Time started: 18:27
Sex: Female
Birthday: 24.09
Siblings: Yup, two brothers.
Eye color: Green, at times or brown.
Shoe size: 39, I guess.
Height: 1.71?
What are you wearing: Pants, a hoodie and...a shirt.
Where do you live: Bucharest.
Righty or lefty: Righty
Can you make a dollar in change right now: ...no
Who are your closest friends: Dyu [yaoi maniac]
Best place for a date?: The beach?
Where is your fav place to shop: I don't have one.
Favorite kind of plant: Japanese roses.
Fave Color: Purple
Fave Number: 6
Fave Boys Name: Sebastian
Fave Girls Name: Diana
Fave Sport:-
Fave Month: April
Movies: Iron Man 1&2 , Thor, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Bloody Reunion.
Finger: I don't really have one.
Breakfast food: I don't usually eat breakfast, but when I do, salad?
Favorite cartoon character: -
Favorite anime character: Uh, Kirito [Sword Art Online]
Have you...
Given anyone a bath: Yeah
Smoked: Yup, once or twice.
Made yourself throw-up: Yup
Gone skinny dipping: No
Eaten a dog: Ew,no
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Yup~
Loved someone so much it made you cry:....yeah
Broken a bone: Nope
Played truth or dare: Yeah
Been in a physical fight: Yeah
Been in a police car: No
Been on a plane: No
Come close to dying: When I was little.
Been in a sauna: No
Been in a hot tub: No
Cried when someone died: Not really.
Cried in school: Yeah.
Fell off your chair: Too many times to even count.
Wait for someone's phone call all night: Yeah.
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: Yup~
Saved e-mails: Not really
Fallen for one of your best friends: ...yup
Made out with JUST a friend: ....
Used someone: No
What isa€¦
Whats your good luck charm: I don't have one
Best song you ever heard: Hm... The Gazette-Toguro
Whata€™s your bedroom like: A small room, light red walls and a small bed.
Last thing you said: "Da"
What is beside you: The wall
Last thing you ate: Pancake
What kind of shampoo do you use: I don't know, lol
Best thing that has happened to you this year: Meeting my lover.
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Many things.
Have you hada€¦
Chicken pox: No
Sore Throat:Yeah
Stitches: No
Broken nose: Twice
Do You.
Believe in love at first sight: Maybe
Like school: Depends
What schools have you gone to:-
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: No thanks
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: My best friend and my girlfriend
Who was the last person that called you: Mom
Who was the last person you slow danced with: My uncle?
What makes you laugh the most: Funny videos, people falling off their chairs
What makes you smile: A good song
Last Person..
You yelled at: I don't usually yell, only when I'm mad, but does my parrot count too?
Who broke your heart:...
Told you that they love you: My best friend
Is your loudest friend: Dyu [yaoi maniac]
Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out: It's funny
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses
Do you like yourself: Not really, but nobody's perfect
Do you get along with your family: Nope
Stolen anything over $50: Nope
Obsessive Compulsive: Nope
Anorexic: Nope
Suicidal: Yeah
Final questions
What are you listening to right now: Nothing
What did you do yesterday: I was out with my best friend and my girlfriend
Have you hated someone in your family: Yup
Got any awards: No
What car do you wish to have: I didn't think of this
Where do you want to get married: Japan
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: Saying my body or my face is too much. Maybe the way I am?
Good driver: No
Good Singer: No
Have a lava lamp:No
How many remote controls are in your house: 5?
Are you double jointed: No
What do you dream about: My grandma, but she was dead in my dream
Last time you showered: About 30 mins ago
Last time you took a bath: ^
Scary or happy movies: Scary
Chocolate or white chocolate: Chocolate
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Root Beer
Mud or Jell-O wrestling:-
Vanilla or chocolate:Chocolate
Summer or winter:Summer
Silver or Gold: Silver
Diamond or pearl: Pearl
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset
Sex: Female
Birthday: 24.09
Siblings: Yup, two brothers.
