(11-08-2012, 02:20 PM)Fata cu par de foc A scris: Nu vreau sa fiu scorpie sau altceva, dar esti sigura ca a fost sincer cu tine? 
We've known each other for 4 years, I've kinda friendzoned him because it took him a very long time to tell me anything, but I'm damned sure he wasn't lying. I never even kissed the guy and he's always been there and things were going along awesomely. For some reason he's avoiding me now, out of the blue. I've confesed about having crushed on him on and off 9 months ago.
Si Min, nici eu nu injuram cand eram de varsta ta, imi era rusine. But I've reached the age of reason now, and realised nobody gives a flying f*** if you do. Si mi-am cenzurat singura cuvantul
/hugs Edmee
Meh, no more love for me, I don't remember ever having a normal relationship. And yes girls, men are not the only ones who have the ability of screwing someone without feelings. Women have needs too. And don't pretend to be above that, ye who don't know anything about those needs. I accept comments from the girls who know
True story.
No more love, I say! Work work work makes Lia a happy girl. Maine lucrez 15 ore, nici nu stiu de ce am venit acasa