Răspunsuri: 1.391
Subiecte: 57
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 34.185 z
"Teasta feat Adda - Minti murdare, facute praf"
Adda: E prea mult fum in jur...
Nu pot zambi akum...
Mintea ta bolnava imi cere mult prea mult...{bis}
Refren: Uita de tot, uita de tot
Uita de lume, de sentimente, de suflete pereche, de soapte la ureche
Fii rece, nu lasa pe el sa te`ntunece...Mi-am zis{bis}
Adda: Priveste`ma in ochi si spune`mi ce vezi
De fapt, ce poti sa vezi prin niste ochi verzi
Ma vezi pe mine a pasi spre alta lume
Vezi un copil vezi copilul din mine
Pe strazi goale parasite ca un suflet de sticla uitat
Un vant ce bate, si`o vreme rece
Acum stiu tot ce`i frumos repede trece
Acum stiu tot ce`i frumos repede trece
Si de ce tu? De ce asa? De ce nu poti fi altcumva?
De ce te ascunzi in mintea ta, iar pe mine ma uiti intr`un pat langa tine
In aer arunci niste vorbe inutile
Ai o multime de motive dar de fapt n`ai nimic
Suntem doar noi 2, intr`o camera plina de praf
La fel de goi in amintiri si`n fapte noi suntem praf.
Teasta: Poate k ai dreptate dar ne iubim babe
Refren: Uita de tot, uita de tot
Uita de lume, de sentimente, de suflete pereche, de soapte la ureche
Fii rece, nu lasa pe el sa te`ntunece{bis}
Teasta: Poate ar fi mai bine sa vorbim deschis, poate k nu
Ar trebui sa ne ferim exact cum faci tu
Ai uitat..Hai sa vedem daca m`am schimbat
Hai sa vedem cine pe cine a tradat
Ca..raman putin pe loc incerc sa meditez
Sunt intre bine si rau si nu pot sa ma controlez
Pentru tine poate e prea greu sa iubesti
La fel de greu cand ma gandesc ca poate n`o sa reusesti
Eu sunt cel care, fara motiv o sa te cert
Si tu esti cea care m'a invatat din cand in cand sa iert
Regret dar asta nu schimba chiar nimik
Si poate nu`s asa naiv, precum ti`ai inchipuit
Ca au fost clipe si clipe, ai uitat sau nu
Eu te`am iubit tu ai gresit si m`ai tradat
Vezi tu..atat am asteptat sa vedem daca`ntelegi
Ca poti sa ai tot ce`ti doresti dak stii ce sa alegi.
Refren: Uita de tot, uita de tot
Uita de lume, de sentimente, de suflete pereche, de soapte la ureche
Fii rece, nu lasa pe el sa te`ntunece{bis}
Adda: Priveste`ma din nou si spune`mi ce vezi
De fapt..mai bine nu sa nu`ti vad ochii verzi
De fapt poate imi lacrimeaza de la fum
Si`mi caut cuvintele prin geanta`akum
E aja dezordine..ce sa zik?..mai bine tac
Te las pe tine sa ma`ntepi cu un ultim ac
Cu ultimul cuvant care iti trece prin minte
O minte bolnava, facuta praf de regrete
Si de ce regreti? De ce noi? De ce asa?
De ce nu poti schimba chiar acum ceva?
De ce pleci capul si fumezi si daca iti spun
Daca iti spun "schimba-te" te indepartezi
Si iar ma lasi in suspans, sunt in continuu balans
Si iar ma lasi singura, mai bine plec ... uita`ma!
Refren: Uita de tot, uita de tot
Uita de lume, de sentimente, de suflete pereche, de soapte la ureche
Fii rece, nu lasa pe el sa te`ntunece{bds}
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.
