08-02-2010, 08:06 PM
Deci nu stiu ce pot spune...Am hotarat sa ma inregistrez pe acest site deoarece iubesc animeurile. Daca aveti nelamuriri, intrebati-ma I'm here

I'm at war with the world and they
Try to pull me in the dark
I struggle to find my faith
As I'm slippin' from your arms
It's getting harder to stay awake
And my strength is fading fast
You breathe into me at last
Try to pull me in the dark
I struggle to find my faith
As I'm slippin' from your arms
It's getting harder to stay awake
And my strength is fading fast
You breathe into me at last
![[Imagine: 2il21on.jpg]](http://i56.tinypic.com/2il21on.jpg)
![[Imagine: 2e22m11.jpg]](http://i53.tinypic.com/2e22m11.jpg)
![[Imagine: 505lxj.jpg]](http://i51.tinypic.com/505lxj.jpg)