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Naruto Comics & Pics

Cateva poze:
[Imagine: 1156169007.jpg]
[Imagine: 1120237774_Raiseyourfin.jpg]
[Imagine: Brothers_Love.jpg]
[Imagine: HarryPotterAttacks.jpg]
[Imagine: FreeExamination.jpg]
[Imagine: LetGoPicture.jpg]
[Imagine: NarutoGooglefight.jpg]
[Imagine: Happy_Birthday.jpg]

Sorry For Ediy >__< Am lasat link`ul la doua poze ca erau prea maru si strica formatul paginii


the first is so funny
[Imagine: Untitled-1.png]

Core Core...this is teh c00lest!
[Imagine: bigbrother.jpg]
[Imagine: FES_Icon_by_ShardRenzi.jpg]

Another me,another pic:
[Imagine: comanda1semnatura.png]
My sin is Pride.
I'm on my highway to Hell!
Yuki is my kamy-sama. So...Shut the f*** up!
Criticii nu-i pot ranii pe creatori decta cu permisiunea acestora.

You tried to hold me under, I held my breath
Alone and now you wonder, what I possess
Nothing you can say , nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine
While you're burning inside my light

am si eu cateva
mortala 21
Nu merita sa plangi pentru nimeni, iar cei care merita nu te vor face sa plangi.

[Imagine: chibi_1462.gif]
, chibi-ul lui mada_sasuke

[Imagine: bg46rm.jpg]

Don't worry be happy
Nu dispera cand soarta te apasa si nici nu plange de-al tau destin caci dupa un chin viata-i mai frumoasa cum dupa ploaie ceru-i mai senin…

A faithful friend is hard to find.. remember man and keep in mind

[Imagine: NarutoOVA1_374.jpg]
[Imagine: 22a3df8a05899ebc020988d3743a56d4.jpg]
[Imagine: naruto-3.jpg]
[Imagine: Itachiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.jpg]
[Imagine: awesomelee.jpg]
[Imagine: BubbleGum.jpg]
[center]Riesige Himmel verstecken Tausende und Tausende von Sternen ~
Hide My Tausende und Abertausende von Gedanken ~
Life ausblenden Tausende und Abertausende von Hindernissen~
Verstecken Sie Ihre Augen Tausende und Tausende von Farben ~
[Imagine: sintaxsig.png]
When your image disappears from the front of your eyes, you create it as you like.

[Imagine: chibi_2140.gif]
Chibi-ul lui SintaX_Dev

Ha ha, toate sunt super funny 21.
Sa pun si eu cateva:

[Imagine: hinamanga_vol_01.jpg]

[Imagine: Naruto_Fan_Comic_33_by_one_of_the_Clayr.jpg]

[Imagine: Naruto_Fan_Comic_06_by_one_of_the_Clayr.jpg]

[Imagine: sannindrunkbyneyshasheyla3yj.jpg]

[Imagine: 28223o2.jpg]
My manga list

[Imagine: chibi_1290.gif]
, chibi-ul lui anonim_alex

Feed, cum il cheama p`asta? Asta de sus 5

[Imagine: mkdlaw.jpg]

Cred ca sunt amuzante Smile

[Imagine: Naruto-naruto-shippuuden-6816802-90.jpg]
[Imagine: 1.jpg]
[Imagine: naruto_funny.jpg]
[Imagine: naruto-2.jpg]

Am mai gasit 4

[Imagine: th2dbv4ex.gif]
[Imagine: NarutoFunny.jpg]
[Imagine: ElGrito.jpg]
[Imagine: Funny.png]
[Imagine: funny2.jpg]
[Imagine: TenTenPunch.jpg]
[Imagine: eek.gif]
[Imagine: Shikamaru_with_dog_NEW_by_MajinJakk.gif]
[Imagine: 112.gif]

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