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TYPE ! With your eyes closed

I love my chuvu 4

Omg,WTH is a chuvu ?21 XD
Next :
This time,let me,Yuri,take care of this !!

this time ,let me,tuji, yake care of this

Am deschis ochii si am uitat de "!!"..> <" a fost greu si cu virgulele alea 21 fiindca nu mai stiam unde trebuie puse si inainte sa inchid ochii am repetat de vreo 4 ori textul 21 [adica l-am tot recitit ca sa stiu unde sunt virgulele] anyway tuji?...O_O"...ha? 21 si yake...xD ar trebui sa existe cuvantul asta..suna bine 21 eh whatever..o da textul ^_^"

Next :]

Aia fericiti primesc biscuiti pe gratis
back in black
I'll bite you, so don't bite me.
I am all the little things you hate

[Imagine: zvx369.png]
I was a sinner, a bad girl, Lord pardon me
I was deaf, dumb and blind, but know I can't see

Aia fericiti primesc biscuiti pe gratis .

Omg,am reusit > . < .Desi am avut impresia atunci cand scriam ca am gresit 'b'-ul ca ma dusesem prea in stanga ~.~ .

The text :
Here`s a llama ,there`s a llama and another little llama.

here`s llama,tjere`s llam,a and anotjet little llama

Text: UVERworld is za best band ever

Why would you care about what I like?
[Imagine: luver.gif]
Why would I care about what you don't like?

Nu poluati!

Arta Pacii incepe cu tine. Munceste cu tine insuti si lasa Arta Pacii sa se manifeste in toate activitatile tale. Fiecare are un spirit care poate fi rafinat, un corp care poate fi educat si o cale corespunzatoare pe care sa o urmeze. Esti aici pentru a-ti cunoaste si manifesta ceea ce este sacru in tine. Adu Pacea in propria-ti viata si dupa aceea aplica Arta la tot ce te inconjoara

UNERworld is za nest band euet ...39 ahmm...well, asta e.

Next: Daca totul merge bine, cu siguranta ai omis ceva.

Welll, cam lung, da merge.10
[Imagine: sigdn.jpg]

The old bastard left his ties and his suit
A brown box, mothballs and bowling shoes

daca totil merge bune, ci sigutanyza ai omis ceba
O.O...e stiu tst delok 21...o sa mai exersez 71

next: Uneori diferenta consta nu in ceea ce spui, ci in cum o spui.

Uneori diferenta consta nu in ceea ce spui/ cu cum o spui .

-____- God,inca nu m`am perfectionat TT____TT .

Next one :
Fuzzy llama,funny llama ,llama,llama ,duck


Fuzzy llama, funny llama, llama, llama, duck
era simplu ca se tot repeta nam gresit nik ce fain

next: Don't warry, be happy!
[Imagine: blendGSgardy7-1.jpg]

FRIENDS are like stars...
They come and go...But the one that stay
Are the ones that go

LOVE is like a ghost...
Many talk abouit it, but
only few can feel it...

You can fall from a mountain,
You can fall from a tree,
But the best way you can fall,
Is a friendship with me...

[Imagine: chibi_435.gif]
Chibi-ul lui emo girl

Don;t qorry, be happr! O.O...yei..cuvinte noi 21

next: Pe sub apa pestii nu put! 4

Pe sub apa pestii nu pyr!
wow pyr ce o fi aia?

next: Mai oameni stiati ca pestii se ineaca?
[Imagine: blendGSgardy7-1.jpg]

FRIENDS are like stars...
They come and go...But the one that stay
Are the ones that go

LOVE is like a ghost...
Many talk abouit it, but
only few can feel it...

You can fall from a mountain,
You can fall from a tree,
But the best way you can fall,
Is a friendship with me...

[Imagine: chibi_435.gif]
Chibi-ul lui emo girl

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