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Llama drama


Lol? O.O
[Imagine: Jun0xCa.png]

@Daria: Lexu a postat in topicul anterior un mesaj. El s-a postat de doua ori. Din cauza asta, primul post de pe o pagina noua nu putea fi vazut decat daca postai tu. Deci iti arata last post x, dar daca dadeai te ducea pe prima pagina, la primul post. Nu e complicat, insa niciodata nu m-am priceput la explicatii 21 cat de usoare ar fi fost ele.
De aceea aly a incercat sa vada daca se intampla la toate topicurile, dar se pare ca nu.
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

@ Min, nu e neaparat sa-mi spui "Lexu" poti sa-mi spui Ale sau Alexandra21)
[Imagine: tumblr_mfcg2sBNaZ1rnbh24o3_r1_500_large.gif]
Boys love.

Eh... nu stiam care e numele tau :p
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

[Imagine: Jun0xCa.png]

Perfect, mom a comandat pizza si a luat fix ce pizza urasc... deci si azi mananc doar paine goala ca si ieri 22.
[Imagine: Jun0xCa.png]

Pune-o sa comande alta pizza. Oricum, si painea goala e buna.
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

Meh, raman la paine nu vreau sa fac iar scandal si sa zica ca iar am mofturi si ca nu-s in stare sa mananc ce mi se da. Serios, ea cred ca as manca pizza cu pui, porumb, ceapa si alte chestii ce mai are pizza comandata de ea cand eu fug la baie sa vars dupa ce mananc ciorba, si nu, nu exagerez.
[Imagine: Jun0xCa.png]

Ah... nu am observat. Nu mai postati aici ci incepeti aici:
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

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