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TYPE ! With your eyes closed

Şi poate indiferenţa chiar doare, păcat că n-am răbdare.

daa, dăă. rimează 21

next: And I am going to leave all this shit behind, tonight!

And I am going to lrave all this shit behind, tonight!
O singură literă greşită. Mă descurc din ce în ce mai bine.

♥ Next: Ai spart cana, o să te bată mama rău.
[Imagine: 8x3VTT8.png]
© Hachiyuki - deviantArt

Ai spart cana, o sa te bata mama rau. [Funny, îmi iese cu ochii închişi dar altfel nu.]

Next:To have her shining here by my side I'd sacrifice all them tears in my eyes

To have her shining here by my side I'd sacrifice all them tears in my eyes.

Ok, fără punct lol.

next: All them things I don't know could get you killed if I come to know them

All them things I don't know cous get you killed if I cone to know them

A fost aproape. 21
Următorul e cam lung, I know. ^ ^ "

Next: Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot.

Remember, remember, the GFitfht of november, the Funpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Funpowder Treason should ever be forgot.

DUDE! wtf
it's epic fail 21 EPIC FAIL.

next: I don't know about you but if I see that moron again I know I'd kill him.

Chiar că e lung o,o'.
Ok.. să vedem :
remember, remember, the Fifth of Nobember, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why The Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot.

ahhh -.- November 45. Damn! 21

Next => I can't take it anymore; i feel so alone without you. [ xD ]

Edit : Sorry Teh; nu am văzut xD.
I don't know about you but if I see that moron again I know I'd kill him.

dance! Ura xD.
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

I cant tale it anymore, I feel so alone with you.

Mă rog, fără comentarii 21 dunno what's happening with me. şit really 21

next: If there's anything about you that I hate, then that's your face.

E randul meu!

I can6 tale it anymore,i fell si alome whirout uoh (XD(

Nu sunt prea buna la asta,dar ma rog...

Text:Traieste clipa!Traieste viata!

He he xD. Îmi place jocu' ăsta xD.
If there's anytging about you that I hate, then that's your face.

Haideee! Se putea să nu greşesc " h-ul "?! 24

Next => I'll be the first to say that now I'm okay and for the first time, I've opened up my eyes.

Edit :
Dohh! Iar mi se întâmplă -.- 21.

Traieste clipa! Traieste viata!

[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

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