Eye color: Green, at times or brown.
Shoe size: 39, I guess.
Height: 1.71?
What are you wearing: Pants, a hoodie and...a shirt.
Where do you live: Bucharest.
Righty or lefty: Righty
Can you make a dollar in change right now: ...no
Who are your closest friends: Dyu [yaoi maniac]
Best place for a date?: The beach?
Where is your fav place to shop: I don't have one.
Favorite kind of plant: Japanese roses.
Fave Color: Purple
Fave Number: 6
Fave Boys Name: Sebastian
Fave Girls Name: Diana
Fave Sport:-
Fave Month: April
Movies: Iron Man 1&2 , Thor, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Bloody Reunion.
Finger: I don't really have one.
Breakfast food: I don't usually eat breakfast, but when I do, salad?
Favorite cartoon character: -
Favorite anime character: Uh, Kirito [Sword Art Online]
Have you...
Given anyone a bath: Yeah
Smoked: Yup, once or twice.
Made yourself throw-up: Yup
Gone skinny dipping: No
Eaten a dog: Ew,no
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Yup~
Loved someone so much it made you cry:....yeah
Broken a bone: Nope
Played truth or dare: Yeah
Been in a physical fight: Yeah
Been in a police car: No
Been on a plane: No
Come close to dying: When I was little.
Been in a sauna: No
Been in a hot tub: No
Cried when someone died: Not really.
Cried in school: Yeah.
Fell off your chair: Too many times to even count.
Wait for someone's phone call all night: Yeah.
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: Yup~
Saved e-mails: Not really
Fallen for one of your best friends: ...yup
Made out with JUST a friend: ....
Used someone: No
What isa€¦
Whats your good luck charm: I don't have one
Best song you ever heard: Hm... The Gazette-Toguro
Whata€™s your bedroom like: A small room, light red walls and a small bed.
Last thing you said: "Da"
What is beside you: The wall
Last thing you ate: Pancake
What kind of shampoo do you use: I don't know, lol
Best thing that has happened to you this year: Meeting my lover.
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Many things.
Have you hada€¦
Chicken pox: No
Sore Throat:Yeah
Stitches: No
Broken nose: Twice
Do You.
Believe in love at first sight: Maybe
Like school: Depends
What schools have you gone to:-
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: No thanks
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: My best friend and my girlfriend
Who was the last person that called you: Mom
Who was the last person you slow danced with: My uncle?
What makes you laugh the most: Funny videos, people falling off their chairs
What makes you smile: A good song
Last Person..
You yelled at: I don't usually yell, only when I'm mad, but does my parrot count too?
Who broke your heart:...
Told you that they love you: My best friend
Is your loudest friend: Dyu [yaoi maniac]
Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out: It's funny
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses
Do you like yourself: Not really, but nobody's perfect
Do you get along with your family: Nope
Stolen anything over $50: Nope
Obsessive Compulsive: Nope
Anorexic: Nope
Suicidal: Yeah
Final questions
What are you listening to right now: Nothing
What did you do yesterday: I was out with my best friend and my girlfriend
Have you hated someone in your family: Yup
Got any awards: No
What car do you wish to have: I didn't think of this
Where do you want to get married: Japan
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: Saying my body or my face is too much. Maybe the way I am?
Good driver: No
Good Singer: No
Have a lava lamp:No
How many remote controls are in your house: 5?
Are you double jointed: No
What do you dream about: My grandma, but she was dead in my dream
Last time you showered: About 30 mins ago
Last time you took a bath: ^
Scary or happy movies: Scary
Chocolate or white chocolate: Chocolate
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Root Beer
Mud or Jell-O wrestling:-
Vanilla or chocolate:Chocolate
Summer or winter:Summer
Silver or Gold: Silver
Diamond or pearl: Pearl
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset

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