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TYPE ! With your eyes closed

Yoday O killed,he was just a boy :]

I just want to sleep!
[Imagine: musical_anime_girl_render_by_originalbos...d0bf7b.jpg]
[Imagine: Korn_Jonathan_Davis_Signature_by_TempaGF...3041e6.jpg]

I judt wany to sleep!

Mda. . . >.>

Next: 'Cause it's not too late


'cajse it's nog goo ;ate

>.> gresit ca deobicei

the sky is over us. (dintr-o melodie :]] ce aiurea)
[Imagine: 72802840.png]
Merci Mimi ^^
[Imagine: 28940614.png]
"Imagine all the people
Living life in peace"
[Imagine: Shiny_La_by_SmilingMuffin.gif]
so cool like
[Imagine: tumblr_lgw3mu5Ho51qatkou.gif]

the sjy is iver us.

Tipic mie. >.<

I'm here without you, baby .


i'm here wiyd uoi you, baby 24
Nu prea ma pricep -_-

Next: Sunt doar niste cuvinte ce-mi aduc aminte
[Imagine: Hm757.png]

Sunt doar niste cubinte ce-mu aduc aminte
LOL! Aproape perfect >.< !!

Next: Beast is the B2ST
[Imagine: musical_anime_girl_render_by_originalbos...d0bf7b.jpg]
[Imagine: Korn_Jonathan_Davis_Signature_by_TempaGF...3041e6.jpg]

beast is the b2ts
LOL!! Putin, putin mai aveam20

Next: As vrea sa zbor
[Imagine: Hm757.png]

As vrea sa zbor
LOL! I can't believe!! LOL Eu?!! Am scris bine fără să mă uiiit?MINUNE....

Shut up and sleep with me! [lipsă de inspirţiuneee.__. ]
[Imagine: musical_anime_girl_render_by_originalbos...d0bf7b.jpg]
[Imagine: Korn_Jonathan_Davis_Signature_by_TempaGF...3041e6.jpg]

shut up and sleep wirh me aproape24 aaah daca nimeream "t"-ul 14
textuletz: Cand viata iti da lamai,faci limonada.Cand iti da o durere de cap,faci un drum pana la farmacie24(doar prima4)
I'm the Prince that obeys the King.We'll make you feel the dispair of Ice...
[Imagine: Untitled-1.jpg]
[Imagine: 5cd0665.png][Imagine: 45c0770.png][Imagine: 2b5b589.png]
( . .)
( )( )

cand vuata iti da lamai faci linonada cand ai o durere de cap daci un drum pana la farmaxie gresit 4 litere14..La naiba in puii mei21

Next: Am pus pe stick 78 de melodii
[Imagine: 5fcff5ef.gif]

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