Răspunsuri: 180
Subiecte: 7
Data înregistrării: Dec 2008
Zupi: 751 z
"Elena Gheorghe- The Balkan Girls <Eurovision 2009>"
![[Imagine: chibi_1799.gif]](http://animezup.com/chibi/img/user/chibi_1799.gif)
, chibi-ul lui miss_sakura_uchiha[font=Tahoma]
'Cause I luw my two susy ....:::SasuSaku:::...., and ^^"Bubbles"^^ And my family is too big^^ (only girlz) Sunt mandra rau mey voi, am o moomy cea mai tare.^^ Yes, you Mitzuke-chan
![[Imagine: Toshiro-Hitsugaya.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Taezh4ULlfw/SOSvd5sMUGI/AAAAAAAAAI0/cSc_745zuwQ/s400/Toshiro-Hitsugaya.jpg)
[b]He is mine!*MINE*''Cuz I can't have Deidara (he's Akatsuna Lynn's) and I have Sasuke I decide to have and this anime hot boy^^
Ha, ha, hi, hi, ha, ha, ho!
Why I like Sasuke-kun?It's simple!He is so hot, the most beautiful, powerful, clever and again is the most beautiful^^
He is mine and you can't do anything^^
I say again and the last time: Hitsugaya-kun si MINE!!! ONLY MINE!!! GET IT?
Răspunsuri: 483
Subiecte: 16
Data înregistrării: Aug 2008
Zupi: 10.180 z
Children of Bodom - Everytime I die
The faint blaze of the candle
of my life slowly dying
like a fire in the pouring rain.
No sparks of hope inside,
no shooting stars on my sky.
on broken wings, no flying high.
Another night, another demise,
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice.
I`ll let the wind blow out the light,
'Cuz it gets more painful Every Time I die.
Out of strength to fight,
I cannot take another night.
I cannot take it no more,
Lust of light slips through my fingers.
Like blood drips off my arms,
Black candle wax has buried me.
Another night, another demise,
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice,
I`ll let the wind blow out the light,
'Cuz it gets more painful everytime I die.
Răspunsuri: 1.391
Subiecte: 57
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 34.185 z
"6 Minutes"
She's the kinda girl that you see in the movies
Seen her in my dreams and now she's standing next to me
Down by the shore first weekend of the summer
Gotta take chance and just ask for her number
I wish I had a song on MTV
Cause in crowded room I'd be the only one shed see
She's looking bored and now I'm running out of time
I've only got six minutes if I'm gonna make her mine
One minute and the earth begins to shake
two minutes and my hearts begins to break
Another minute and she makes me feel brand new
That's just three minutes with you
Four minutes and she's everything I see
Five minutes and shes were I wanna be
Another minutes everything feels so new
I need six minutes with you
Six minutes
She's looking at her watch while the DJ is spinning
This could be the end or its just the beginning
She's the kinda girl that I wanna know better
Reaching for her keys so I guess it's now or never
I wish that I was on the radio
I'd sing her favorite song she'd be front row at every show
This parties lame and now I'm running out of time
I've only got six minutes if I'm gonna make her mine
One minute and the earth begins to shake
Two minutes and my hearts begins to break
Another minute and she makes me feel brand new
That's just three minutes with you
Four minutes and she's everything I see
Five minutes and that were I wanna be
Another minutes everything feels so new
I need six minutes with you
Six minutes
Sometimes I feel like the catcher in the rye
Sometimes I wish that I could catch her eye
Sometimes I wish that I could be that guy (that guy, that guy, that guy)
Yeah...time is passing by
I'm losing my mind
I need
1...2...3...4...5...6 minutes with you
One minute and the earth begins to shake
Two minutes and my hearts begins to break
Another minute and she makes me feel brand new
That's just three minutes with you
Four minutes and she's everything I see
Five minutes and that were I wanna be
Another minute everything feels so new
I need six minutes with you
Six minutes
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.
