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Versuri 2.

Mecena - Chiar fara rost

Am doar o raza de soare care imi taie ceata
O picatura de ploaie ce-mi spulbera speranta
Multe cutite ascutite infipte in spate adanc
Crezi ca sunt invingator dar mai degraba sunt frant
Vreau sa ma trezesc dar am in fata iad
Incerc sa ma ridic dar in final tot cad
Si totusi continui pe drum inainte sa merg
Incercarea moarte n-are,nici eu,de asta tot incerc
Ma intreb cum ar fi daca n-as mai fi
Mi-ar simti lipsa cineva
Oare m-ar mai iubi?
Daca fara mine tuturor le-ar merge bine
Le-ar fi dor de mine,oare ar plange in suspine?
Le-as lipsi sau ar zambi?Oare ar dori sa ma readuca inapoi intre cei vii?
Caci testamentul mi-l las printre randuri
Am plecat,ADIO,ma inec in ganduri!

Iubesc raza mea de soare ( raza mea de soare)
Urasc picatura de ploaie si ma doare
Am invatat sa iubesc prost(sa iubesc prost)
Sa urasc frumos,chiar fara rost!(chiar fara rost)

E sinistru ganul ca ce am cladit pana acum
Se poate transforma in doar o clipa in scrum
Alergand cu ochii inchisi spre Paradis
Ma impiedic si cu ochii in lacrimi ma trezesc din vis
Si-s dezamagit ca multe mi s-au promis
Sper ca nu e asta destinul prescris de vis
E doar un vis intr'un joc inchis,
Incerc sa ies,dar nu pot sa scap,sunt prins
Si atunci ma trezesc,cred ca imi revin
Totusi nu e asa,totul e un chin
Totul s-a schimbat,eu tot nu m-am trezit
Incerc din rasputeri sa scap,dar mor subit
Si nici macar gandul ca as putea fi ca inainte,
Nu ma incalzeste si tot nu am cuvinte
Adevarul se zbate intr'o lume care minte
Sper ca vor venii si zile insorite

Iubesc raza mea de soare ( raza mea de soare)
Urasc picatura de ploaie si ma doare
Am invatat sa iubesc prost(sa iubesc prost)
Sa urasc frumos,chiar fara rost!(chiar fara rost)

Aud o voce,vor veni zile cu soare,
Dar aici inca de foame se moare
Unii invart combinatii de sute de mii
Alti invart roata scaunului,in rasul lumii
Lumea buna,nu,e doar un jeg
Prefer sa-mi injur aproapele decat sa il reneg
Si sterg picatura mai mare,departe inteleg
Ca am posibilitatea sa aleg
Si aleg,alergand spre acea raza,
Intunericul,lumina mea,dar mana tot creaza
De ce?Pai pe unde treci vezi numai dusmanie si suflete reci
Deci ma-ntelegi ca tot ce-i frumos tine de urat
Si in momentul de fata eu sunt procurorul si totodata cel urat

Iubesc raza mea de soare ( raza mea de soare)
Urasc picatura de ploaie si ma doare
Am invatat sa iubesc prost(sa iubesc prost)
Sa urasc frumos,chiar fara rost!(chiar fara rost)

Iubesc raza mea de soare ( raza mea de soare)
Urasc picatura de ploaie si ma doare
Am invatat sa iubesc prost(sa iubesc prost)
Sa urasc frumos,chiar fara rost!(chïar fara rost)

Madcon - Freaky Like Me

Freaky like me, Freaky like me, Freaky like me - me me
Freaky like me, Freaky like me, Freaky like me - me me

It was early in the morning
I hear the shower runnin'
I almost can't remember who this girl might be

And then she came back,
I couldn't belive my eyes
This pretty young thang with her eyes on me

I know you like it when I put my hands like that
Whisper in you ear, tell me how you like that

Gettin' Freaky-eaky thats what I do best
So come a little closer, come a little closer

