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Evita cuvantul DA sau NU :P:P:P

As vrea sa mor atunci cand imi va venii timpul .. xD

Ai mancat vreodata rechin?

Ai avut vrodata in casa, un sobolan?:scary::yada::sry:

Am de asemenea si o pisica foarte vanatoare care prinde sobolani 4

Ai simtit vreodata nevoia sa urlii pe strada?

HM...poate,habarnam, am uitat...Is momente in care poate mia venit sa fac asta dar am stat cuminte...

next: Vrei la wc?
[Imagine: blendGSgardy7-1.jpg]

FRIENDS are like stars...
They come and go...But the one that stay
Are the ones that go

LOVE is like a ghost...
Many talk abouit it, but
only few can feel it...

You can fall from a mountain,
You can fall from a tree,
But the best way you can fall,
Is a friendship with me...

[Imagine: chibi_435.gif]
Chibi-ul lui emo girl

Cand am sa vreau, am sa ma duc 21

Next: Va place inghetata?

Mie imi place la nebunie uite chiar akuma mananc cu vanilie si cacao hm...ce buna ii!!!

next:Ce suc nu iti place?
[Imagine: blendGSgardy7-1.jpg]

FRIENDS are like stars...
They come and go...But the one that stay
Are the ones that go

LOVE is like a ghost...
Many talk abouit it, but
only few can feel it...

You can fall from a mountain,
You can fall from a tree,
But the best way you can fall,
Is a friendship with me...

[Imagine: chibi_435.gif]
Chibi-ul lui emo girl

Cred ca sucul de banane 21

Next: Iti place Pepsi?

O....ce intrebare normal ca imi place, cred ca e sucul meu preferat dupa unu care imi place si mai mult, ma rog, in fine...

next: Vi la strand cu mine?
[Imagine: blendGSgardy7-1.jpg]

FRIENDS are like stars...
They come and go...But the one that stay
Are the ones that go

LOVE is like a ghost...
Many talk abouit it, but
only few can feel it...

You can fall from a mountain,
You can fall from a tree,
But the best way you can fall,
Is a friendship with me...

[Imagine: chibi_435.gif]
Chibi-ul lui emo girl

Vin daca imi cumperi costum de baie....

Q: Stii sa inoti?

asa si asa...

Next: Iti plac unghiile mari si lungi?

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