Răspunsuri: 65
Subiecte: 2
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 1.943 z
Taxi - Prea sus
S-a intamplat , asa , ca orice altceva
Te-am asteptat pana-n zori
A doua zi , au venit , sa imi spuna ca ai murit
Sunt niste prosti , ei nu stiu cat ai visat
Sa zbori
Nu-i nici un mister
Te-ai ratacit in cer
Si esti doar prea sus sa te mai aud
Prea sus sa-ti simt parul ud
Mult prea sus sa te mai vad
Dar esti doar prea sus sa iti mai zambesc
Prea sus sa te mai gasesc
Mult prea sus dar nu-ndeajuns
Sa nu te mai iubesc
S-a intamplat , te-ai pierdut ,
Nici nu-i greu de crezut
De cand te stiu esti cu capul in nori
Asa ca a fos usor de ghicit
Pur si simplu te-ai ratacit
Totusi de unde ai invatat
Sa zbori
Nu-i nici un mister
Te-ai ratacit in cer
Si esti doar prea sus sa te mai aud
Prea sus sa-ti simt parul ud
Mult prea sus sa te mai vad
Dar esti doar prea sus sa iti mai zambesc
Prea sus sa te mai gasesc
Mult prea sus dar stiu ca esti
Prea sus sa te mai ajung
Esti prea sus sa incerc sa plang
Esti doar prea sus sa te mai aud
Prea sus sa-ti simt parul ud
Mult prea sus sa te mai vad
Dar esti doar prea sus sa iti mai zambesc
Prea sus sa te mai gasesc
Mult prea sus dar nu-ndeajuns
Sa nu te ... mai
Răspunsuri: 1.391
Subiecte: 57
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 34.185 z
(1)Stau ma uit in jur
Nu pot sa fac nimic util
Ma plictisesc de moarte
Incep sa ma deshir
Zici k sunt nebuna
Si privesc cu lene-n gol
Ca sa-mi revin cred c-am nevoie de ajutoor
Timpul se scurge iar ma simt un pic ciudat
Cred c-ash iesi sa scap vecinii de urlat
Ei bat in teava iar eu zic ca sunt nebuni
Eu sunt normala tot ce zic ei sunt minciuni
(!!!)Si-n plus ca-mi creste pulsul
Idei vin in neshtire
Tacerea ma deprima
Si-ncep sa saaar
Ref. Si vreau sa plec plec plec nu suport
Zi fara tine(??)
Peretii ma sufoca
N-am iesire
Si sar sar sar
Pana-o sa pic
Din picioare
Chiar nu imi pasa
O sa urlu mai tare
Si plec plec plec nu suport
Tip in nestire
Peretii ma sufoca
N-am iesire
Si sar sar sar
Pana-o sa pic
Din picioare
Dar nu e treaba ta
(2)Ma crezi c-as vrea sa stau
Dar ma plictisesti...esti monoton
Tu nu scoti un sunetel...ce vrei sa fac??
Peretii prea mult prea tac(??)
Te-ntreb ce faci si iti zambesc
Tu dai din cap(adik faci da?  )
Esti complicat
Mai mereu nu mai stau dupa tine
Imi stai
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.
Răspunsuri: 414
Subiecte: 29
Data înregistrării: Nov 2007
Zupi: 155 z
Cradle of Filth
Laid to the river
Midsummer, I waved
A "V" of black swans
On with hope to the grave
And though Red September
With skies fire-paved
I begged you appear
Like a thorn for the holy ones
Cold was my soul
Untold was the pain
I faced when you left me
A rose in the rain....
So I swore to the razor
That never, enchained
Would your dark nails of faith
Be pushed through my veins again
Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above onto me?
For once upon a time
On the binds of your loneliness
I could always find the slot for your sacred key
Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discoulours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, this vampyric addiction
To Her alone in full submission
None better...
Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
Nymphetamine girl.
Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
My Nymphetamine girl.
Wicked with your charm
I'm circled like prey
Back in the forest
Were whispers persuade
More sugar trails
More white lady laid
Than pillars of salt...
