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Llama drama

Da...Eu si nimeni altul ^_^
[Imagine: tumblr_mra5mj78VK1seq1xdo1_500.gif]
Please tell me why!
Am I a savior, meant to save us all?
The people cry!
They want an end
A curtain call!

[Imagine: sdfbnm.png]

Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it's time for them to be hurt.
~ Haruki Murakami~

Exact 21 imi schimb numele ca pe sosete 21
[Imagine: tumblr_mra5mj78VK1seq1xdo1_500.gif]
Please tell me why!
Am I a savior, meant to save us all?
The people cry!
They want an end
A curtain call!

Sy, nenorocitule, TE DISTRUG.
[Imagine: 302xdzc.jpg]
Voi, nepasatori de moarte, dispretuitori de viata,
Ce-ati probat cu-avantul vostru lumii pusa in mirare,
Ca din vultur vultur naste, din stejar stejar rasare!

LOL...asta devine interesant 17
[Imagine: tumblr_mra5mj78VK1seq1xdo1_500.gif]
Please tell me why!
Am I a savior, meant to save us all?
The people cry!
They want an end
A curtain call!

I AM DYING, am terminat insurgent si sunt intoarsa pe dos si vreau sa incep volumul urmator dar pe de alta parte ar trebui sa fac chestii productive dar oh my god, this is too much, sfarsitul ala m-a intors pe toate partile si mi-a dat un nearly heart attack si vreau sa imi vars frustrarile undeva si nimeni nu mai e asa obsedat ca mine de seria asta momentan T_T
[Imagine: 1CGzWYg.png?1]
Thank you, Geesushi! ^-^
"these are the days that must happen to you"

Lu, ce serie?*stares*
[Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so1_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so6_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so9_250.gif]

Ce e Llama drama?
[Imagine: ak8THBQ.png]

Llama drama is the land of destruction,
the terror in the night,
the place where you might
[Imagine: 302xdzc.jpg]
Voi, nepasatori de moarte, dispretuitori de viata,
Ce-ati probat cu-avantul vostru lumii pusa in mirare,
Ca din vultur vultur naste, din stejar stejar rasare!

^^^Sushi-chaan, I think it's called the Divergent series? Stii ca ti-am zis de actorul alaaa, e din filmul dupa prima carte. Si trilogia este catchy as hell, it's all i'm doing lately @_@ Dar are si talentul de a ma intoarce pe dos in ultimul hal si sunt cu sufletul la gura non-stop pana reusesc sa o termin @_@
^Stormy, now that's the perfect description XD
[Imagine: 1CGzWYg.png?1]
Thank you, Geesushi! ^-^
"these are the days that must happen to you"

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