No-one's gonna do you as freaky like me, freaky like me, freaky like
freaky like me, freaky like me, freaky like me-me-me, No-one

No-one's gonna do you as freaky like me, freaky like me, freaky like
freaky like me, freaky like me, freaky like me-me-me, No-one

I'm feeling up her tighs
As I'm running down her curves
I hear my kitty purr as she laid on me

We windin' and grindin',
A part of me is risin'
Baby, you're like a fire burnin' all around me

I know you like it when I put my hands like that

Whisper in you ear, tell me how you like that

Gettin' Freaky-eaky thats what I do best
So come a little closer, come a little closer

No-one's gonna do you as freaky like me, freaky like me, freaky like
freaky like me, freaky like me, freaky like me-me-me, No-one

Shawty, no one ever ever ever could do
Do you as good, as freaky as I do

Shawty, no one ever ever ever could do
Do you as good, as freaky as I do

You got me going crazy when you do me like that
Your freaky-eaky got me hooked right on track

Everytime you leave I wanna put you right back
Turn back, I need that, no one can freak me like that

Ameerah, Madcon, Ey,
no one can freak me like that, Come on

No-one's gonna do you as freaky like me, freaky like me, freaky like
freaky like me, freaky like me, freaky like me-me-me, No-one

No-one's gonna do you as freaky like me, freaky like me, freaky like
freaky like me, freaky like me, freaky like me-me-me, No-one
[Imagine: 2rcpz12.jpg]

Cincizeci de minute ne despart privirile. Mă doare să te văd mereu atât de distant faţă de mine. Cu ea eşti simplu tu, cu mine de ce nu ai fi? Mă laşi să sper că într-o zi vei putea să-mi vorbeşti aşa cum şi eu încerc să îţi arăt că ţin la tine, dar eşti atât de orb încât nu vezi dincolo de această ceaţă densă pe care ai creat-o de unul singur. Flacăra ce trăieşte-n mine devine din ce-n ce mai puternică cu fiecare privire, cu fiecare literă pe care mi-o rosteşti, dar îmi este frică. Frică ca într-o bună zi această scânteie să se stingă în mometul în care te voi vedea de mână cu ea. Îţi cer un singur lucru, te implor nu mă lăsa în urmă. Nu mă lăsa să fiu doar o umbră a trecutului...

Papa & Moni-k - Anotimpuri

Strofa I:

Dupa atata timp constat ca nu te cunosc
Si dupa cate tu mi-ai spus nu are nici un rost
Sa cred ca oare s-ar putea schimba ceva,
Sa ma gandesc unde am gresit nu e treaba mea!

Tu-mi spui ca nu te-nteleg
Da-oare dupa atat timp pot sa te mai cred cand simt ca
Tu m-ai facut sa plec
E trist nu pot sa-nteleg !

Anti refren:

E trist dar am sa ma prefac,
C-o sa iubesc un alt barbat
E trist dar n-ai cum sa- ntelegi
Eu nu am vrut ca tu sa pleci.


Iarna sunt un fulg de nea
Ma topesc pe buza ta
Primavara-ti voi fi eo
In culori de curcubeeeu
Vara te caluzesc
Sunt o stea ce straluceesc
Toamna-n par ma voi plimba
Sunt vantul ce te v-alina x2

Strofa II:

De ce cand iubesc doar mie mi se-ntampla?
Ai reusit sa faci un om in toata firea sa planga!
Astepti sa te sun dar sa-mi vorbesti nu vrei :
Nu ne va fi usor sa trecem peste anii grei!

Tu-mi spui ca nu te-nteleg
De ce dupa atata vreme timpul trece incet si
Simt ca vrei sa plec
E trist nu pot sa-nteleg!

Anti refren:

E trist dar am sa ma prefac,
C-o sa iubesc un alt barbat
E trist dar n-ai cum sa- ntelegi
Eu nu am vrut ca tu sa pleci.


