.Da-i o masca si el va spune adevarul."Oscar Wilde
[Imagine: chibi_5001.gif]
, chibi-ul lui

Haha ura deja 2 persoane care au citit...Momentan pun capitole repede pt ca doar dau copy & paste pe ce am postat pe celalalt joc, dar mai incolo nu voi mai putea fi asa rapida...Si crede-ma ca habar n-ai ce intorsatura o sa ia situatia.


I got him to the stable and patted his muzzle. In a few minutes Ray was in the stable too.

"Have you ever ridden a horse?" he asked.

"Never. Can I try?"

"Sure. I'll saddle White. She's mild, perfect for your first ride."

"Can I ride Wild Soul?" I asked, feeling like there is some sort of connection between us.

"I'm not so sure he'll let you ride him. He was caught just a few weeks ago, so he's not tamed. But you can try."

Uncle Ray helped me mount Wild. He stayed calm until I could get up on his back, and then neighed happily. I felt like he knows that I'm a beginner and understands that he have to be patient until I'll learn how to ride. Horses are cool. Ray started to give me instructions.

"Stay relaxed. The horse feels if you're strained."

What does a horse NOT feel? I thought.

"Put your weight on your heels, in the stirrups. Perfect. Now let's go to the plains. Follow me." he said, exiting the stable.

Oohh, thank God that the stable's gate is high!

I passed it without trouble and trotted a little more, since the plains were about 300 meters away from our house. They were on Ray's field, but he said he's letting all the people ride there.

"Now the gallop, but, remember not to stay in the saddle while galloping. get up onto your feet, or your butt will become like a pancake. Try it."

I tried.

"Awesome! You're moving great! I wouldn't say that this is your first ride if I didn't know!"

And "awesome" was the right word when he watched me ride Wild Soul during the next few days. The next week, learning how to ride was my principal daily occupation. I grew to love Wild more and more every day, and it seemed he loved me too. But, one day, our daily calm ride became a not-so-calm ride. That day I wasn't the only person riding on the plains. Joshua and his gang were there too.

"Oh, look who's on the plains! The unnamed girl knows how to ride?"

"And the this-is-my-village kid knows how to shut up and mind his own business?"

"So, the brave girl is up to business, huh? We're not kidding, ya know. Do not f*ck with Drake gang."

"Wow. Oh, stop that, I'm so scared! I'm trembling, don't you see? Yeah, of course." I said, using a sarcastic tone and turned Wild back, galloping away from the "Drake gang".

"Jake, she's yours." said Joshua, behind me.

In the next moment, the only thing I saw was the ground, after a boy - probably Jake - passed by too close,and Wild reared, neighing and throwing me from the saddle.

"So that's how you work? I understand." I said, getting up and mounting Wild Soul. My ankle was hurting.

"What did you say your name was?" asked Joshua again, proud of Jake and my horse's reaction.

But what he doesn't know - except my name - is that I am not the kind who gives up that easily.

"I said it's not your buisness if I have a name or not." I said and go back to the stable.

Deci imi place!!!Ador cum gandeste tipa :X.Ca fata niciodata nu trebuie sa te lasi in fata unui baiat(filosofia mea de viata,care mi-a adus cateva belele,dar si multe satisfactii).In fine...greseli nu am vazut nici eu,povestea imi place si abia astept sa povestesti si din punctul lui de vedere.Vreau sa aflu cum gandeste baiatul asa :)).Te-am pupat si astept next-ul

"Omul este cel mai putin el insusi,atunci cand vorbeste in propria persoana.Da-i o masca si el va spune adevarul."Oscar Wilde
[Imagine: chibi_5001.gif]
, chibi-ul lui

mersii moolt Mira-chan! ;) si tipa gandeste exact la fel ca mine, so noi doua gandim la fel :D aici e urmatorul capitol (dar nu cred ca o sa pot azi sa ma abtin sa mai adaug inca vreo 3 capitole azi ;) ) multumesc moolt si tie Michi-chan (sper sa nu te deranjeze ca-ti spun asa ;) ) si, BTW, e normal ca in primele capitole sa nu gasiti greseli, pt ca (doar primele!) sunt editate de un prieten de-al meu care e din Tennesee. e destul de probabil ca in altele sa fie si ceva greselute, dar oricum daca le gasiti va rog sa imi spuneti sa le corectez :D

[center]♫IV.I am not like my cousin[/center]

Next day, aunt Amy asked me to go in the town and bring my cousin with uncle's car, a blue light lorry. And - yay! - she said we can stay a little more in the town together.

My cousin's name is Rebecca. She's my mother's sister's daughter (uncle Ray is my father's brother). We had a walk in the park and went through a Minimarket, where we bought some chocolate, and then we had to go to uncle Ray's house.

There, we went together in the plains, me, mounting Wild Soul, and she, mounting White, Amy's horse. Of course Joshua and his gang appeared there too, to ruin our fun.

"So here's the No-Named-Girl." Joshua said. "And it seems she brought her friend here too. Who the Hell are you?"

"I'm Rebecca." my cousin answered.

"Hey, No-Named-Girl, why don't you follow your friend's example, be a nice girl and tell us your name?"

"Sorry, but I'm not like my cousin. I'm not gonna tell you my name. It seems like, for you guys, I will still be the No-Named-Girl."

"I'm sure this will change soon. Make sure I'll find out your name."

"Yeah, maybe, but not from me."

"Well, it seems we're not thinking the same. I'm sure that you'll be the one who'll tell me your name."

"And how are you gonna make me?"

"I have my own methods." he said, smiling. "And, before you'll tell us your name, my friends will tell you theirs. We're not weird like you. We dont hide our names."

"I'm Thomas. Tom, actually." said, of course, the blond guy.