(keeping Sodom at at bay)
Fold to my arms
Hold their message away
And dance out to the moon
As we did in those golden days
Christening stars
I remember the way
We were needle and spoon
Mislaid in the burning hay
Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above onto me?
For once upon a time
On the binds of your loneliness
I could always find the right slot for your sacred key
Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discoulours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, this vampyric addiction
To Her alone in full submission
None better...
Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
Nymphetamine girl.
Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
My Nymphetamine girl.
Răspunsuri: 71
Subiecte: 2
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 2.013 z
Evanescence - Call me when you're sober
Don't cry to me
If you loved me
You would be here with me
You want me
Come find me
Make up your mind
Should have let you fall
Lose it all
So maybe you can remember yourself
Can't keep believing we're only deceiving ourselves
And I'm sick of the lie
And you're too late
Don't cry to me
If you loved me
You would be here with me
You want me
Come find me
Make up your mind
Couldn't take the blame
Sick with shame
Must be exhausting to lose your own game
Selfishly hated
No wonder you're jaded
You can't play the victim this time
And you're too late
So don't cry to me
If you loved me
You would be here with me
You want me
Come find me
Make up your mind
You never call me when you're sober
You only want it cause it's over - It's over
How could I have burned paradise
How could I - You were never mine
So don't cry to me
If you loved me
You would be here with me
Don't lie to me
Just get your thïngs
I've made up your mind.
Răspunsuri: 483
Subiecte: 16
Data înregistrării: Aug 2008
Zupi: 10.180 z
Eilera - In The Presents
learn the pleasure
see simple pleasure
you don't always have to run far away,
it's right here under your nose
look around
see what's around you
you don't always have to run far away,
it's right here under your nose
take what's worth it give up the rest
take who's worth it give up the rest
but don't you dare think that you can not loose it
no, no
don't you dare
see what you have
it's not eternal
you don't always have to run far away
when it's right under your nose
love who's with you
stop caring for who's not
you don't always have to run far away
when it's right under your nose
take what's worth it give up the rest
take who's worth it give up the rest
but don't you dare think that you can not loose it
no, no
don't you dare
I will look for happiness in the present
I will save my time for the right ones
I will save my love for the right ones
I will love them before they go
I will save my time for the right ones
I will love them before they go...
Răspunsuri: 414
Subiecte: 29
Data înregistrării: Nov 2007
Zupi: 155 z
Total eclipse of the heart
Turnaround, every now and then
I get a little bit lonely and youre never coming round
Turnaround, every now and then
I get a little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears
Turnaround, every now and then
I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by
Turnaround, every now and then
I get a little bit terrified and then I see the look in your eyes
Turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
Turnaround, every now and then
I get a little bit restless and I dream of something wild
Turnaround, every now and then
I get a little bit helpless and Im lying like a child in your arms
Turnaround, every now and then
I get a little bit angry and I know Ive got to get out and cry
Turnaround, every now and then
I get a little bit terrified but then I see the look in your eyes
Turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if youll only hold me tight
Well be holding on forever
And well only be making it right
Cause well never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I dont know what to do and Im always in the dark
Were living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forevers gonna start tonight
Forevers gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now Im only falling apart
Theres nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now theres only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
Turnaround bright eyes
Turnaround bright eyes
Turnaround, every now and then
I know youll never be the boy you always wanted to be
Turnaround, but every now and then
I know youll always be the only boy who wanted me the way that I am
Turnaround, every now and then
I know theres no one in the universe as magical and wondrous as you
Turnaround, every now and then
I know theres nothing any better and theres nothing I just wouldnt do
Turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if youll only hold me tight
Well be holding on forever
And well only be making it right
Cause well never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I dont know what to do and Im always in the dark
Were living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forevers gonna start tonight
Forevers gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now Im only falling apart
Nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now theres only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
PS : oldies but goldies