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Versuri 2.

Aforic feat. Chimie, Sonia & Dj Paul - Ice Cream

ÃŽn orice loc urban aprinde jointu, man!
Fă-te calm, în jurul tău e mult vacarm!
OraÅŸul geme printre-antene ÅŸi lanterne,
Fire lungi ÅŸi mii de slugi...
Da’ tu unde fugi?
Paltoane lungi pe bulevarde,
Gagici cu dungi miÅŸto, ca Garfield.
Joint-ul arde, temperatura scade încă vreo 10 grade. (încă!)
Iubita, hai să vorbim de Sartre!
Dur ca diamantele din Casablanca,
Ştiu că vreau să am o casă în Olanda
Cu droguri din Thailanda.
Scandal stradal – ştiu să-mi apăr partea -
Numa’ că talentu’ m-a-ndrumat să trag cu Armada. (bine-aşa!)
Că eu nu sunt, sau că n-am fost
De ce mai cânt? La ce folos? Sunt norocos!
Îmi apăr fraţii, pe Pământ e singura avere...
Dau cu pace pentru cele două emisfere!

Cum ai putea să te-aştepţi la altceva?
E doar atât, gândul unui timp trecut.
Şi nu cedez, nu clachez, fără arme salvez,
Protejez ca un soldat ceresc.

Stau afară la scară, ziua e lungă,
Fata face spliff-u cu dreapta şi pasează spre stânga.
Azi e linişte, că toţi sunt mari şi toţi sunt la muncă,
Că viaţa-i a dracu’ de scumpă,
Cine munceşte, mănâncă! Nu?
Fata nu-i a mea, maÅŸina nu-i a mea,
O ţin pe bune, lumea-i a mea!
Viaţa nu-i aşa de rea,
Defapt sunt apartamente decente
Nu stau la bârfă, stau la poveşti cu legende de stradă
Şi după colţ apare unu’, o calcă de parcă...
„Unde morţii tăi te crezi, coaie?
Nu eşti pe variantă!”
Poate-o găseşti avariată.
PuÅŸtii iau ÅŸmecheri ca modele,
Tre’ s-arate cai putere
Ca să vadă c-ai putere.
Nu mă ştiai, mă ştii acum:
Mă cheamă Chimie
Dinainte să facă mall în Parcul Tăbăcăriei
Şi mi se spune Chimi dinainte să trag linii,
ÃŽnainte s-ajung un caz clinic.
Asta-i altă piesă, bag bine,
Lumini, motor, acţiune, raţiune, pasiune,.
Pune-mă pe sticlă, adu gagica înapoi!
Auzi, puiule, unde-i paiu ăla de la versu’ 2?
Fugi, adu-mi cuiele! Unu...

Cum ai putea să te-aştepţi la altceva?
E doar atât, gândul unui timp trecut.
Şi nu cedez, nu clachez, fără arme salvez,
Protejez ca un soldat ceresc.
stiu, nu-ti iese totul mereu, dar azi intra

My first love...

Groove Coverage - Far Away From Home

I'm loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so
I hope to find a little piece of mind and I just want to know.

And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again.

In my Dreams I'm not so far away from home
What am I in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time so far away from home
Without you I 'll be so far away from home.

If we could make it thrue the darkest Night we'd have a brighter day.
The world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay.
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again.

In my Dreams I'm not so far away from home
What am I in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time so far away from home
Without you I 'll be so far away from home

I count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it's time.
I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine.

And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again.
In my Dreams I'm not so far away from home

What am I in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time so far away from home
Without you I 'll be so far away from home
In my Dreams I'm not so far away from home

Without you I 'll be so far away from home
What am I in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time so far away from home
Without you I 'll be so far away from home
[Imagine: ak8THBQ.png]

Specii feat. Raku - Big Bang

Lumea vorbeÅŸte,
Da' harul din mine-i lumină
Si când e noapte se vede pe cer,
E lună plină, senină, sublimă,
Cu-obrazu' din dansuri cu pasuri ca valsu',
Pe ceru' albastru sunt astru măiastru, sihastru
Contrastu' dintre falsuri
Marea ÅŸi vasu'
Care se balansează-n echilibru' cu impasu'
Stai faţă-n faţă cu altă faţă a Lunii şi e păcat!
Dac'ai şti ce ştiu nebunii ai înnebuni că tu nu ştii
E despre cunoaÅŸtere,
Cercuri, repetiţii, moarte, poate şi renaştere
Realitate virtuală, altă viaţă anterioară, intermediară
Natură fractală, regală, matrice binară
Faci tetraedre-n 4D din dejà-vu-uri care curg ca râu'
Spune-mi ce vrei
M-auzi, bre?
Spune-mi ce vrei...
Că-ţi dau sticle albe, roz şi verzi pline cu K
...toata ziua îl aud cum zbârnâie în cap!

