Top 3 anime girls ...
e usor , nu ? {Argumentati }
1) Sunako Nakahara { Yamato nadeshiko Shinci Hage} - Funny , sadistic desteapta
...Imi place personalitatea ei so don't mess with her
2) Hinamori Amu - {Shugo chara} - Cute , Cool and Spicy [ plus ii ador hainele
3) Taiga {Toradora} - Powerfull si Super funny :3
Well acesta este topul meu ..Sunt singurele [aproape] personaje feminine care chiar mi-au placut cu adevarat
Let's see your top

1) Sunako Nakahara { Yamato nadeshiko Shinci Hage} - Funny , sadistic desteapta

2) Hinamori Amu - {Shugo chara} - Cute , Cool and Spicy [ plus ii ador hainele

3) Taiga {Toradora} - Powerfull si Super funny :3
Well acesta este topul meu ..Sunt singurele [aproape] personaje feminine care chiar mi-au placut cu adevarat

.I dont need anyone in my life who does not want to be there.
.Sometimes i cant , sometimes i dont want to , and sometimes i dont even try.
.I am nostalgic , cinical and lonely , so i may hurt you.
.Sometimes i cant , sometimes i dont want to , and sometimes i dont even try.
.I am nostalgic , cinical and lonely , so i may hurt you.