Iarna sunt un fulg de nea
Ma topesc pe buza ta
Primavara-ti voi fi eo
In culori de curcubeeeu
Vara te caluzesc
Sunt o stea ce straluceesc
Toamna-n par ma voi plimba
Sunt vantul ce te v-alina.
[Imagine: Jun0xCa.png]

Loyal - Iubesc sa te omor

Erai cea care ma facea sa uit de tot, sa am curaj
Sa lupt cu totzi doar ca sa faci tu parte...din peisaj
Doar un miraj
Un tablou ce n-avea cum sa existe
N`am visat c`am sa visez o vise
Si mi se...prezise, d`aveam urechile`nchise
Nu vroiam s`aud, acum plang greselile comise
Cand iubesti, chiar de sti ca iubirea nu e`mpartasita
De persoana iubita ai totusi inima bantuita
De privirea refuzi sa crezi si chiar de vezi...
Ca te minte, cu speranta continui sa te`alimentezi
Uite vezi!? Au fost cai verzi pe peretzi
Tot ce`ai spus, nu aberez, chiar am dovezi
Imi spuneai ca ma iubesti, reuseai sa ma dezarmezi
O alta inima franta trecuta la palmares
Eram un pom in floarea varstei si m`ai dezradacinat
Am sa te bat cu buchetul de flori ce ti l`am daruit cu drag
Dar probabil ai si uitat ca te`am tratat mereu regeste
Dragostea nu te`ncalzeste, tie`ti trebuia un peste
In tine se regaseste o lacomie ce reuseste...
Sa ecpliseze orice alt sentiment, e cu mult peste
In locul Evei sa fi fost, actionai total diferit...
Mancai sarpele cu totul si la desert fructul oprit
Adam sa fi fost eu, cred ca se`ngropa`n noroi
Toata soarta omenirii, ca`ti luam coasta inapoi
Am calcat stramb amandoi, dar tu ai gresit inzecit
Nu sunt Iisus sa fiu te iert la nesfarsit
Nu sunt dispus sa decontez, iar pentru buna dispozitie a ta, contez pe`ambitie
Si chiar de`ajung la politie, imi fac justitie
Iti dau o lectie de disectie
Operatie pe mijlocul fetei, apoi infectie
Lacrimi false am vazut de cand te`am cunoscut...Ajunge!!
Esti cea ce plange`acum la propriu cu lacrimi de sange

E`o societate`n care Sfintele Porunci`s uitate (n`au valoare!)
Hotia si minciuna au intâietate,
Inocenta dispare`n ritmuri direct proportionale...
Cu viteza de crestere a domnisoare
Al caror zambet fals...mi`a facut o destainuire
Iubirea`i doar o farsa demascata de nesimtire
Eram dispus sa`ti ofer totul si mi`ai frant aripile`n zbor...
Iubeam sa te ador...Acum iubesc sa te omor !

Mi`ai secat sufletul...eram plin de viata
Mi`ai furat zambetul...acum ratacesc in ceata
Sunt fantoma unui poet indragostit ce s`a pierdut
Intr`un tinut necunoscut...vreau o inima imprumut
Caci tu mi`ai calcat`o`n picioare,ai facut`o frimituri
Am sa te...calc in picioare pan`am sa fac bataturi
Iti provoc multiple fracturi
Caci am doar ganduri negre care...
Se inspira din TV si ziare...
Crime pasionale
Reactionez instinctiv, tu m`ai facut sa devin ce sunt
Erai principalul motiv de`a`mi traii viata pe Pamant
Nici un cuvant nu vreau sa aud,ma`ndrept spre tine cu avant
Imi cer iertare fac ce`am de facut
Te vad implorand, parte de`un deznodamant
Tragic,lovesc teribil de socant...rad cand te vad plangand
Dar nu rezist prea eu plang
Te iau in bratze si te strang...
Te strang de gat !!!
Doar nu credeai c`abandonez ce`am inceput
Sunt agitat...Mai bag,o gura de coniac si te dezbrac
Mare capac, pumni in stomac...In gatu` matii treci in sac!!
Trag pe mine un hanorac si`aud...un tipat isteric,
Ce p*** mea, n`ai zis tu ca`ti place la`ntuneric ?!?
Vrei o raza de lumina? Ei bine fie, iti dau o mie...
M`ai ars atat de grav, te ard si eu, flacari sa fie
Dar te vad arzand...Si flacara ma`ntoarce`n timp
Cina romantica, lumanari aprinse, eu zambind,
Tu zambind mi`ai ai cazut somnului prada
Si`ai plecat fara sa`ti pese...m`ai lasat balta
Dormi acum e cald si bine, incapere intunecata
Esti cea mai fierbinte fata...Carbonizata !!!
Sunt de piatra !!
Nu mai simt nimic cand te privesc
Nici remuscari si nici adancesc
Intr`o tacere de mormant, caci acum am un maracine
In locul unde`aveam un suflet ce`a ars odata cu tine .............

