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Pe cant eram internat in spital si eram extraordinar de plictisit am scris ceva mai in gluma mai in serios.

[i]]Every morning i wake up and stare in the mirrior
All i see in my reflection is a common sinner.
I see everything I've done and I'm to blame,
Crippled by feelings of guilt and shame.

When i look into my eyes
And see every stupid lie
Every f**king word I said,
On every damned life i fed.

Now I'm devoured by redemption
And just want to give the world affection.
Embrace myself for everything I am,
Apologize to my inner self to destroy the blame.

The night has come again and I go to sleep,
In my dreams... my inner demons i will meet.
Tomorrow I'll wake up and look into the mirror
Just to see that worthless jadded sinner.[/font]

Frumoasa poezie, apreciez si ca e in engleza. Unele parti chiar suna bine, insa incearca sa scrii "I" in loc de "i", fiindca altfel nu e incorect.
"On every damned life i fed" Fed? Nu inteleg la ce te referi. "In fiecare viata blestemat-o ce am hranit-o"?
Apropo, poti sa scrii si fara italic. Mi se pare ca asa se intelege mai usor, dar tu alegi.
Succes in continuare!
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

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