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Funny Name ~ English Version

Nu am mai vazut un joc de genul pe aici si m-am gandit sa il pun eu XD. Ideea e sa completati dupa cum zice :

1. Your real name:

2. Your gangsta name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle)

3. Your detective name: (fav color and fav animal)

4. Your Star Wars name: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)

5. Your superhero name: (Your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink)

6. Your iraqi name: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, first two letters of your middle name, last two letters of your first name then last three letters of your last name)

7. Your witness protection name: (both parents middle name)

8. Your Goth name: (black, and the name of one of your pets)

9. Ninja name: (First two letters of your first name added with Ruto)

10. Your Pirate name: (Your middle name after the word Captain)

Il fac defapt refac si ue mai incolo. Sper sa va placa XD :bye:

Pare amuzant sa incercam...

1. Your real name: Elena

2. Your gangsta name: Eleizzle[mai bine suna Elizzle]

3. Your detective name: Black Cat21

4. Your Star Wars name: Theel21

5. Your superhero name: Yellow Pepsy21

6. Your iraqi name: LMATHENARIA[geez21]

7. Your witness protection name: Ion Daniela[39 nu am prea inteles]

8. Your Goth name: Black Angy(

9. Ninja name: Elruto

10. Your Pirate name: Captain Theodora21

[Imagine: animeloves.jpg]
Odododododo ;x
Lumea asta te distruge,Te induce în eroare, Fură tot şi apoi fuge,Te răneşte şi te doare! x333
Gânduri Nespuse, Neştiute şi Inexplicabile

1. Your real name:Gabriel(unu din ele)

2. Your gangsta name:Gabizzle

3. Your detective name:Green sacal

4. Your Star Wars name:Gabca(WTH)

5. Your superhero name:orange beer

6. Your iraqi name:Cagabduinel

7. Your witness protection name:nau

8. Your Goth name: nam animale

9. Ninja name:Caruto

10. Your Pirate name4umitrucapitan
Elda Taluta
Sarks Sark
Ark Alks

1. Your real name: Adriana

2. Your gangsta name: Adrizzle

3. Your detective name: Purple Dog21

4. Your Star Wars name: Soaad

5. Your superhero name: Red cola

6. Your iraqi name: Sonicadreana (aici mi-a trebuit foaia21

7. Your witness protection name:.....

8. Your Goth name: Black Coco 21

9. Ninja name: Adruto

10. Your Pirate name: Capitan Adriana

Funny Game21
[Imagine: taemin-grr_180679547.gif]
I just wanna know if you feel the same
When you call my name someday
I will be there right in front of you

1. Your real name: Adina

2. Your gangsta name: Adizzle

3. Your detective name: Purple Parrot

4. Your Star Wars name: Inaba - geez :]] -

5. Your superhero name: Orange Water

6. Your iraqi name: BAINAADBAINA

7. Your witness protection name: secret.

8. Your Goth name: black Paco

9. Ninja name: Adruto

10. Your Pirate name: Captain Adina.

weird. :]]

1. Your real name: Adina

2. Your gangsta name: Addizzle

3. Your detective name: Black Cat

4. Your Star Wars name: Addra

5. Your superhero name: Green 7up

6. Your iraqi name: MHADLAADU - hai pe bune ._.

7. Your witness protection name: Alina Florin

8. Your Goth name: Black Greeny

9. Ninja name: Adruto

10. Your Pirate name: Captain Adina

1. Your real name: Cata.

2. Your gangsta name: Catizzle (nice)

3. Your detective name: Orange Cat

4. Your Star Wars name: Radca 21

5. Your superhero name: Blue Cola

6. Your iraqi name: Azaunascu (lol)

7. Your witness protection name: Ana Leo

8. Your Goth name: Black Ronnie

9. Ninja name: Caruto (21)

10. Your Pirate name: Captain Laura

1. Your real name: Alina

2. Your gangsta name: Aliizzle

3. Your detective name: Black Dog

4. Your Star Wars name: Cojal [ 24 ]

5. Your superhero name: Pink Pepsi

6. Your iraqi name: Mihalicoj [ serios?24 ]

7. Your witness protection name: Emilia Victor

8. Your Goth name: Black Jimmy

9. Ninja name: Alruto

10. Your Pirate name: Capitan Mihaela ...24)
[Imagine: YWk6O.jpg]

1. Your real name: ****** Corina ******

2. Your gangsta name: Corizzle O_O

3. Your detective name: black lion? 24

4. Your Star Wars name: biaza 21

5. Your superhero name: Red Wine ( ce tare s-a potrivit, ca alb nu beau 24 )

6. Your iraqi name: Aacoirina

7. Your witness protection name: marianaviorel

8. Your Goth name: Black Speedy

9. Ninja name: coruto 24

10. Your Pirate name: Corina Captain

1. Your real name: Cristina

2. Your gangsta name: Criizzle * im Grizzle!* run*

3. Your detective name: Turquoise Dog * vreau să o văd și pe asta*

4. Your Star Wars name: Popcr *??*

5. Your superhero name: Green Neste

6. Your iraqi name: Rpcrinascu

7. Your witness protection name: cameliamaricel

8. Your Goth name: Black Ursu

9. Ninja name: Crruto

10. Your Pirate name: Crisa Captaină
[Imagine: o88djien5737pr5gx1f.png]
De la Ang a mea! Mersi. < 3

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