E`o societate`n care Sfintele Porunci`s uitate (n`au valoare!)
Hotia si minciuna au intâietate,
Inocenta dispare`n ritmuri direct proportionale...
Cu viteza de crestere a domnisoare
Al caror zambet fals...mi`a facut o destainuire
Iubirea`i doar o farsa demascata de nesimtire
Eram dispus sa`ti ofer totul si mi`ai frant aripile`n zbor...
Iubeam sa te ador...Acum ïubesc sa te omor !

Metallica - Nothing else matters

So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
and nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know

So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us, something new
Open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they say
never cared for games they play
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
and I know

So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No, nothing else matters
[Imagine: pikachu___batman_by_mnrart-d58f68d.gif]
Nothing I shoot gets back up again.
Drawings.| Photos.

2ne1 - Go away

Neomu chisahajana neodapji mot-hajana
Jigeum jeokeungi andwae eojireoweo wae
Nuga nugurang hae-eojyeo niga narang hae-eojyeo
Jal saenggak-hago malhae, yeah

Nal ddaradanideon namja
Cham gwaenchanatdeon namja
Nan neo hana ddaemunae da bonaetneundae
Nuga nugurang hae-eojyeo niga narang hae-eojyeo
Nal eopshi jal salabwa, yeah

Tonight hapil ddo bineun naeryeo wae
Nae moseup chorahaejigae
Nal wiro hajineun ma
Ee son chiweo eejae naminikka

Nae geokjung malgo go away
Jipchak eopshi sarajyeo joolgae
Medal lil jul alatgaetji
Yeokgyeoweo chakgakhajima

Deo meotjin sarang mannalgae
Neol huhwaehagae mandeuleo julgae
Seulpeumeun jigeum ppooniya, boy
Cause love is over, love, love is over tonight

Just say what you gotta say
Eojjeom kkeut-kkaji meoteopni?
Fiancé? Beyonce! I'm walkin' out of destiny
Chorahan holloga anin hwaryeohan solo, that's my way
Modeungeol da jweosseuni oheeryeo nan huhwae an hae

Jiga deo seulpeun cheok
Kkeut-kkaji meoshi.tneun cheok
All you do is act a fool
You ain't shi.t without your crew
Shigan eopseo, I gotta go
Annyeong, good bye, adios
Ni motnan eolgool dashin bogo shipjin ana no more

Tonight hapil ddo bineun naeryeo wae
Nae moseup chorahaejigae
Nal wiro hajineun ma
Ee son chiweo eejae naminikka

Nae geokjung malgo go away
Jipchak eopshi sarajyeo joolgae
Medal lil jul alatgaetji
Yeokgyeoweo chakgakhajima

Deo meotjin sarang mannalgae
Neol huhwaehagae mandeuleo julgae
Seulpeumeun jigeum ppooniya, boy
Cause love is over, love, love is over tonight

Go go away
Go away
Go away
Go away

Nae geokjung malgo go away
Jipchak eopshi sarajyeo joolgae
Medal lil jul alatgaetji
Yeokgyeoweo chakgakhajima

Deo meotjin sarang mannalgae

Celine Dion - My heart will go on

Every night in my dreams
I see you. I feel you.
That is how I know you go on.

