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(21-08-2012, 09:26 PM)Lexxu A scris: Il urasc pe Basescu >.<'' uite d'aia am participat la proteste! si pentru ca puteam arunca cu ce ne venea la mana9.

Oh Marian, esti aici? Am crezut ca dormitezi 68

Nu dorm in timpul zilei. Ma rog, uneori cand e scoala si am avut ore mai grele in ziua respectiva.
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

Eh, si eu mai patesc sa adorm si la pc...cand sunt nedormita de ceva zile sau obosita peste masura.
[Imagine: tumblr_mfcg2sBNaZ1rnbh24o3_r1_500_large.gif]
Boys love.

Lexxu, si altii.
Multumesc! ^_^
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

Iar imi spune Lexxu 45. Mariane, iei bataie!21) -am votat-
[Imagine: tumblr_mfcg2sBNaZ1rnbh24o3_r1_500_large.gif]
Boys love.

Cat imi place si mie a doua. Cum sunt copacii si norii aia acolo. Perfect.
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

Si mie la fel 105. ma duce cu ceva. 21

EDIT: Doamne, ce ador piesa asta<3!!!

105, eh vremuri.
[Imagine: tumblr_mfcg2sBNaZ1rnbh24o3_r1_500_large.gif]
Boys love.

Lexxu, "Cancer la penis "?! Ce naiba...? 22 De ce tocmai acolo?
p.s: habar nu am despre ce e ficul, dar cred ca titlul spune ceva.
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

(22-08-2012, 07:20 PM)Arae A scris: Lexxu, "Cancer la penis "?! Ce naiba...? 22 De ce tocmai acolo?
p.s: habar nu am despre ce e ficul, dar cred ca titlul spune ceva.

24)))))))))) Ala e fic yaoi pentru amuzament. Se pare ca multi dintre voi credeati ca era pe bune, dar nu-i asa. E facut intr-un moment de nebunie. Pana si eu radeam cu lacrimi cand il scriam >.<

Maaaarianeee, mi-a fost dor de tineeeeehug
[Imagine: tumblr_mfcg2sBNaZ1rnbh24o3_r1_500_large.gif]
Boys love.

Nu l-am citit. 21 Am citit doar titlul. Ma gandeam la altele 24
Da... nu ne-am vazut de ceva vreme, de ieri. hug
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

(22-08-2012, 09:48 PM)Arae A scris: Nu l-am citit. 21 Am citit doar titlul. Ma gandeam la altele 24
Da... nu ne-am vazut de ceva vreme, de ieri. hug

Si ma rog frumos la ce te gandeai? 39 24))))))))).

Da, de ieri...e muuuult sa stii. 108
[Imagine: tumblr_mfcg2sBNaZ1rnbh24o3_r1_500_large.gif]
Boys love.

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