"I'm Jake." said the red-haired one.

"And I'm Benjamin. Ben." said the dark-haired.

"Whatever. Who cares about your names. Let's go, Becca." I said, and then we walked away from them.

"Who are these guys?" asked Rebecca.

I told her the whole story.

"Wow...Hold on, girl, don't give up!"

"Of course I won't."

"Wanna go back into town tomorrow, to the mall?"

"Sure! That would be great!"

:(( cineva a zis ca povestea me "Nu e chiar asa buna"!!! :(( Uite, cumn v-am zis ca n-o sa ma pot abtine, urmatorul capitol (and the 6th one is Josh!!!! ;) ) :

[center]♫V.Back in town[/center]

At the mall we met some of my classmates, Margaret, Alexa, May and Maggie's boyfriend, Bailey. We shopped together for a while, and then we left. We were checking some clothes shops and Rebecca's mother called. When she found out that Becca is in Liverpool, she asked her to make a visit.

"Walk a little more around here. We'll meet at the car in 1 hour." said Rebecca and left.

The sun already set and I was walking beside some apartment houses. It was not too much light on the road.

Suddenly, a hand covered my mouth and another one caught my waist, dragging me in the alley between two buildings, where was even less light than on the road itself. I couldn't move anymore, because of the wall behind my back. Joshua's face was at about 5 millimeters in front of mine.

"Hi again, No-Named-Girl. do you do?" he whispered.

"I will do well if you'll get your hands off me."

"Is that so? We'll see that. I'll let you go if you tell me your name."

"And what if I don't?"

"If not...You'll find out what is the method I told you yesterday about."

"You're scary, stop that." I said, sarcastic.

"You know what?..."

"I know lots of things."

"I don't remember your name."

"Stop bothering me with that. I won't tell you my name."

"Alright, be as you wish. I'll keep you here until you tell. I have enough time."

"So this is your super-effective method?"

"No. I keep that one for later."

We stayed there, looking at each other for about 5 minutes. Then my phone ringed.

'Where are you? I'm at the car!' said Becca.

"I'm coming right away!" I said, and, improving the ocassion that Joshua was thinking at something else, I ran away from there.

Am revenit...scz de intarziere,dar am fost cam ocupata zilele astea si nu am avut timp sa bantui pe zup :D.Deja sti ca imi place si acum astept cu nerabdare capitolele povestite din punctul lui Josh de vedere...Mi se pare ca ai avut o mica greseala (sper ca nu te superi daca iti spun) "I do well if you get your hands off me"...dupa mine suna mai bine daca puneai primul verb la viitor.I will do well etc etc... :)).In fine...astept nextul...te-am pupat gagik

"Omul este cel mai putin el insusi,atunci cand vorbeste in propria persoana.Da-i o masca si el va spune adevarul."Oscar Wilde
[Imagine: chibi_5001.gif]
, chibi-ul lui

ms Mira am zis deja ca nu ma supar ;) chiar insist! l-am editat :P inca cineva a zis ca Wild Soul "nu e chiar asa buna" :(( Ok, now what you were all waiting for: next chapter (Josh!!!!!):

[center]❤VI.In love[/center]

"Oh, dude, what's wrong with you?" Tom continued his speech. "You had her in your hands! And nobody was there to see you! Why did you hold back? I can't understand you, brother."

"Yeah. I can't even understand myself. I just...feel strange when she's around." I said, angry at myself for losing such a perfect opportunity.

"I'll tell you what's going on." said Ben. "You like her, right? You fell in love with her and you didn't want to hurt her."

I felt embarrassed, but I couldn't speak to defend myself.

"You idiot!" Tom said. "You're such a wuss!"

"And, anyways, why do you still go on with the 'No-Named-Girl thing?" asked Jake."You know her name, I know her name, we all know her name. But why do you have to make her tell you her name?"

"I've started something. I'm not gonna give up. She'll be the one who'll give up."

"You're so stubborn. I don't think she is gonna give up. She's stubborn too. This thing could last forever."

"She'll give up, ok? Stop bothering me!"

"Dude, you're crazy about her! Anyways, I have to brush Fast Race. Who's coming to the stable?" asked Tom.

Of course, we all got at the stable and brushed our horses.

"Bloom is agitated." said Ben.

"Faith too. I think it will rain. They are always agitate before raining."

"Or maybe they are in heat, like Josh." said Tom, laughing.

"Go to Hell, Tom! You're funny!" said Jake, laughing with my brother.

"Fu*k you, brother." I said, and then my fist hit Tom's face.

Am revenit :)),doar nu puteam sa lipsesc nu?(dupa ce te-am batut la cap sa pui capitolul asta).Oricum ce pot sa zic inafara faptului ca-mi place.Ma bucur ca Josh macar are bunul simt sa nu minta cand e vorba de sentimentele sale.Fata kre mi-a placut foarte mult a fost:"Or maybe they are in heat,like Josh."A fost bestiala sau cel putin mie asa mi s-a parut.App ai si o mica greseala:"...for losing such a perfect opportunity asa era corect.In fine sti deja ca-mi place,nu?.Si nu te supara daca unii mai zic ca nu le place.Pana la urma fiecare cu gusturile si ideile lui,dar asta nu inseamna ca trebuie sa te dai batuta.Foloseste-te de fiecare comentariu pe care il primesti si avanseaza.Mai rau e cand nu primesti comentarii si nu ai nici o idee in ce directie sa mergi mai departe.Ok te-am pupat si mai trec pe aici.Ai grija de tn :*

"Omul este cel mai putin el insusi,atunci cand vorbeste in propria persoana.Da-i o masca si el va spune adevarul."Oscar Wilde
[Imagine: chibi_5001.gif]
, chibi-ul lui

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