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on.

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never go till we're one

Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

There is some love that will not
go away

You're here, there's nothing I fear,
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart wïll go on and on
[Imagine: Hm757.png]

Linkin Park - Leave out all the rest [8]

I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
‘cause no one else cared
After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I’m done here?

So if you’re asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I’ve done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don’t resent me
And when you’re feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

Don’t be afraid
Of taking my beating
I’ve shared that I’m me
I’m strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I’ve never been perfect
But neither have you

So if you’re asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I’ve done
Versuri Linkin Park - Leave out all the rest
de pe
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
Don’t resent me
And when you’re feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

Forgetting all the hurt inside
You’ve learned to act so well
Someone else can come
And save me from myself
I can’t be who you are

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I’ve done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
Don’t resent me
And when you’re feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

Forgetting all the hurt inside
You’ve learned to act so well
Someone else can come
And save from myself
I can’t be who you are
I can’t be who you are
[Imagine: EnvYQ.png]

Snow Patrol - Run

I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done

And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say

To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do

Light up...

Slower slower
We don't have time for that
All I want is to find an easier way
To get out of our little heads

Have heart my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess
[Imagine: 73m8sj.png]

Christina Aguilera - Fighter

After all you put me through
You'd think I'd despise you
But in the end I want to thank you
Because you made me that much stronger

When I, thought I knew you
Thinking, that you were true
I guess I, I couldn't trust
Called your bluff, time is up
'Cause I've had enough
You were, there by my side
Always, down for the ride
But your, joy ride just came down in flames
'Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm

After all of the stealing and cheating
You probably think that I hold resentment for you
But, uh uh, oh no, you're wrong
'Cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do
I wouldn't know just how capable I am to pull through
So I wanna say thank you

'Cause it makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
It makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter

Ohh, ohh, ohh, ohhhh, ohh-yeah ah uhhhuh

Never, saw it coming
All of, your backstabbing
Just so, you could cash in
On a good thing before I realized your game
I heard, you're going around
Playing the victim now
But don't, even begin
Feeling I'm the one to blame
'Cause you dug your own grave

After all of the fights and the lies
Yes you wanted to harm me but that won't work anymore
Uh, no more, oh no, over
'Cause if it wasn't for all of your torture
I wouldn't know how to be this way now, and never back down
So I wanna say thank you

'Cause it makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
Makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
It makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter

How could this man I thought I knew
Turn out to be unjust so cruel
Could only see the good in you
Pretended not to see the truth
You tried to hide your lies, disguise yourself
Through living in denial
But in the end you'll see

I am a fighter and I
I ain't goin' stop
There is no turning back
I've had enough

'Cause it makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
Makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
It makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter

Thought I would forget
but I...
I remember, I remember, I remember
Thought I would forget
but I...
I remember. I remember, I remember

'Cause it makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
Makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
It makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter
[Imagine: 2rcpz12.jpg]

Cincizeci de minute ne despart privirile. Mă doare să te văd mereu atât de distant faţă de mine. Cu ea eşti simplu tu, cu mine de ce nu ai fi? Mă laşi să sper că într-o zi vei putea să-mi vorbeşti aşa cum şi eu încerc să îţi arăt că ţin la tine, dar eşti atât de orb încât nu vezi dincolo de această ceaţă densă pe care ai creat-o de unul singur. Flacăra ce trăieşte-n mine devine din ce-n ce mai puternică cu fiecare privire, cu fiecare literă pe care mi-o rosteşti, dar îmi este frică. Frică ca într-o bună zi această scânteie să se stingă în mometul în care te voi vedea de mână cu ea. Îţi cer un singur lucru, te implor nu mă lăsa în urmă. Nu mă lăsa să fiu doar o umbră a trecutului...

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