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TYPE ! With your eyes closed

Crazy people, crazy pervert people are rocking the world...

Next: Desteapta-te culca-te la loc

Desteapta=te culca-te la loc.

~Cred ca m-am descurcat...acceptabil o_o'.

Make sure you`ll stay number one until they day I beat you!

Make sure you'll stay number one until the day i beat you

Next: Bine ai venit in Romania...aici s-a inventat prostia

Binr ai vrniy n Tomsnis ... aici s-a invrnysy ptodyis

24 Like omg

Pictures fade, but memories last forever ...

Pictures fade, but memories last forever.

next 39
Love me or leave me. Hey,where is everybody going ???
[Imagine: tumblr_ljy3o2Lf311qzf4bro1_500.gif]

Always keep the faith !

YunJae, YooSu, ChangSica, HunHan.

The pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor
A song will outlive all sermons in the memory
Always Keep The Faith
Deferto Neminem
Hope to the End

Love me or leave me. Hey where is everybody going?

Next: Beating me, beating me, down, down, into the ground...

Beatinf me, bertinf me, fown. down, into the ground...

creepy 21

Every person is a new door to a different world.

Everu persom is a new door to a different worlf.

I'm in over my head
[Imagine: elegance1.png]
Arigatou Luinil hug

I'. im over my head

xD lol...

Next: Vine Nijikon!! ^^

Vine nijikn!!

Next: Can't you take me away from your lies?

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