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Dave Grohl stated that Cobain believed that music comes first and lyrics, second. Cobain focused, foremost, on the melodies of his songs.[54] Cobain complained when fans and rock journalists attempted to decipher his singing and extract meaning from his lyrics, writing "Why in the hell do journalists insist on coming up with a second-rate Freudian evaluation of my lyrics, when 90 percent of the time they've transcribed them incorrectly?"[55]

Referat la muzica despre idoli.
[Imagine: vriska_serket_signature_by_sardonicincubus-d5kkvn3.png]
You don't have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero.

Fez: I am so excited about Star Whores.
Steven Hyde: Fezzy, man... Star Wars.
Fez: Screw that.

I know someone who'd agree with Fez. xD
[Imagine: sdfbnm.png]

Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it's time for them to be hurt.
~ Haruki Murakami~

Charlie: Dad, can I have 30 dollars?
Father: 20 dollars? What do you need 10 dollars for?

- ah, da, ca mi-am pus status cu chestia asta...#MyRelationshipWithMyDadInANutshell
[Imagine: tumblr_mc1u38yB7f1rtr21qo1_500.gif]

<strong>{$thread['threadprefix']}{$thread['subject']}</strong> {$thread['description']}

meh, coding...
[Imagine: tumblr_m0b1jsILTh1qg582mo1_r1_500.gif]

systembnk Acum 8 (de) ore
Sherlock,aici te ascundeai ??

- lol
[Imagine: Jun0xCa.png]


tocmai de aseara
[Imagine: tumblr_m0b1jsILTh1qg582mo1_r1_500.gif]

1.Dac? a? fi un anime a? fi Yu Yu Hakusho iar ca personaj a? fi Kurama.
2.Dac? a? fi o floare a? fi un trandafir
3.Dac? a? fi o ma?in? a? fi un Bentley Continental GT
4.Dac? a? fi un animal a? fi o vulpe
5.Dac? a? fi un personaj din Naruto a? fi Naruto
6.Dac? a? fi o ?ar? de pe glob a? fi Japonia sau Coreea de Sud
7.Dac? a? fi un personaj din Bleach a? fi Hiyori
8.Dac? a? fi o\un cant?rea??\cant?re? a? fi Kyo (Dir en Grey)
9.Dac? a? fi un joc pe PC a? fi Harry Potter The Prisoner of Azkaban (lol xD )
10.Dac? a? fi un element al naturii a? fi foc
[Imagine: 2zsuvx5.gif]

"Sa va traiasca fata!"
"Si baietii..."
"Toti de la un cap la altul."
*ras incontrolabil*
[Imagine: tumblr_lv3rziB5Jg1qcnuye.gif]

Iar daca primul e si mai bun, atunci baga-te la acela.
Shiro: Fara echipa si etc.

-pe Messenger, cu Anca. Eu ii zic ceva, ea intelege altceva, asa ca am dat copy/paste la ce am zis ca sa o lamuresc-
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

Stage One

To begin your plan, you must first seduce a Superman. This will cause the world to bite their nails, amazed by your arrival. Who is this Evil Genius? Where did they come from? And why do they look so good as an Evil twin?

Stage Two

Next, you must poison New York. This will all be done from a Hell, a mysterious place of unrivaled dark glory. Upon seeing this, the world will die in a way you just don't want to think about, as countless hordes of mean english teachers hasten to do your every bidding.

Stage Three

Finally, you must prepare your secret death ray, bringing about the End of All Things. Your name shall become synonymous with blood, and no man will ever again dare interrupt your sentences. Everyone will bow before your Overwhelming Evil, and the world will have no choice but to fall madly in love with you.

My natural-born sarcasm,
when it's unimpeded, can be a bit overbearing
at times and I'm the first to admit that.

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