Intru cu-n intro miÅŸto dintr-o
Vecinătate cu o taiga ca Ilfov
Ridic paharu' pentru Brifcor ÅŸi Cico,
Pentru fetele din sectoru' apicol.
Pace pentru Vrabie, pentru cartier
Păduraru' Haralambie, şi pentru Patrie.
Iau energie ca Porţile de Fier vechi
Şi e cum dă ploaia învie norul de pe cer, check!
Razi praz breaz de la baÅŸi
Auzi obuze în timpan peste gangbang
Şi emisiuni care te-au prăjit la ţeastă
Aprinde-ţi televizoru' şi lasă-l să ardă
Anti pramatii, ÅŸacali ÅŸi canalii
Demnitare, colivii ÅŸi-acvarii
Sub ÅŸenile senile cu kile de cocteil funky
Terorist liric aprind creier ca un junkist...

E realitatea, momentu', prezentu', concretu',
Care se manifestă cu reguli din centru -
Centuri de-asteroizi, să treci încetu
Să vezi cât de lung e spaţiu' din cub!
Şi înainte e mult, şi simt că n-ajung
Schimb infinitu', tipu' de singularitate, centru',
Şi mă duc in orice punct, chiar de-aici de pe Pământ
Existenţa asta sunt - "libertate"-ntr-un cuvânt
Universu' depinde de sensu' pe care îl vezi tu
Îţi raspunde procesu' care-asigură progresu'
Ca să meargă mersu' înainte, deci, iată:
Creaţia a-nceput da' n-a fost terminată!
Deci d-aia nu există un sens fix!
Lucrarea continuă, faci parte din mix.
Ceasu' face tichi-tichi-tichi-tichi-tichi
Toată ziua îl aud cum zbârnâie in cap!
stiu, nu-ti iese totul mereu, dar azi intra

Angelspit: Devilicious

in the name of addiction, cadaver love song
If your needin' a villain, baby I?m your blonde
either sour upon wings of light or slither down low
I am all things to all men, As long as I get the dough
let?s make a new myth out of you
let?s keep a souvenir, like your tattoo
my hands are heading south, getting vicious
your body in my mouth, DEVILICIOUS

In the name of the flesh, name of debauchery
twisted majik in black laced tied all over me
tonight?s menu covers a multitude of sin
don?t think I am an Angel, just because I have wings
loving that organ baby, and not you
watching your black lips turn pale blue
paint on lacquer smooth glide feeling ambitious

your body in my mouth, DEVILICIOUS

evil evil evil evil
? I need a villain (a-ha)

for love and devour, I want your sleaze
you bring all the self loathing, out in me
sexual digestion runth into thine cup
there?s a god in us all, and she?s so fucked up
don?t think with your head, think with your meat
I like to get naked before I eat
using your flash to make a façade pure malicious
your body in my mouth, DEVILICIOUS


Sometimes I doubt the path I chose
Sometimes my dreams feel all on hold
There's no doubt that this will make me strong
Because it's the hardest thing I've ever done

Despite this cruel world
And all my best efforts
You surprise me with just how perfect you are

Even with all my flaws
And my bad examples
You surprise me with
Just how perfect you are

And when I'm lost
You search for me
And when I doubt
You're my belief

I'm suppose to be
The stronger one
You always seem
To prove that theory wrong

Still, I hold my breath each time you go
Out in the world that's beyond my control
If you are dreaming
I never want to wake you up

When I'm all in a spin
Full of cynicism
You remind me of just how perfect you are

When I'm at my wit’s end
And I'm losing my head
You remind me of just how lucky I am
Who cares if we will meetagain?

[Imagine: ao_no_exorcist_by_somini-d47i3rl.png]

It's obvious that we're not friends.

Pink Floyd - Hey you

Hey you!
out there in the cold
getting lonely, getting cold, can you feel me
Hey you! Standing in the aisles
with itchy feet and fading smiles, can you feel me
Hey you! don't help them bury the light
Don't give in without a fight.
Hey you! out there on your own
Sitting naked by the phone, would you touch me
Hey you! with your ear against the wall
Waiting for someone to call out, would you touch me
Hey you! would you help me to carry the stone
Open your heart, i'm coming home
But it was only fanstasy
The Wall was too high, as you can see
No matter how he tried he could not break free
And the worms ate into his brain
Hey you! out there on the road
Doing what you're told, can you help me
Hey you! out there beyond the wall
Breaking bottles in the hall, can you help me
Hey you! don't tell me there's no hope at all
Together we stand, divided we fall
Now, a question of etiquette - as I pass, do I give you the ass or the crotch?

