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Llama drama

[Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so1_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so6_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so9_250.gif]

^Si eu si eu! NU MAI VREAU PLOAIE.
On the other hand, tocmai am vazut un film horror chiar bun. Si ma asteapta un SK de toata frumusetea ._.
[Imagine: 1CGzWYg.png?1]
Thank you, Geesushi! ^-^
"these are the days that must happen to you"

[Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so1_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so6_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so9_250.gif]

The Conjuring. It's quite nice. Wai, care-i faza cu doliul? o.o

I am overly excited by my dream-university. Way too excited. Atat de excited ca nici nu ma pot apuca de tema la germana. Dar macar am primit in sfarsit informatiiiiiii <3 *jumps around happy*
[Imagine: 1CGzWYg.png?1]
Thank you, Geesushi! ^-^
"these are the days that must happen to you"

[Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so1_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so6_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so9_250.gif]

Stiuuuu ;_; Adica, it was obvious he was gonna die, dar tot m-am bosumflat ._. Cat despre film, chiar mi-a placut, mereu sunt fascinata de filme mai mult sau mai putin inspirate din realitate.
Hehe, New York University Abu Dhabi xD It's my dream place to be in a year. Da' sa vedeeeeem, numarul restrans de candidati care intra anual este singurul lucru descurajator.
[Imagine: 1CGzWYg.png?1]
Thank you, Geesushi! ^-^
"these are the days that must happen to you"

[Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so1_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so6_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so9_250.gif]

Mersi mersi! ^^ Da-de-i cu noroc. Ma apuc de CV si eseuri cat de curand, sa mai mi se potoleasca putin entuziasmul acum 4
And if I could just stop procrastinatiiing. Da de ceva vreme incoace zboara timpu pe langa mine si eu nu fac nimic *sigh*
[Imagine: 1CGzWYg.png?1]
Thank you, Geesushi! ^-^
"these are the days that must happen to you"

Keep in mind that a good CV should never be longer than 2 pages 3. Trust me, I know these things, I've doing them for ever.
[Imagine: sigforme.png]

probabil n-ai primit niciodata
telegramele mele sau poate
nu credeai ca e vital cand
lumea mea se descompunea
in ceasuri si goluri
de mine

au imbatranit in cadente
si sentimentele mele
sub greutatea
atator vieti netraite...


Lalalaaaa! <3 <3 <3
[Imagine: sdfbnm.png]

Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it's time for them to be hurt.
~ Haruki Murakami~

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