Skillet - Looking For Angels

Going through this life looking for Angels
People passing by, looking for Angels.

Walk this world alone try to stay on my feet

Sometimes crawl, fall, but I stand up cause I'm afraid to sleep
And open my eyes to a new day, with all new problems and all new pain
All the faces are filled with so much anger
Losing our dignity and hope from fear of danger
After all the wars, after settling the scores, at the break of dawn we will be deaf to the answers

There's so much bigotry, misunderstanding and fear
With eyes squinted and fists clinched we reach out for what is dear
We want it we want
We want a reason to live
We're on a pilgrimage
A crusade for hope
Cause in our hearts and minds and souls we know
We need it we need
We need more than this

Going through this life looking for angels
People passing by looking for angels

Walking down the streets looking for angels
Everyone I meet looking for angels

So many nations with so many hungry people
So many homeless scrounging around for dirty needles
On the rise, teen suicide, when we will realize
we've been desensitized by the lies of the world
We're oppressed and impressed by the greedy
Whose hands squeeze the life out of the needy
When will we learn that wars, threats, and regrets are the cause and effect of living in fear

Who can help protect the innocence of our children
Stolen on the internet with images they can't forget
We want it we want
We want a reason to live
We represent a generation that wants to turn back a nation
To let love be our light and salvation
We need it we need

We need more than this
I became a savior to some kids I'll never meet
Sent a check in the mail to buy them something to eat
What will you do to make a difference, to make a change?

What will you do to help someone along the way?
Just a touch, a smile as you turn the other cheek
Pray for your enemies, humble yourself, love's staring back at me
In the midst of the most painful faces
Angels show up in the strangest of places
[Imagine: lt9.gif]

Trio - Da Da Da

What you will and what you won't
What you do and what you don't
What you can and what you can't
This is what you need to know:
Loved you though it didn't show

Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht

da da da
da da da
da da da
da da da

Da da da Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht
Da da da Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht
Da da da Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht
Da da da Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht

da da da
da da da
da da da
da da da

Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha

Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht.

I know why you ran away, aha
Understand you couldn't stay, aha
Wonder where you are today, aha
After all was said and done
It was right for you to run!

Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht

da da da
da da da
da da da
da da da

Da da da Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht
Da da da Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht
Da da da Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht
Da da da Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht

da da da
da da da

Hard-Fi - Watch me fall appart

You dumb ass fool, you lost it all,
You had your chance but moved too slow,
Now look around this lonely town,
Where every smiling face just brings you down,
Just brings you down.

You let it slip, so get a grip,
There's no one else to blame for this,
Now walk around this lonely town,
Where every smiling face just brings you down,
Just brings you down.

Stick around and watch me fall apart,
Watch me lose the game that I made up,
Stick around whilst I default the loan,
Watch me reap the pain that I have sown.

I wanted all, all I could take,
I wanted everything my way,
Thought I can't lose, thought I was smart,
But then that girl turned round and broke my heart.
And broke my heart.

Stick around and watch me fall apart,
Watch me lose the game that I made up,
Stick around whilst I default the loan,
Watch me reap the pain that I have sown.

Stick around and watch me fall apart,
Watch me fall apart, watch me fall apart
Stick around whilst I default the loan,
Watch me reap the pain that I have sown.
Who cares if we will meetagain?

[Imagine: ao_no_exorcist_by_somini-d47i3rl.png]

It's obvious that we're not friends.

Deepcentral feat Sistem - In urma ta

Raman in urma ta
Lacrimi ce ard si sting,
Raman si eu un suflet
Gol de tine plin.

Frunze in zbor ma lovesc,
Nu mai pot tresari.
Nu mai simt toamna
Care-n mine a venit.

Nimeni nu-mi raspunde in noapte,
Ochii tai se pierd printre ploi
Hoinaresc in talpile goale
Prin trecutul in doi.

Strazile pustii ma-nconjoara,
Ca-ntr-un labirint ne-am pierdut,
Bate ceasul noptii in gara,
Vise, trenuri, se duc.

Dar nu te pot uita,
Nu pot uita nimic si doare.
Cum sa te pot uita,
Nu pot trai in urma ta. x2

Dar nu te pot uita,
Nu pot uita nimic si doare.
Cum sa te pot uita,
Nu pot trai ïn urma ta. x2
[Imagine: ak8THBQ.png]

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